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Saturday, February 22, 2025, 9:25PM  
On October 23 in the Holy Orthodox Church we commemorate the holy Hieromartyr and Apostle James, the Brother of God and First Bishop of Jerusalem.

James is called God’s brother because he was the son of the righteous Joseph, the betrothed of the Most-holy Theotokos.  When the righteous Joseph was near death, he divided his estate among his sons, and wanted to leave a portion to the Lord Jesus, the son of the Most-holy Virgin, but all the other brothers opposed this, not regarding Jesus as their brother.  James greatly loved Jesus and declared that he would include Jesus in his share.  According to tradition, James traveled to Egypt with the Most-holy Virgin and Joseph, when Herod sought to slay the newborn King.  Later, as soon as he heard Christ’s teaching, James lived by it.  The Lord numbered him among His Seventy Apostles.  James was Bishop of Jerusalem for thirty years and zealously governed the Church of God.  At the instruction of the Lord, James compiled the first Liturgy, which seemed very long for later Christians, and St. Basil and St. John Chrysostom shortened it.  He converted many Jews and Greeks to the Christian Faith, and even the unbelieving Jews were amazed at his righteousness, referring to him as “James the Just.”  When Ananias became High Priest, he and other Jewish elders determined to kill James.  Once, during the feast of Passover, when many people had gathered in Jerusalem, the elders forced James to climb onto the roof of the Temple, and tried to make him speak against Christ.  He climbed up and spoke to the people of Christ as the Son of God and the true Messiah, of His Resurrection and His eternal glory in the heavens.  The infuriated priests and elders pushed him off the roof; he fell and was severely injured, but was still alive.  Then, one man ran up and struck him on the head with a fuller’s club with such force that his brains spilled out.  Thus, this most glorious apostle of Christ died a martyr’s death.

Through his intercessions, O Lord Jesus Christ our God, have mercy upon us, and save us. Amen.
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