Deaneries: The listing of the five geographic deaneries, and the five deans who assist His Eminence, Archbishop JOSEPH in the pastoral administration of the Diocese.
Parishes: Complete listings of Diocesan parishes and their pastors. Find a church near you!
Conference Planning: Information about the Diocesan Conference Planning and Coordination Committee (CPCC).
Organizations: The four official laity-based service and outreach organizations of the Diocese. Each has connections to the Archdiocesan bodies.
Seminarians: The list of Seminarians from the parishes within the Diocese.
Diocesan Assemblies: Minutes of business meetings at the gathering of the whole Diocese at Conferences and Fall Gatherings (Delegates Meetings).
Departed Clergy: The list of departed clergy who served parishes within the Diocese and Clergy Widows who reside in the Diocese.
Orthodox Soldiers: The list of soldiers from the parishes within the Diocese who are stationed outside of North America.