On November 14 in the Holy Orthodox Church we commemorate the holy, glorious, and all-laudable Apostle Philip, one of the foremost choir of the Twelve.
Philip was born in Bethsaida beside the Sea of Galilee, as were Peter and Andrew. Instructed in Holy Scripture from his youth, Philip immediately responded to the call of the Lord Jesus and followed Him (John 1:43). After the descent of the Holy Spirit on Pentecost, Philip zealously preached the Gospel throughout many regions in Asia and Greece. Many miracles were manifested through Philip, especially the healing of the sick, by which many pagans believed in Christ. In the Phrygian town of Hierapolis, Philip found himself in common evangelical work with his sister Mariamna, John the Theologian, and the Apostle Bartholomew. In this town there was a dangerous snake that the pagans diligently fed and worshiped as a god. God’s apostle killed the snake through prayer as though with a spear, but he also incurred the wrath of the unenlightened people. The wicked pagans seized Philip and crucified him upside-down on a tree, and then crucified Bartholomew as well. At that, the earth opened up and swallowed the judge and many other pagans with him. In great fear, the people rushed to rescue the crucified apostles, but only Bartholomew was still alive; Philip had already breathed his last. This wonderful apostle suffered in the year 86 in the time of Emperor Dometian.
Through his intercessions, O Lord Jesus Christ our God, have mercy upon us, and save us. Amen.Share This:
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