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December 29 - 12/29/2020

"Born of the Virgin, O Lord who existed before time, and coming down as an Infant in Your goodness, You accepted the choir of holy innocents as an offering. Their pure souls, radiant in the blood of martyrdom, are most worthy of the light. For shaming forever the wickedness of Herod and his foolish cruelty, You established them in the dwellings of eternal life." -- Third Sticheron of Vespers for the commemoration of the Holy Innocents

December 28 - 12/28/2020

"This world of sin made the image of God in man ugly, but Christ in His incarnation has restored this image in man to its former beauty. May the Lord Jesus Christ restore the beauty of this image in each of our lives." -- His Eminence, Metropolitan JOSEPH

December 28 - 12/28/2020

The twenty thousand martyrs of Nicomedia; Hieromartyr Glykerion; Venerable Simon the myrrh-streaming, founder of Simonopetra monastery on Athos

December 27 - 12/27/2020

"The Bishop does not kiss the Deacon’s hand. But, when the Bishop looks at the icon of the Proto-martyr, Archdeacon Stephen, the Bishop himself, the Patriarch himself, bows and kisses the Archdeacon Stephen’s hand." -- His Eminence, Metropolitan JOSEPH

December 27 - 12/27/2020

Proto-martyr Stephen the archdeacon; Venerable-confessor Theodore the Branded

Archdeacon Stephen the Proto Martyr (December 27) - 12/26/2020

O first of strivers among the Martyrs, thy head was crowned with a kingly crown, through the struggles that thou didst endure for the sake of Christ God; for thou didst reproach the folly of the Jews, and therefore, didst see thy Savior on the right hand of the Father. Wherefore, to Him continuously plead for our souls. (Apolytikion in Tone 4)

December 26 - 12/26/2020

"The Lord was born in a cave to show that the whole world is one dark cave, which He alone can illumine. The Lord was born in Bethlehem – and Bethlehem means ‘the House of Bread’ to show that He is the only Bread of Life worthy of true men." – St. Nicholai of Zica

December 26 - 12/26/2020

The synaxis of the Theotokos; Euthymios the Confessor, bishop of Sardis; Hieromartyr Constantios the Russian of the Great Lavra on Athos

The Nativity of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ (December 25) - 12/25/2020

Thy Nativity, O Christ our God, hath given rise to the light of knowledge in the world; for they that worshiped the stars did learn there from to worship Thee, O Sun of justice, and to know that from the east of the Highest Thou didst come. O Lord, glory to Thee. (Apolytikion in Tone 4)

December 25 - 12/25/2020

"The only-begotten Son of God, brethren, begotten in eternity of the Father without a mother, was born in time of a mother without a father. That first begetting is an unfathomable mystery of the Holy Trinity in eternity, and the second is the unfathomable mystery of God's power and love for mankind in time. The greatest mystery in time corresponds to the greatest mystery in eternity." -- St. Nicholai of Zica

December 25 - 12/25/2020

The Nativity in the flesh of our Lord, God and Savior Jesus Christ

December 24 - 12/24/2020

"Today is born of the Virgin Him Who holdest all creation in the hollow of His hand. He Whose essence is untouchable is wrapped in swaddling clothes as a babe." -- From the Royal 9th Hour of the Nativity

December 24 - 12/24/2020

Venerable-martyr Eugenia of Rome and those with her, Martyrs Achaikos and Basillia; New-martyr Ahmed of Constantinople

December 23 - 12/23/2020

"The God, Who from of old established the heavens, lieth in a manger. He, Who showered the people with manna in the wilderness, feedeth on milk from the breasts." -- From the Royal 9th Hour of the Nativity

December 23 - 12/23/2020

Ten martyrs of Crete; New-martyr Nicholas; Venerable Nahum of Ochrid, enlightener of the Bulgarians

December 22 - 12/22/2020

"People in other religions go from door to door to get converts. I’m not asking you to go door to door. I am asking you to go from your door into the Church’s door. Do not be absent from the Feast of the Nativity." -- His Eminence, Metropolitan JOSEPH

December 22 - 12/22/2020

Great-martyr Anastasia and her teacher the Martyr Chrysogonos

Sunday Before the Nativity of Christ (The Genealogy) (December 24) - 12/21/2020

Great are the accomplishments of faith; for the three holy youths rejoiced in the fountain of flames as though at waters of rest. And the Prophet Daniel appeared a shepherd to the lions as though they were sheep. Wherefore, by their pleadings, O Christ God, have mercy upon us. (Apolytikion in Tone 2)

December 21 - 12/21/2020

"When you see poor homes, or live in such, bring to your memory the cave and the manger in which your Lord was born as man." -- St. Theophan the Recluse

December 21 - 12/21/2020

Virgin-martyr Juliana of Nicomedia; Martyr Themistokles of Myra in Lycia; Peter, metropolitan of Moscow and all Russia

December 20 - 12/20/2020

"The heart is refined, spiritual and heavenly by nature. Guard it. Do not overburden it; do not make it earthly; be temperate to the utmost in food and drink, and in bodily pleasures in general. The heart is the temple of God. ‘If any man defile the temple of God, him shall God destroy’ I Cor. 3:17." -- St. John of Kronstadt

December 20 - 12/20/2020

Hieromartyr Ignatios the God-bearer, bishop of Antioch; Newmartyr John of Thasos; Daniel II of Serbia

December 19 - 12/19/2020

"Prayer is a branch (of the tree) of meekness, and freedom from anger. Prayer is an expression of joy and thankfulness. Prayer is a remedy against sorrow and depression." -- St. Nilus of Sinai

December 19 - 12/19/2020

Martyrs Boniface and Areos of Cilicia, and Eutychios in Thessalonika; Venerable Aglaida the Roman; Boniface of Ferentino

December 18 - 12/18/2020

"We have to overcome sentimentalism in our prayer if we want to experience its healing power." -- His Eminence, Metropolitan JOSEPH

December 18 - 12/18/2020

Martyrs Sebastian and Zoe of Rome, and those with them

December 17 - 12/17/2020

"If you want to feel Jesus coming into your life, into this world, through the Incarnation, through Christmas, pray as much as you can; not with your emotions, not with your sentiments, but with your whole being." -- His Eminence, Metropolitan JOSEPH

December 17 - 12/17/2020

Prophet Daniel; The Three Holy Youths: Ananias, Azarias and Misael; Dionysios of Zakynthos, the wonder-worker; Avvakum the deacon

December 16 - 12/16/2020

"I need all of you to bring peace and joy and forgiveness to your homes, to your church, to your friends, to your children, and to all your loved ones during this holy season. Call your loved ones and tell them you love them." -- His Eminence, Metropolitan JOSEPH

December 16 - 12/16/2020

Prophet Haggai; Theophania the empress; Hieromartyr Modestos, archbishop of Jerusalem

December 15 - 12/15/2020

"Let us become like Christ, since Christ became like us. Let us become gods because of Him, since He for us became man. He took upon Himself a low degree that He might give us a higher one. He became poor, that in His poverty we might become rich." --St. Gregory of Nazianzus

December 15 - 12/15/2020

Hieromartyr Eleutherios, bishop of Illyria, and his mother, Martyr Anthia; Venerable Paul of Latra; Stephen, bishop-confessor of Surozh; Venerable Tryphon of Pechenga

Ignatius of Antioch the God-Bearer (December 20) - 12/14/2020

By choosing the Apostles’ way of life, thou hast succeeded to their throne. Inspired by God, thou didst find the way to divine contemplation through the practice of virtue. After teaching the Word of Truth without error, thou didst defend the Faith to the very shedding of thy blood, O Holy Martyr among bishops Ignatius. Entreat the Lord our God to save our souls. (Apolytikion in Tone 4)

December 14 - 12/14/2020

"When we take our hidden sins to Confession, and admit each of them before God, our Lord removes these passions, little by little, so that the Light of Christ may enter in. We begin to see things as they really are. We see God in everything and everyone, and we give thanks to our Maker that He has so generously blessed us." -- His Eminence, Metropolitan JOSEPH

December 14 - 12/14/2020

Martyrs Thyrsos, Leukios and Kallinikos of Apollonia; Martyrs Philemon, Apollonios, Hypatios and Arrianos of Alexandria

December 13 - 12/13/2020

"The body cannot be defiled without the consent of the mind." -- Holy Virgin Martyr Lucy

December 13 - 12/13/2020

Martyrs Eustratios, Auxentios, Eugene, Mardarios, and Orestes at Sebaste; Virgin-martyr Lucia of Syracuse; Hieromartyr Gabriel, patriarch of Serbia; repose of Venerable Herman of Alaska, wonder-worker of America

December 12 - 12/12/2020

"There is one God Who created man from dust. He has ordered all things, both visible and invisible, by His Word and His Spirit. The Word is the Son of God, Who came down upon the earth on account of our sins. He was born of a Virgin, He lived among men, and suffered and died for our salvation, and then He arose from the dead, and He has resurrected the human race with Him. We believe that He is One in Essence with the Father, and equal to Him in authority and honor. We believe this without any sly rationalizations, for it is impossible to grasp this mystery by human reason." -- St. Spiridon

December 12 - 12/12/2020

Spyridon the wonder-worker, bishop of Trimythous; John, metropolitan of Zichnon

December 11 - 12/11/2020

"The Fathers have declared the singing of psalms to be a weapon, prayer to be a wall, and honest tears to be a bath ... without which no one subject to passions will see the Lord." -- St. John Climacus

December 11 - 12/11/2020

Venerable Daniel the Stylite, Luke the New Stylite, Nomon and Leontios; Martyr Barsabbas of Persia

Herman the Wonder-Worker of Alaska & First Saint of America (December 13) - 12/10/2020

Blessed ascetic of the northern wilds and gracious intercessor for the whole world, teacher of the Orthodox Faith, good instructor of piety, adornment of Alaska and joy of all America, holy Father Herman, pray to Christ God that He save our souls. (Apolytikion in Tone 4)

December 10 - 12/10/2020

"It is much better to think that our death will come sooner than the end of the world, rather than that the end of the world will come before our death." -- St. Seraphim of Sarov

December 10 - 12/10/2020

Martyrs Menas, Hermogenes and Eugraphos of Alexandria; Venerable Thomas of Bithynia; Joasaph, bishop of Belgorod; Angelina of Albania, mother of Blessed John, king of Serbia

December 9 - 12/09/2020

"We don’t reject God’s banquet. We don’t reject God’s invitation. We don’t reject God’s loving-kindness. So let us open our hearts and our minds during these holy days to receive Him as He comes to bring peace and joy and every good thing into the world." -- His Eminence, Metropolitan JOSEPH

December 9 - 12/09/2020

The Conception of the Theotokos by Righteous Anna

December 8 - 12/08/2020

"When we argue and fight over liturgical music, God is no longer present in our thoughts: we have become servants of the idol of ‘religiosity’ rather than Jesus Christ. We cannot improve our Church music if we are convinced we are doing it the ‘right way.’ When we are open to change, then God will lead us to what is better." -- His Eminence, Metropolitan JOSEPH

December 8 - 12/08/2020

Venerable Patapios of Thebes; Sophronios, bishop of Cyprus; Apostles Sosthenes, Apollos, Crispos, Caesar and Epaphroditos of the Seventy; Martyr Parthenios

Conception of the Theotokos by Righteous Anna (December 9) - 12/07/2020

Today have the bonds of barrenness been loosened, God, having heard the prayers of Joachim and Anne, promised them openly that they should give birth, against hope, to the Maiden of God, from whom He, the infinite One was to be born, becoming man, commanding the angel to shout to her, Hail O full of grace, the Lord is with thee. (Apolytikion in Tone 4)

December 7 - 12/07/2020

"Wherefore also the Lord Jesus Christ, wishing to make us more strong against the temptations of the devil, fasted when about to contend with him, that we might know that we may in no other way overcome the enticements of evil." -- St. Ambrose of Milan

December 7 - 12/07/2020

Ambrose, bishop of Milan; Martyr Athenodoros of Mesopotamia; Venerable Gregory, founder of Gregoriou monastery on Athos; Venerable Gerasimos; Venerable Anthony of Sia and Neilos of Stolb Island; Venerable Philothea of Thrace

December 6 - 12/06/2020

"The more we become holy like St. Nicholas, the more we love everyone around us without any condition. God enabled him to find many ways to touch people’s lives." -- His Eminence, Metropolitan JOSEPH

December 6 - 12/06/2020

Nicholas the wonder-worker, archbishop of Myra in Lycia; New-martyr Nicholas of Karamania in Asia Minor

Nicholas the wonder-worker, Archbishop of Myra in Lycia (December 6) - 12/05/2020

The verity of thine actions revealed thee to thy flock a rule of faith, an icon of mildness, and teacher of abstinence, O Father Bishop Nicholas; wherefore by humility thou hast achieved exaltation and by poverty richness. Intercede with Christ our God to save our souls. (Apolytikion in Tone 4)

December 5 - 12/05/2020

"A healthy parish requires a healthy choir and chanter’s stand. Those who sing must prepare themselves for the task of serving the parish by constantly pursuing a life of spirituality." -- His Eminence, Metropolitan JOSEPH

December 5 - 12/05/2020

Venerable Sabbas the Sanctified; Martyr Diogenes; Venerable Nektarios of lagri Kelli and Philotheos of Karyes on Athos; Venerable martyrs from the kellia of Karyes on Athos; Gurios, missionary bishop of Kazan; Venerable Nektarios of Bitolj

December 4 - 12/04/2020

"Faith, indeed is of two kinds. Thus, ‘Faith cometh by hearing, (Rom. 10:17) for, when we hear the sacred Scriptures, we believe in the teaching of the Holy Spirit. And this faith is made perfect by all those things which Christ has ordained; it believes truly, it is devout, and it keeps the commandments of Him who has renewed us. For he who does not believe in accordance with the tradition of the Catholic Church or who through untoward works holds communion with the Devil is without faith. Then again, there is a faith ‘which is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things unseen.’ (Heb. 11:1) This is an undoubting and unquestioning hope both for the things promised us by God and for the success of our petitions. The first kind of faith comes from our faculty of judgment, whereas the second is one of the gifts of the Spirit." -- St. John of Damascus

December 4 - 12/04/2020

Great-martyr Barbara of Heliopolis in Syria; Venerable John of Damascus; Martyr Juliana; New-hieromartyr Seraphim, bishop of Phanar in Greece

December 3 - 12/03/2020

"Never confuse the person formed in the image of God, with the evil that is in him: because evil is but a chance misfortune, an illness, a devilish reverie. But the very essence of a person is the image of God, and this remains in him despite every disfigurement." -- St John of Kronstadt

December 3 - 12/03/2020

Prophet Zephaniah (Sophonios); Martyrs Agapios and Seleukos; New-martyr Angelis of Chios; Venerable Theodoulos of Constantinople; Hieromartyr Gabriel, patriarch of Constantinople; Venerable Cosmas of St. Anne skete on Athos; Venerable Sabbas of Zvenigorod, disciple of Sergios of Radonezh

December 2 - 12/02/2020

"Save yourselves; repent every moment and pray to the Lord Jesus Christ and to His Most pure Mother." -- St. Athanasius of the Kiev Caves

December 2 - 12/02/2020

Prophet Habakkuk; Martyrs Abibos the New and Myrope of Chios; Venerable Theophilos and Andrew of Egypt; Urosh, Serbian king; Venerable loanikios of Devitch

December - 12/01/2020

John the Damascene (December 4) - 12/01/2020

Thou hast shown thyself, O God-inspired John, as a guide to the Orthodox Faith, a teacher of true worship and purity, O star of the universe and companion of the bishops, O wise one. Through thy light thou hast enlightened all, O harp of the Spirit. Therefore, intercede with Christ God to save our souls. (Apolytikion in Tone 8)

December 1 - 12/01/2020

"One need not look at the money he gives to beggars, but rather one should mix up the money in his pocket and give only what the hand removes. That hand will draw out whatever God’s providence ordains." -- St. Philaret the Almsgiver

December 1 - 12/01/2020

Prophet Nahum; Venerable Philaretos the merciful of Amnia; Martyr Ananias the Persian; Theoklitos, archbishop of Lakedaimonias

November 30 - 11/30/2020

"Do not delay, unless you wish to teach your children procrastination. Instead, show them your love and gratitude to God for His blessings by working hard to complete your work, and you will teach your children to be grateful for what they have." -- His Eminence, Metropolitan JOSEPH

November 30 - 11/30/2020

Apostle Andrew the First-Called; Frumentios, archbishop and enlightener of Ethiopia; Alexander, bishop of Methymna

November 29 - 11/29/2020

"I want to share with you my joy and love, because it is my most precious gift from God. You do not have to be rich or famous to know peace, for there are wealthy men who are tormented and depressed. Rejoice in the blessings you have, and you will find them added to." -- His Eminence, Metropolitan JOSEPH

November 29 - 11/29/2020

Martyrs Paramon of Bithynia and Philoumenos of Ancyra; Venerable Akakios of Sinai; Hieromartyr Dionysios, bishop of Corinth; Urban, bishop of Macedonia; Nicholas, archbishop of Thessalonika

November 28 - 11/28/2020

"If I had in myself, only a fist-full of blood; I would shed it for the icon of Christ." -- St. Stephen the New Martyr

November 28 - 11/28/2020

Venerable-martyr Stephen the New; Martyr Irinarchos of Sebaste and those with him

November 27 - 11/27/2020

"My deepest desire is that we can support one another in our ministries, and see our cooperation become a model for the clergy and laity of our respective communities." -- His Eminence, Metropolitan JOSEPH

November 27 - 11/27/2020

Great-martyr James the Persian; Venerable Palladios of Thessalonika; Venerable Nathanael of Nitria; James, bishop of Rostov

Apostle Andrew the First called (November 30) - 11/26/2020

Since thou wast first called among the Apostles, and a brother of the head, implore O Andrew, the Master of all to grant the inhabited world safety and our souls the Great Mercy. (Apolytikion in Tone 4)

November 26 - 11/26/2020

"The successful man or woman is not the richest or the most powerful, but the one who is content. We first must be content with ourselves, otherwise our children will despair that there is no happiness in this life." -- His Eminence, Metropolitan JOSEPH

November 26 - 11/26/2020

Venerable Alypios the Stylite, Stylianos of Paphlagonia and Nikon the preacher of repentance; New-martyr George of Chios; repose of Innocent, first bishop of Irkutsk

November 25 - 11/25/2020

It is said of St. Peter of Alexandria that he never climbed the steps and sat on the patriarchal throne in church, but rather stood or sat before the steps of the throne. When the faithful complained that their hierarch did not sit in his place, he replied: "Whenever I approach the throne, I see a heavenly light and power upon it, and that is why I do not dare climb and sit on it."

November 25 - 11/25/2020

Great-martyrs Katherine the all-wise of Alexandria and Mercurios of Caesarea in Cappadocia; Martyr Mercurios of Smolensk

November 24 - 11/24/2020

"It is meet and right to hymn Thee, to bless Thee, to praise Thee, to give thanks unto Thee and to worship Thee in every place of Thy dominion; for Thou art God ineffable, inconceivable, invisible, incomprehensible, ever-existing and eternally the same, Thou and Thine only-begotten Son and Thy Holy Spirit." -- from the Divine Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom

November 24 - 11/24/2020

Clement, pope of Rome; Hieromartyrs Peter, archbishop of Alexandria, and Hermogenes, bishop of Agrigentum; Martyrs Philomenos and Alexander of Corinth

November 23 - 11/23/2020

"The time of separation does not grieve him who frees himself from everything earthly…The righteous, the holy, and the ascetics rejoice at the hour of death and separation, having the great labors of their asceticism, vigils and prayers, fasts and tears, sackcloth and the subjection of their bodies to hardship before their eyes. Their souls leap up, for they are prepared to go out of their bodies for their rest." -- St. Ephraim the Syrian

November 23 - 11/23/2020

Gregory, bishop of Agrigentum; Amphilokios, bishop of Iconium; Ischyrion, bishop in Egypt and hermit of Sketis; Venerable Sisinios the Confessor of Kyzikos; Dionysios, patriarch of Constantinople; repose of Alexander Nevsky, prince of Novgorod; Metrophanes first bishop of Voronezh

Katherine the Great Martyr (November 25) - 11/22/2020

Let us extol the all-lauded bride of Christ, Katherine, the guardian of Sinai, who is our help and our support; for by the power of the Spirit she silenced brilliantly the nobility of liars. And now that she hath been crowned as a Martyr, she seeketh for all the Great Mercy. (Apolytikion in Tone 5)

November 22 - 11/22/2020

"You look into a mirror so that you may know what is in your face, whether there are any blemishes in it, and having seen blemishes, you cleanse them. Let the immaculate life of Christ be a mirror to your soul. Does it desire the same things that Christ desires? And does it do what Christ did when He lived on earth? And in it you will see what is contrary to the life of Christ, and you will cleanse it all like blemishes with repentance and contrition of heart." -- St. Tikhon of Zadonsk

November 22 - 11/22/2020

Apostles Philemon, Apphia, Archippos and Onesimos of the Seventy; Clement, bishop of Ochrid and enlightener of Bulgaria; Hieromartyr Sisinios; Venerable Kallistos Xanthopoulos of Athos; Martyr Michael, prince of Tver

November 21 - 11/21/2020

"I have seen pride lead to humility. And I remembered him who said: Who hath known the mind of the Lord? The pit and offspring of conceit is a fall; but a fall is often an occasion of humility for those who are willing to use it to their advantage." -- St. John Climacus

November 21 - 11/21/2020

The Entrance of the Theotokos into the temple. Venerable Columban of Ireland

November 20 - 11/20/2020

"It is not necessary to roam heaven and earth after God or to send our mind to seek Him in different places. Purify your soul, O son of man, remove from yourself the thought of memories outside of nature; hang the veil of chastity and humility before your impulses. By means of these you will be able to find Him who is within you." -- St. Isaac the Syrian

November 20 - 11/20/2020

Gregory of Decapolis; Proclos, Maximos and Anatolios, patriarchs of Constantinople; Venerable Sozomen the wonder-worker

November 19 - 11/19/2020

"Repentance means to change our attitude, our behavior, our way of thinking, and to focus on that moment which will bring salvation and a new page in our life." -- His Eminence, Metropolitan JOSEPH

November 19 - 11/19/2020

Prophet Obadiah; Martyrs Agapios, Azi of Isauria, Barlaam of Caesarea in Cappadocia, Heliodoros of Thessalonika and Euphemia; Venerable Barlaam and Joasaph, princes of India, and King Abennar, father of Venerable Joasaph; Venerable Barlaam of the Kiev Caves

November 18 - 11/18/2020

"Repentance can happen in one moment if we have the desire. Let us not be too busy with our lives that we miss that moment in time." -- His Eminence, Metropolitan JOSEPH

November 18 - 11/18/2020

Martyrs Platon of Ancyra, Romanos, Zacchaeos the deacon and Anastasios of Caesarea in Palestine

Entrance of the Theotokos into the Temple (November 21) - 11/17/2020

Today the Virgin is the foreshadowing of the pleasure of God, and the beginning of the preaching of the salvation of mankind. Thou hast appeared in the Temple of God openly and hast gone before, preaching Christ to all. Let us shout with one thrilling voice, saying, Rejoice, O thou who art the fulfillment of the Creator's dispensation. (Apolytikion in Tone 4)

November 17 - 11/17/2020

"The Season of the Nativity is about nothing other than preparing a little room for the Lord Jesus Christ to come and shine in our souls." -- His Eminence, Metropolitan JOSEPH

November 17 - 11/17/2020

Gregory the wonder-worker, bishop of Neo-Caesarea; Gennadios, archbishop of Constantinople; Venerable Nikon, disciple of Sergios of Radonezh

November 16 - 11/16/2020

"Only in prayer can we hear. Only in prayer can we understand. Only in prayer can we magnify the Lord at all times, and especially during this holy season of the Nativity." -- His Eminence, Metropolitan JOSEPH

November 16 - 11/16/2020

Apostle Matthew the Evangelist; Martyr Ephygenia

Nativity Fast - 11/15/2020

Nativity Fast
(November 15 - December 24)

The Nativity Fast is divided into two periods. The first period is November 15 through December 19 when the traditional fasting discipline (no meat, poultry, eggs, dairy, fish, wine and oil) is observed with katalysis for wine and oil on Tuesday and Thursday, and for fish, wine and oil on Saturday and Sunday. The second period is December 20 through 24 when the traditional fasting discipline (no meat, poultry, eggs, dairy, fish, wine and oil) is observed Monday through Friday, but with katalysis for wine and oil on Saturday and Sunday. [Katalysis is Greek, meaning “relaxation”.]

Apostle and Evangelist Matthew (November 16) - 11/15/2020

O Holy Apostle Matthew, intercede with the merciful God that He grant unto our souls remission of sins. (Apolytikion in Tone 3)

November 15 - 11/15/2020

"During a time of intense distress from the enemy, when the soul is in fear, one must pronounce aloud psalms and prayers, or combine with prayer handiwork so that the mind will pay attention to what it is performing and pay no attention to the confusion and not be afraid, for with him is the Lord, and the angel of the Lord never departs from us." -- St. Paisius Velichkovsky

November 15 - 11/15/2020

Martyrs Gourias, Samonas and Habib of Edessa; Thomas the New, patriarch of Constantinople; Venerable Paissios Velichkovsky

Apostle Philip (November 14) - 11/14/2020

O Holy Apostle Philip, intercede with the merciful God that He grant unto our souls remission of sins. (Apolytikion in Tone 3)

November 14 - 11/14/2020

"Just as a calm and sheltered harbour provides great security to the ships moored there, so does the temple of God: when people enter it, it snatches them away from worldly affairs as from a storm, and gives them the capacity to stand and listen to God’s words in calm and security. This place is the bedrock of virtue and the school of spiritual life…You need only set foot on the threshold of a church and at once you are liberated from the cares of daily life. Go on into the church, and a spiritual dew will envelop your soul. The stillness there moves you to awe, and teaches you how to live spiritually. It elevates your thoughts and prevents you from remembering things or matters belonging to the present life. It transports you from earth to heaven. And if there is such great gain from simply being in church when no service is going on, then how much benefit will people derive from being present…when the holy Apostles proclaim the Gospel, Christ stands in our midst, God the Father receives the Mysteries that are performed and the Holy Spirit gives His own joy." -- St. John Chrysostom

November 14 - 11/14/2020

Apostle Philip; Gregory Palamas, archbishop of Thessalonika; New-martyr Constantine of Hydra; Justinian the emperor and his wife Theodora

November 13 - 11/13/2020

"Christians, above all men, are forbidden to correct the stumblings of sinners by is necessary to make a man better not by force but by persuasion. God gives the crown to those who are kept from evil, not by force, but by choice." -- St. John Chrysostom

November 13 - 11/13/2020

John Chrysostom, archbishop of Constantinople; Venerable martyrs Damaskinos and Damian of the Great Lavra on Athos

November 12 - 11/12/2020

"If you desire nobility, seek it not in blood, but in virtues, for this is true nobility." -- St. John the Merciful, Patriarch of Alexandria

November 12 - 11/12/2020

John the merciful, patriarch of Alexandria; Venerable Neilos the Faster of Sinai; Venerable Neilos the myrrh-streaming of the Great Lavra on Athos; New-martyrs Sabbas and Nicholas of Constantinople

November 11 - 11/11/2020

"The wondrous love of God toward man is recognized when man is in misfortunes that are destroying his hope. Here God manifests His power for man’s salvation. For man never recognizes the power of God in tranquility and freedom." -- St. Isaac the Syrian

November 11 - 11/11/2020

Martyrs Menas of Egypt, Victor of Damascus, Vincent and Stephanidos of Spain; Venerable Theodore the Studite; Blessed Maximos the fool-for-Christ; Martyr Stephen of Dechani, king of Serbia, Stephen Urosh and Princess Milica; Martin the merciful, bishop of Tours

November 10 - 11/10/2020

When asked why the good Lord permits assaults and trials to fall on the true Faith while He permits the pleasure of tranquility to heresies and paganism, St. John Chrysostom replied: “So that you might recognize their weakness (i.e., of heresies and paganism) when you see that they disintegrate on their own without any disturbance – and also be convinced of the power of the Faith that endures misfortunes and even multiplies through its adversities.”

November 10 - 11/10/2020

Apostles Olympas, Rodion, Sosipater, Tertios, Erastos and Quartos of the Seventy; Great-martyr Orestes of Cappadocia; Venerable Theostiriktos of Symbola

John Chrysostom, Archbishop of Constantinople (November 13) - 11/09/2020

Grace hath shown forth from thy mouth like fire, illuminating the inhabited world. Thou hast treasured for the world the treasures of silver-hating and revealed to us the sublimity of humility. Wherefore, O educator, by thy words, O John Chrysostom, intercede with Christ God to save our souls. (Apolytikion in Tone 8)

November 9 - 11/09/2020

"If but ten among us lead a holy life, we shall kindle a fire which shall light up the entire city." -- St. John Chrysostom

November 9 - 11/09/2020

Martyrs Onesiphoros and Porphyrios of Ephesos; Venerable Matrona of Constantinople; Theoktista of Lesvos; Simeon the Translator (Metaphrastes); Venerable Euthymios and Neophytos, founders of Docheiariou monastery on Athos; Nektarios of Pentapolis, the wonder-worker

November 8 - 11/08/2020

"We are called to become disciples, and to learn so that we might become better equipped to go out into the world and transform it with the truth of Orthodoxy. I know that in America, there is an old saying that ‘the best defense is a good offense.’ My brothers in Christ, this is not just for football, but it is the very core of the Christian calling: 'For whoever is ashamed of Me and of My words in this adulterous and sinful generation, of him will the Son of man also be ashamed, when He comes in the glory of His Father with the holy angels'" (Mark 8:38). -- His Eminence, Metropolitan JOSEPH

November 8 - 11/08/2020

The synaxis of the Archangels Michael and Gabriel and all the bodiless powers of heaven

November 7 - 11/07/2020

"Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen (Heb 11:1). And here He pronounces blessed not the disciples only, but those also who after them should believe." -- St. John Chrysostom

November 7 - 11/07/2020

Martyrs Thessalonika in Amphipolis and Alexander of Thessalonika; the Thirty-three Martyrs of Melitene; Venerable Lazarus the wonder-worker of Magnesia; Venerable Gregory; Venerable Cyril of Novoezersk

November 6 - 11/06/2020

"Let our enemy too understand that we have taken much pains, in order to do what is well-pleasing unto God." -- St. John Chrysostom

November 6 - 11/06/2020

Paul the Confessor, archbishop of Constantinople; Venerable Luke of Sicily; Paul the fool-for-Christ; Martyr Nicander; Venerable Barlaam of Khutyn; Herman, bishop of Kazan

Synaxis of the Archangels (November 8) - 11/05/2020

O ye foremost of the heavenly hosts, we who are unworthy, beseech you that by your petitions ye encompass us with the shadow of your immaterial glory, preserving us who kneel and cry ceaselessly, Deliver us from oppressions, since ye are the princes of the ranks of dominions on high. (Apolytikion in Tone 4)

November 5 - 11/05/2020

"The more sin continues, the more our life is in a mess. Sin produces fear, but where there is no sin, there is no fear." -- His Eminence, Metropolitan JOSEPH

November 5 - 11/05/2020

Martyrs Galaktion and Epistima of Homs; Apostles Hermas, Linos, Gaios, Patrobas and Philologos of the Seventy; Hieromartyr Pamphilos; Jonah, bishop of Novgorod

November 4 - 11/04/2020

"Although I was born into an Orthodox Christian family in Syria, I am a convert, too; I have to convert to Jesus Christ every day. We are all converts." -- His Eminence, Metropolitan JOSEPH

November 4 - 11/04/2020

Venerable loanikios the Great; Hieromartyrs Nicander the bishop of Myra and Hermas the priest; Martyr Porphyrios; Emperor John the merciful

November 3 - 11/03/2020

Martyrs Akepsimas the bishop, Joseph the priest and Aeithalas the deacon of Persia; dedication of the church of the Greatmartyr George the trophy-bearer in Lydda; Hieromartyr George of Neapolis

November 3 - 11/03/2020

"Guard your mind from evil thoughts concerning your neighbors, knowing that the demons put them there, aiming to blind you to your own sins and prevent you from directing yourself toward God." -- St. Elias the Egyptian

November 2 - 11/02/2020

"As the poor should give thanks to God and love the rich who do them good, even more should the rich give thanks to God and love the poor; for they are saved by the providence of God … because of their alms." -- St. Peter Damascene

November 2 - 11/02/2020

Martyrs Akindinos, Pegasios, Aphthonios, Elpidophoros and Anempodistos of Persia

November - 11/01/2020

November 1 - 11/01/2020

The holy wonder-working unmercenaries Cosmas and Damian of Mesopotamia and their mother Theodota; Venerable-martyr James and his disciples James the deacon and Dionysios of Prodromou Skete on Athos; Venerable David

November 1 - 11/01/2020

The Patriarch Theophilus of Alexandria (385-412 A.D.) once visited the monks in the Nitrian Desert (Wadi El Natroun). The monks begged Abba Pambo, saying: "Give the patriarch an edifying word, which would be of benefit to him." The quiet Pambo replied: "If he does not benefit by my silence, he will not benefit by my word."

October 31 - 10/31/2020

Apostles Stachios, Apellos, Amplias, Urban, Aristoboulos and Narcissos of the Seventy; Martyr Epimachos of Alexandria; Newmartyr Nicholas of Chios

October 31 - 10/31/2020

"He who does not know the truth cannot truly have faith; for by nature knowledge precedes faith. What is said in Scripture is said not solely for us to understand, but also for us to act upon." -- St. Hesychios the Priest

Sayidna's Birthday - 10/30/2020


The clergy and the faithful of the Holy Diocese of Los Angeles and the West, extend their prayers and love to our Father in Christ, His Eminence, Metropolitan JOSEPH on the occasion of his birthday (November 2). May God grant him many years as our Father and Chief Shepherd.

Greetings may be sent to Sayidna through the Contact Us Section of the Website.

October 30 - 10/30/2020

Martyrs Zenobios, bishop of Aegae, and his sister Zenobia in Cilicia; Apostles Cleopas and Artemas of the Seventy; Venerable Joseph and Kyriakos, patriarchs of Constantinople; Therapont and John the wonder-workers; Milutin, Serbian king

October 30 - 10/30/2020

"Life without Christ is not life but death, whereas death for the sake of Christ is not death but life." -- St. Zenobius

Raphael (Hawaweeny), Bishop of Brooklyn (November 4) - 10/29/2020

Rejoice, O Father Raphael, adornment of the holy Church! Thou art champion of the True Faith, seeker of the lost, consolation of the oppressed, father to orphans and friend of the poor, peacemaker and good shepherd, joy of all the Orthodox, son of Antioch, boast of America. Intercede with Christ God for us and for all who honor thee. (Apolytikion in Tone 3)

October 29 - 10/29/2020

Venerable-martyr Anastasia the Roman; Venerable Abraham and his niece Mary of Mesopotamia; New-hieromartyr Athanasios of Sparta; Venerable-martyr Timothy of Esphigmenou monastery on Athos; Abraham, bishop of Rostov

October 29 - 10/29/2020

St. Anthony said that three kinds of impulse exist in the body: “The first is from nature, the second is from lack of restraint in food and the third is from the demons.”

October 28 - 10/28/2020

The Protection of the Holy Theotokos; Martyrs Terence and Neonilla and their children; Athanasios I, patriarch of Constantinople; New-martyrs Angelis, Manuel, George and Nicholas of Crete; Venerable Stephen of Mar Sabbas monastery in Palestine; Arsenios of Srem, archbishop of Serbia; Great-martyr Paraskeva of Iconium; Venerable Job of Pochaev

October 28 - 10/28/2020

"The fabric of justice is thinner than silk, but it is more durable and less easily torn, and encompasses both worlds, while the fabric of injustice and violence is thick and breaks easily." -- St. Nikolai of Zica

October 27 - 10/27/2020

Martyr Nestor of Thessalonika; Procla the wife of Pontius Pilate; Kyriakos, patriarch of Constantinople; Venerable Nestor the Chronicler of the Kiev Caves

October 27 - 10/27/2020

"What is there that cannot happen to a man? Yet in every suffering one must have hope in God. Covered with festering sores and seated in his humiliation upon a dunghill, the righteous Job cried out: Though He slay me, yet will I trust in Him! (Job 13:15)" -- St. Nikolai of Zica

October 26 - 10/26/2020

Great-martyr Demetrios the myrrh-streaming of Thessalonika; Venerable-martyr Joasaph of Dionysiou monastery on Athos

October 26 - 10/26/2020

"The righteous Job said: Is not a man’s life on earth a trial? Are not his days as those of a hireling? (Job 7:1) Therefore, one must be as a watchful guard and be prepared for all that may happen." -- St. Nikolai of Zica

October 25 - 10/25/2020

Martyrs Marcian and Martyrios the notaries; Martyrs Chrisaphos and Chrisanthe; Tabitha the merciful, raised from the dead by the apostle Peter; translation of the relics of Venerable Sabbas the Sanctified; translation of the relics of Venerable John of Beverly

October 25 - 10/25/2020

"Be fearful that you do not become famous because of some work that you do. If they begin to praise you because of your work, do not rejoice or take delight in it, but keep your works secret as much as you can, and do not allow anyone to speak about them." -- St. Anthony

Protection of the Holy Theotokos (October 28) - 10/24/2020

O Virgin, we extol the great grace of thy Protection, which thou didst spread out like a bright cloud beyond all understanding; for thou dost invisibly protect thy people from the foe’s every assault. Since we have thee as our shelter and certain help, we cry to thee with our whole soul: Glory to thy great deeds, O most pure Maid. Glory to thy shelter most divine. Glory to thy care and providence for us, O spotless one. (Apolytikion in Tone 1)

October 24 - 10/24/2020

Great-martyr Arethas (al-Haarith) and those with him in Arabia; Martyr Sebastiana of Heraclea; and righteous Elesbaan, King of Ethiopia

October 24 - 10/24/2020

"Do not fear the conflict, do not flee it. Where there is no struggle, there is no virtue. Where faith and love are not tested, it is not possible to be sure if they are really present. They are proved and revealed in adversity." -- St. John of Kronstadt

October 23 - 10/23/2020

Apostle James, brother of the Lord; Ignatios, patriarch of Constantinople; James of Borovichi, wonder-worker of Novgorod

October 23 - 10/23/2020

"To believe in Christ, either child-like simplicity is needed or to be a fool in the eyes of the world." -- Father Sophrony

October 22 - 10/22/2020

Averkios the wonder-worker, equal-to-the-Apostles and bishop of Hierapolis; Seven youths ('Seven Sleepers') martyred in Ephesos; Bishop Eulalios

October 22 - 10/22/2020

"Prayer revives the Divine breath which God breathed into Adam's nostrils." -- Father Sophrony

October 21 - 10/21/2020

Venerable Hilarion the Great; Venerable Christodoulos of Patmos; Hieromartyr Socrates; Martyr Theodota; Venerable Philotheos, Barnabas and Hilarion, bishop of Meglin in Bulgaria; New-martyr John of Monemvasia; Venerable-confessors Vissarion and Sophronips of Ciorara and Martyr Oprea of Salistie in Romania

October 21 - 10/21/2020

"Every other evil is easier to conquer than pleasure, for all other evils are repulsive – while the evil of pleasure is attractive. He who frees himself from desires, frees himself from fear, for fear arises from desire." -- St. Cyprian

October 20 - 10/20/2020

Great-martyr Artemios at Antioch; Gerasimos the New Ascetic of Kephallenia; Venerable Matrona of Chios

October 20 - 10/20/2020

"Where ever Christ is, there is Paradise." -- Elder Paisios

James the Brother of the Lord (October 23) - 10/19/2020

Since thou art a Disciple of the Lord, thou didst receive the Gospel, O righteous one, and since thou art a Martyr thou art never rejected, and since thou art a brother of God, thou art privileged, and since thou art a High Priest, it is thine to intercede. Wherefore, beseech thou Christ God to save our souls. (Apolytikion in Tone 4)

October 19 - 10/19/2020

Prophet Joel; Martyr Varos; Mnason, bishop of Cyprus; Venerable John of Rila and Prochoros of Pchinja

October 19 - 10/19/2020

"What does the daily invocation of the saints signify - of different ones each day, during the whole year, and during our whole life? It signifies that God's saints - as our brethren, but perfect - live, and are near us - ever ready to help us by the grace of God. We live together with them in the house of our Heavenly Father, only in different parts of it. We live in the earthly, they in the heavenly half; but we can converse with them, and they with us. God's saints are near to the believing heart, and are ready in a moment to help those who call upon them with faith and love." -- St. John of Kronstadt

October 18 - 10/18/2020

Apostle Luke the Evangelist; Martyr Marinos the Elder at Anazarbos; Venerable Theodore and Simeon; New-martyr Gabriel of Egypt; Peter of Cetinje

October 18 - 10/18/2020

"Behold, thou art made whole; sin not more. Experience proves that sins and passions destroy the health of the soul and the body, whilst the victory over the passions affords heavenly tranquility and health both of the soul and the body." -- St. John of Kronstadt

October 17 - 10/17/2020

Prophet Hosea; Venerable-martyr Andrew of Crete

October 17 - 10/17/2020

"Reverence with all the powers of your soul all the sacraments, and say to yourself in respect to every sacrament before the celebration or the communion of it: 'This is God's mystery. I myself am only the unworthy witness or partaker of it.'" -- St. John of Kronstadt

Luke the Apostle and Evangelist (October 18) - 10/16/2020

O Holy Apostle Luke, intercede with the merciful God that He grant unto our souls remission of sins. (Apolytikion in Tone 3)

October 16 - 10/16/2020

Martyr Longinos the centurion who stood at the cross of the Lord; Gall, enlightener of Switzerland

October 16 - 10/16/2020

"When praying to the Lord, to the Mother of God, or to the saints, always remember that the Lord will give you according to your heart. He will 'grant thee according to thine own heart' (Psalm 20:4)." -- St. John of Kronstadt

October 15 - 10/15/2020

Hieromartyr Lucian of Antioch; Venerable Euthymios the Younger of Athos; Savvinos, bishop of Catania; Venerable Varsos

October 15 - 10/15/2020

"The Lord has become everything for you, and you must become everything for the Lord." -- St. John of Kronstadt

October 14 - 10/14/2020

Martyrs Nazarios, Gervase, Protase and Kelsos of Milan; Venerable Kosmas and Nicholas; Venerable Paraskeva of Epivat; Ignatios the wonder-worker, archbishop of Methymna; Venerable Nicholas Sviatosha, prince of Chernigov and wonder-worker of the Kiev Caves

October 14 - 10/14/2020

"The unholy doubt, not because they are ostensibly more rational, but because they are unholy. The holier man is always the more rational, for in the clear mirror of his heart he sees the truth." -- St. Nicholai of Zica

October 13 - 10/13/2020

Martyrs Karpos, Papylos, Agathodoros, and Agathonika at Pergamos; Martyr Benjamin the deacon; Martyr Florentios of Thessalonika; New Virgin-martyr Chrissa (Zlata) of Meglin in Bulgaria

October 13 - 10/13/2020

"When you counsel me to deny Christ the true God, you are no longer my parents or my sisters. I have the Lord Jesus Christ as my father, the Theotokos as my mother, and the saints as my brothers and sisters." -- St. Zlata of Meglin

October 12 - 10/12/2020

Martyrs Probos, Andronikos and Tarachos at Tarsus; Cosmas the hymnographer, bishop of Maiuma

October 12 - 10/12/2020

"We have a sacred obligation to prepare our youth and new members to receive the power of God. If we teach our children to do their homework but not to pray, we are only preparing them for misery. Good grades cannot save us from a tormented conscience. We cannot prepare a catechumen just by getting him to memorize dogmas. We must help him to be healed from the wounds of sin." -- His Eminence, Metropolitan JOSEPH

October 11 - 10/11/2020

Apostle Philip the deacon, of the Seventy; Venerable Theophanes, the branded; Nektarios, Arsakios, Philotheos and Sisinios, patriarchs of Constantinople; Venerable Jonah

October 11 - 10/11/2020

"If a person earnestly seeks salvation with his whole heart, God will lead him to a true instructor. Do not worry, each will find the one who is just right for him." -- St. Leo of Optina

October 10 - 10/10/2020

Martyrs Eulampios and Eulampia at Nicomedia; Venerable Theophilos the confessor of Bulgaria; Venerable Ambrose of Optina

October 10 - 10/10/2020

"Not trusting in yourself and not acting according to your own will and understanding is the path to humility. Without this, even though we may do good, it is not pleasing to God." -- St. Macarius of Optina

October 9 - 10/09/2020

Apostle James, son of Alpheos; Venerable Andronikos and Athanasia of Egypt; Venerable Poplia the confessor of Antioch; Righteous Forefather Abraham and his nephew the Righteous Lot; Stephen the Younger, king of Serbia; Dionysios, bishop of Paris

October 9 - 10/09/2020

"God Himself lives in that man who has a peaceful heart. Above all: consider yourself worse than everyone, seek neither love nor honor from anyone, but have them yourself for everyone - thus you will obtain peace. But as soon as you want others to notice the goodness and virtue in you, then say good-bye to spiritual peace." -- St. Anatoly of Optina

October 8 - 10/08/2020

Venerable Pelagia the penitent; Virgin-marytr Pelagia of Antioch; Martyr Taisia of Egypt; Hieromartyr Artemon; Venerable-martyr Ignatios of Prodromou Skete on Athos; Venerable Philotheos, patriarch of Constantinople; Martyr Ignatios of Bulgaria

October 8 - 10/08/2020

"Services are not just about empty forms, but are acts of love to GOD. We do not worship our own desires through the Liturgy. The Divine Liturgy and the other services of the Church do not belong to us: they belong to the Church." -- His Eminence, Metropolitan JOSEPH

Sunday of the Holy Fathers of the Seventh Ecumenical Council (October 15) - 10/07/2020

Thou, O Christ, art our God of exceeding praise Who didst establish our Holy Fathers as luminous stars upon earth, and through them didst guide us unto the True Faith, O most merciful One, glory to Thee. (Apolytikion in Tone 8)

October 7 - 10/07/2020

Martyrs Sergios and Bacchos in Syria; Hieromartyr Polykhronios; Priest Julian; Venerable John the hermit and those with him; Venerable Sergios of Nurma

October 7 - 10/07/2020

"Both honor and dishonor, both life and death – all are the same to him who seeks the Heavenly Kingdom." -- Ss. Sergius and Bacchus

October 6 - 10/06/2020

Apostle Thomas; Venerable Kendea; Venerable-martyr Makarios of St. Anne Skete on Athos; Innocent, metropolitan of Moscow enlightener of the Aleuts and apostle to America

October 6 - 10/06/2020

"Fear is the fruit of atheism, and so the fearful man or woman has rejected God. We must examine ourselves, find these fears, and ask God to enter into us ever more fully, that our fears will subside." -- His Eminence, Metropolitan JOSEPH

October 5 - 10/05/2020

Martyr Charitina; John, bishop of Euchaita; Venerable Eudokimos of Vatopedi monastery on Athos; uncovering of the relics of the wonder-workers Peter, Alexis, Jonah, Philip and Hermogenes, metropolitans of Moscow

October 5 - 10/05/2020

"As more and more people come to us in search of God, we who have accepted the Orthodox Faith must also accept the responsibility to care for those who come to us. We must prepare the hearts and minds of our catechumens and our children, so that the fullness of the Faith may enter into them and perfect them." -- His Eminence, Metropolitan JOSEPH

October 4 - 10/04/2020

Hieromartyr Hierotheos, bishop of Athens; Apostle Krispos of the Seventy; Martyrs Domina and her daughters of Syria; uncovering of the relics of Gurios, first archbishop of Kazan; Barsanouphios, bishop of Tver; Stephen (Stiljanovich) and Elizabeth

October 4 - 10/04/2020

"We must never fail to preach the Gospel, and to live it in every moment of our lives. What good is the Gospel if it cannot be with us in all that we do?" -- His Eminence, Metropolitan JOSEPH

October 3 - 10/03/2020

Hieromartyr Dionysios the Areopagite, first bishop of Athens; Martyrs Eleutherios and Rustikos

October 3 - 10/03/2020

"He who does not know the truth cannot truly have faith; for by nature knowledge precedes faith. What is said in Scripture is said not solely for us to understand, but also for us to act upon." -- St. Hesychios the Priest

Thomas the Apostle of the Twelve (October 6) - 10/02/2020

O Holy Apostle Thomas, intercede with the merciful God that He grant unto our souls remission of sins. (Apolytikion in Tone 3)

October 2 - 10/02/2020

Hieromartyr Cyprian the confessor; Virgin-martyr Justina; Venerable able Theophilos; New-martyr George; Blessed Andrew, fool-for-Christ David and Constantine, prince-martyrs of Georgia; Anna, princess of Kashin

October 2 - 10/02/2020

"Whereas the ancient city of Antioch was a place where many races coexisted in peace, so we build the new Antioch here in America, embracing all who desire to find the Way to God." -- His Eminence, Metropolitan JOSEPH

October - 10/01/2020

October 1 - 10/01/2020

Apostle Ananias of the Seventy, first bishop of Damascus; Martyr Domninos; Romanos the Melode; Venerable John Koukouzelis of the Great Lavra on Athos; Venerable Gregory the Domestikos of the Great Lavra on Athos; Venerable Sabbas of Vishera

October 1 - 10/01/2020

"Like a flower, a parish comes to be what it is through many stages and is not easy to keep healthy. Flowers need sun and rain, the right balance of fertilizers, and occasionally pesticides. What is true of plants is true of parishes, if they do not continue to constantly grow, they quickly die. New stems must come forth from the old ones, so that growth begets growth, and the plants build upon their previous seasons." -- His Eminence, Metropolitan JOSEPH

September 30 - 09/30/2020

Hieromartyr Gregory, bishop and enlightener of Greater Armenia; Martyrs Rhipsime and Gaiana and companions of Armenia; Michael, first metropolitan of Kiev; Venerable Gregory of Pelshma River

September 30 - 09/30/2020

"Building up a parish is one of the hardest challenges Christians can face. It involves cooperation with others, love, patience, perseverance, and sacrifice of our own desires and total commitment to God’s will." -- His Eminence, Metropolitan JOSEPH

September 29 - 09/29/2020

Venerable Kyriakos the hermit of Palestine; Martyr Petronia; Venerable-martyrs Malachi and those with him

September 29 - 09/29/2020

"The first ministry of every person in the Church is to work on himself or herself. We must sanctify ourselves." -- His Eminence, Metropolitan JOSEPH

September 28 - 09/28/2020

Venerable Chariton the confessor, abbot of Palestine; Venerable Neophytos and Auxentios; Martyr Heliodoros; Prophet Baruch; Martyr Wenceslaus, prince of the Czechs

September 28 - 09/28/2020

"The unattainableness of perfection obliges us all to continually turn to God in prayer for understanding and help." -- Father Sophrony

September 27 - 09/27/2020

Martyr Kallistratos; the Apostles Aristarchos, Zenon and Mark of the Seventy; New-martyr Aquilina; Venerable Ignatios, abbot in Asia Minor; Venerable Savvatios of Solovky

September 27 - 09/27/2020

"The greatest freedom is to be obedient and faithful to God. As we yield ourselves to God’s love and mercy, we are liberated from the suffering of sins. No longer are we dominated by unreasonable fears, compulsions and addictions. We live in peace and unity with all people. Despair and rage pass away. Yet, these things only come when we bear the responsibilities for our own behavior, admitting our faults and receiving God’s forgiveness." -- His Eminence, Metropolitan JOSEPH

St. Romanos the Melodist (October 1) - 09/26/2020

The image of God, was faithfully preserved in you, O Father. For you took up the Cross and followed Christ. By Your actions you taught us to look beyond the flesh for it passes, rather to be concerned about the soul which is immortal. Wherefore, O Holy Romanos, your soul rejoices with the angels. (Apolytikion in Tone 8)

September 26 - 09/26/2020

The repose of the Apostle and Evangelist John the Theologian

September 26 - 09/26/2020

"With freedom comes responsibility. We are not liberated from self-discipline when we are liberated from oppression. Rather, the burden is greater. The more personal responsibility one has, the more one will be held accountable for his actions." -- His Eminence, Metropolitan JOSEPH

September 25 - 09/25/2020

Venerable Euphrosyne of Alexandria; Venerable-martyr Paphnoutios and those with him; repose of Venerable Sergios of Radonezh; translation of the relics of Herman, archbishop of Kazan

September 25 - 09/25/2020

"Just as the bee is attracted by the fragrance of the flower, people will be attracted to a church community by its spiritual beauty and fresh growth. Allow God to prosper your community by His grace, be open to the inquirer and minister to the suffering. In loving others, you allow God to love you all the more." -- His Eminence, Metropolitan JOSEPH

Translation of St. John the Theologian (September 26) - 09/24/2020

O Apostle John, speaker of divinity, the beloved of Christ God, hasten and deliver thy people powerless in argument; for he on whose bosom thou didst lean accepteth thee as an intercessor. Beseech him, therefore, to disperse the cloud of the stubborn nations, asking for us safety and the Great Mercy. (Apolytikion in Tone 2)

September 24 - 09/24/2020

Proto-martyr Thekla, equal-to-the-Apostles; the commemoration of the wonder-working icon of the Theotokos of the Myrtle Tree; New-mart Ahmed; Venerable Nicander of Pskov; Venerable Silouan of Athos; the synaxis of all saints of Alaska

September 24 - 09/24/2020

St. John Chrysostom says of the wonderful Christian heroine and Saint Thekla: "It seems to me that as I see this blessed virgin, in one hand she offers Christ virginity, and in the other hand, martyrdom."

September 23 - 09/23/2020

The Conception of the Forerunner; Martyr Raidos; New-martyrs Nicholas and John; Venerable Xanthippa and Polyxena of Spain

September 23 - 09/23/2020

"The Lord wants us to love each other; this is the essence of freedom — love for God and for your neighbor. This is both freedom and equality. But in earthly titles there can be no equality; this is of no concern to the soul, however. Not everyone can be a king or a prince; not everyone can be a patriarch or an abbot, or a leader, but no matter what your title you can love God and serve Him, and that is all that matters. And whoever loves God more on earth shall be in greater glory in the Kingdom." -- St. Silouan of Mount Athos

September 22 - 09/22/2020

Hieromartyr Phocas of Sinope the wonder-worker; New-martyrs Isaac and Martin; Twenty-six Venerable-martyrs of Zographou monastery on Athos; Venerable Cosmas the Bulgarian of Zographou monastery on Athos

September 22 - 09/22/2020

"The soul of a humble man is like the sea: throw a stone into the sea--for a moment it will ruffle the surface a little, and then sink to the bottom. Thus do afflictions disappear down into the heart of the humble man, because the strength of the Lord is with him." - St. Silouan of Mount Athos

September 21 - 09/21/2020

Apostle Quadratos of the Seventy; Prophet Jonah; uncovering of the relics of Demetrios, bishop of Rostov

September 21 - 09/21/2020

"The Word of God is not a book; the Word of God is a person, Jesus Christ." -- His Eminence, Metropolitan JOSEPH

September 20 - 09/20/2020

Great-martyr Eustathios and his family; Venerable-martyr Hilarion of St. Anne Skete on Athos; Venerable John of Crete; Martyrs Michael, prince of Chernigov, and his councilor Theodore

September 20 - 09/20/2020

"The more we love people, the more our differences disappear." -- His Eminence, Metropolitan JOSEPH

September 19 - 09/19/2020

Martyrs Trophimos, Dorymedon, Savvatios and Susanna; Hieromartyr Januarios of Benevento and his companions; Theodore, prince of Smolensk, and his sons David and Constantine, wonder workers of Yaroslav; Theodore of Tarsus, archbishop of Canterbury

September 19 - 09/19/2020

When the torturer asked the Holy Martyr Sabbatius who he was and what his rank was, he replied: "My rank and dignity and homeland and glory and wealth is Christ, the Son of God, Who lives forever, and by Whose providence the universe exists and is governed."

September 18 - 09/18/2020

Eumenios the wonder-worker, bishop of Gortyna; Martyr Ariadne of Phrygia

September 18 - 09/18/2020

"The more we serve others with no agenda, the more we sanctify ourselves." -- His Eminence, Metropolitan JOSEPH

September 17 - 09/17/2020

Martyrs Sophia and her daughters Faith, Love and Hope; Hieromartyr Herakleidos of Cyprus; Martyr Agathokleia; Venerable Anastasios and Euxiphios

September 17 - 09/17/2020

Before their suffering, St. Sophia encouraged her daughters, Faith, Hope, and Love, to endure to the end: "Your heavenly Bridegroom, Jesus Christ, is eternal health, inexpressible beauty and eternal life. When your bodies are slain by torture, He will clothe you in incorruption and the wounds on your bodies will shine in the heavens as stars."

September 16 - 09/16/2020

Great-martyr Euphemia the all-praised; Martin the bishop; Newmartyrs Isaac and Joseph of Georgia; Martyr Ludmilla, grandmother of Wenceslaus prince of the Czechs; Venerable Prokopios of Sazava in Bohemia

September 16 - 09/16/2020

"If a man fasts either through vanity or thinking that he is achieving something specifically virtuous, he fasts foolishly and later begins to criticize his brother, considering himself something great. Thus not only does it prove that while he put down one stone he took away two, but he is in danger of bringing down the whole wall through his condemnation of his brother. A man who fasts wisely does not wish to be praised for his fast. He thinks that through abstinence he will win chastity and thereby will come to humility, as the fathers say, 'The way to humility is bodily labors, performed intelligently,' and so on. Such a man proves himself a skilful builder, able to build his house solidly." -- Abba Dorotheus

Conception of St. John the Baptist (September 23) - 09/15/2020

Rejoice, O barren one, who had not given birth; for behold thou hast conceived clearly the one who is the dawn of the Sun Who was about to illuminate the whole universe, blighted with sightlessness. Shout in joy, O Zacharias, crying in favor, Verily, the one to be born is a Prophet of the High. (Apolytikion in Tone 4)

September 15 - 09/15/2020

Great-martyr Nikita the Goth; Martyr Porphyrios; Vissarion, bishop of Larisa; New-martyr John; Venerable Philotheos and Gerasimos; Joseph the New of Partos, the wonder-worker, metropolitan of Timisoara

September 15 - 09/15/2020

"Just as a candle is lighted from another candle, so also a good work is born from a good work." -- St. Nicholai of Zica

September 14 - 09/14/2020

The Elevation of the precious and life-giving Cross. Repose of John Chrysostom, archbishop of Constantinople; Venerable-martyr Makarios the New of Thessalonika; Venerable-martyr Joseph of Dionysiou monastery on Athos

September 14 - 09/14/2020

"The saints endured sufferings in order to testify to the Holy Orthodox faith. Christ Himself did not avoid suffering, but 'endured the cross, despising the shame.'" -- His Eminence, Metropolitan JOSEPH

September 13 - 09/13/2020

The commemoration of the founding of the church of the Resurrection in Jerusalem; Hieromartyr Cornelios the centurion; Martyr Aristeidos; Venerable Hierotheos the Younger of Iviron monastery on Athos; Great-martyr Ketevan, queen of Georgia; Six Martyrs at Tomi in Romania

September 13 - 09/13/2020

The Centurion Soldier, Cornelius, said to St. Peter: "Four days ago I was fasting until this hour; and at the ninth hour I prayed in my house, and behold, a man stood before me in bright clothing, and said, ‘Cornelius, your prayer has been heard, and your alms are remembered in the sight of God. Send therefore to Joppa and call Simon here, whose surname is Peter. He is lodging in the house of Simon, a tanner, by the sea. When he comes, he will speak to you.’ So I sent to you immediately, and you have done well to come. Now therefore, we are all present before God, to hear all the things commanded you by God."

September 12 - 09/12/2020

Hieromartyrs Autonomos of Italy and Coronatos of Iconium; Martyr Okeanos; Venerable Daniel

September 12 - 09/12/2020

Before his death, the Holy Martyr Julian prayed to God in this manner: "To those who take of my dust, grant to them, O Lord, forgiveness of sins and the subduing of their passions; let no ravaging birds, or grasshoppers, or caterpillars, or any other death-carrying destruction attack their fields. And receive my spirit in peace."

September 11 - 09/11/2020

Venerable Theodora of Alexandria; Euphrosynos the Cook; Martyrs Demetrios and Euanthia; translation of the relics of Venerable Sergios and Herman of Valaam

September 11 - 09/11/2020

"What is more necessary for man than God and His divine love? He is our refuge, He is our treasure, He is our food and drink, He is our raiment and shelter, He is our health and strength, He is our happiness and joy, He is our hope and our trust. Strive then, my son, to gain Him. If you succeed in gaining the One God, it will be sufficient for you; you will rejoice more in Him than if you had gained the entire world." -- St. Theodora

September 11 - 09/10/2020

Remembering all those
who lost their lives on
September 11, 2001

September 10 - 09/10/2020

Martyrs Menodora, Metrodora and Nymphodora; Empress Pulcheria

September 10 - 09/10/2020

After cruel tortures, the governor Fronton cried out to Menodora, who was wounded and bloody: "Offer sacrifice to the gods!'' To this the holy martyr replied: "Do you not see that I am offering my entire self as a sacrifice to my God?''

Elevation of the Holy Cross (September 14) - 09/09/2020

O Lord, save Thy people, and bless Thine inheritance, granting to Thy people victory over all adversaries, and by the power of Thy Cross preserving Thine Estate. (Apolytikion in Tone 1)

September 9 - 09/09/2020

The holy and righteous ancestors of God, Joachim and Anna; Great-martyr Severian of Sebaste; the fathers of the Third Ecumenical Council; Venerable Joseph of Volotsk; uncovering of the relics of Theodosios, archbishop of Chernigov

September 9 - 09/09/2020

"Who shall not beatify thee, most holy Virgin? Who shall not praise thy birth-giving, free of travailing and pain? For the only Son rising timelessly from the Father, himself did come incarnate from thee in an inexplicable way. He, who while God by nature, became for our sakes Man by nature, not divided into two persons, but known by two natures without mixture or confusion. To him, O noble and most blessed one, plead for the salvation of our souls." -- Dogmatikon from Saturday Evening Great Vespers in Tone 6

September 8 - 09/08/2020

The Nativity of the Theotokos

September 8 - 09/08/2020

"By thy holy nativity, O pure one, Joachim and Anna were delivered from the reproach of barrenness; and Adam and Eve were delivered from the corruption of death; thy people do celebrate it, having been saved from the stain of iniquity, crying unto thee, The barren doth give birth to the Theotokos, who nourisheth our life." -- Kontakion of the Nativity of the Theotokos

September 7 - 09/07/2020

Martyr Sozon of Cilicia; Apostles Euodos and Onesiphoros of he Seventy; New-martyr Athanasios; John, archbishop of Novgorod; Venerable Kassiane; Venerable Cloud of Nogent-sur-Seine

September 7 - 09/07/2020

"The Lord grant mercy to the household of Onesiphorus, for he often refreshed me, and was not ashamed of my chain; but when he arrived in Rome, he sought me out very zealously and found me. The Lord grant to him that he may find mercy from the Lord in that Day—and you know very well how many ways he ministered to me at Ephesus." -- II Tim 1:13-18

September 6 - 09/06/2020

The commemoration of the miracle of the Archangel Michael in Colossae; Martyrs Eudoxios, Andronikos and Kalodote

September 6 - 09/06/2020

"The power of Communion is within us, and it is our obligation to bring it to concrete expression." -– His Beatitude, Patriarch IGNATIUS IV

September 5 - 09/05/2020

Prophet Zachariah and Elizabeth, parents of the Forerunner; Obadiah, bishop of Persia ; martyrdom of the Holy Passion-bearer Gleb

September 5 - 09/05/2020

"If one studies a great deal in order to acquire knowledge and to teach others, without living the things he teaches, he does no more than fill his head with hot air. At most, he will manage to ascend to the moon using machines. The goal of the Christian is to rise to God without machines." -- Elder Paisios the Athonite

September 4 - 09/04/2020

Hieromartyr Babylas of Antioch; Prophet Moses the God-seer; Martyrs Jerusalem, Sekendos, Sekendios and Kegouros in Aleppo; Martyr Hermione, daughter of the Apostle Philip the deacon; uncovering of the relics of Joasaph, bishop of Belgorod; Venerable Anthimos the New; New-hieromartyr Gorazd, bishop of Bohemia and Moravia-Silesia

September 4 - 09/04/2020

"The goal of reading is the application, in our lives, of what we read. Not to learn it by heart, but to take it to heart. Not to practice using our tongues, but to be able to receive the tongues of fire and to live the mysteries of God." -- Elder Paisios the Athonite

September 3 - 09/03/2020

Hieromartyr Anthimos of Nicomedia; Martyr Chariton; Newmartyr Polydoros of Cyprus; Venerable Theoktistos, fellow-faster with Euthymios the Great; Phoebe the deaconess; uncovering of the relics of Nektarios of Pentapolis, the wonder-worker; Ioanikios I, patriarch of Serbia

September 3 - 09/03/2020

"The icons of the holy men and women reestablish and recover souls that are weighed down by affliction and anguish. The saints are like a cloud protecting those who are burned by the hot rays of earthly afflictions." -- His Eminence, Metropolitan JOSEPH

Nativity of the Holy Theotokos (September 8) - 09/02/2020

Thy nativity, O Theotokos, hath proclaimed joy to the whole universe; for from thee did shine forth the Sun of justice, Christ our God, annulling the curse, and bestowing the blessing, abolishing death and granting us life everlasting. (Apolytikion in Tone 4)

September 2 - 09/02/2020

Martyr Mamas and his parents, Martyrs Theodotos and Rufina; John the Faster, patriarch of Constantinople

September 2 - 09/02/2020

The emperor told Mamas that he needed only to deny Christ verbally, Mamas replied: "Neither in my heart nor with my lips will I renounce my God and King, Jesus Christ.''

September - 09/01/2020

Ecclesiastical New Year - 09/01/2020

Prayer for the Beginning of the Ecclesiastical New Year
O Master, Lord our God, the Source of life and immortality, the Author of all created things both visible and invisible, Who hast established all seasons and times by Thine own authority and dost direct all things with Thine all-wise and all-gracious providence: We thank Thee for Thy bounties, which Thou hast poured out upon us during our life that is past. And we entreat Thee, O all-bountiful Lord: Bless the crown of the New Year by Thy goodness. Bestow Thy good things from above upon all Thy people, as also health, salvation and good furtherance in all things. Deliver Thy Holy Church, this city and all cities and countryside from every evil assault, and vouchsafe unto them peace and tranquility; and grant that we may always offer thanksgiving unto Thee, the unoriginate Father, together with Thine only-begotten Son and Thine all-holy, good and life-giving Spirit, now and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.

September 1 - 09/01/2020

The beginning of the ecclesiastical New Year. Forty Virgin-martyrs and Ammon the deacon; Venerable Simeon the Stylite and his mother Martha; Venerable Euanthia; Righteous Joshua, son of Nun; Meletios the New of Greece; Venerable Nicholas of Crete; New-martyr Angelis of Constantinople

September 1 - 09/01/2020

"The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me, because of which He anointed Me. He sent Me to proclaim good news to the poor, to heal the brokenhearted, to preach liberty to the captives and recovery of sight to the blind; to declare the acceptable year of the Lord, the day of recompense, and to comfort all who mourn." -- Isaiah 61:1-2

August 31 - 08/31/2020

"In the Church, when we say we are a community, we do not understand this in merely political or human terms, but rather that we are a spiritual family of our Lord Jesus Christ." -- His Eminence, Metropolitan JOSEPH

August 31 - 08/31/2020

The commemoration of the placing of the Belt of the Theotokos in the Church of the Virgin in Halkoprateia-Constantinople

Ecclesiastical New Year (September 1) - 08/30/2020

O Thou Creator of the whole universe, Who didst appoint times by Thine own power, bless the crown of this year with Thy goodness, O Lord. Preserve in safety Thy kings and Thy city, by the intercessions of the Theotokos, save us. (Apolytikion in Tone 2)

August 30 - 08/30/2020

"The more I bow before the icon of Christ, or the Theotokos or of any patron saint, it means that I am ready to humble myself and liberate myself and free myself from all evil actions, thoughts and behaviors." -- His Eminence, Metropolitan JOSEPH

August 30 - 08/30/2020

Alexander, Paul the New, and John, Patriarchs of Constantinople; Martyrs Phantinos of Calabria and Januarios; Repose of Venerable Alexander of Svir; translation of the relics of Alexander Nevsky, prince of Novgorod; Cyril and Makarios, patriarchs of Serbia

August 29 - 08/29/2020

"St. John the Baptist’s beheading occurred just before Passover, but its celebration on August 29 was established because a church that had been built over his grave in Sebastia by Ss. Constantine and Helena was consecrated on August 29." -- St. Nicholai of Zica

August 29 - 08/29/2020

The Beheading of the Forerunner. Venerable Theodora of Thessalonika, Theopistis and Joseph the Sanctified of Samaka

August 28 - 08/28/2020

“We ate that which was given to us. No one ever said, ‘give me something else,’ or ‘I do not want that.’ In this way, we spent our entire life in silence and peace.” -- Abba Poemen

August 28 - 08/28/2020

Venerable Moses of Ethiopia; Martyrs Diomedes, Damon and Laurence; Martyr Susanna of Georgia; uncovering of the relics of Venerable Job of Pochaev

August 27 - 08/27/2020

"If man suppresses his stomach and his tongue, then he will be able to rule over himself." -– St. Poemen

August 27 - 08/27/2020

Venerable Pimen the Great and Osios; Martyr Anthusa; Newly revealed Martyr Phanourios of Rhodes; Caesarios, bishop of Arles; Venerable-confessor Hosios, bishop of Cordoba

August 26 - 08/26/2020

"If three men meet, of whom the first fully preserves interior peace, and the second gives thanks to God in illness, and the third serves with a pure mind, these three are doing the same work." -- Abba Poemen

August 26 - 08/26/2020

Martyrs Adrian and Natalia of Nicomedia; Venerable Joasaph; Venerable Adrian of Ondrutsov

August 25 - 08/25/2020

"If a man has on one side of him fire, and on the other side a vessel with water, then if he starts burning from the fire, he takes water from the vessel and extinguishes the fire. Like to this are the evil thoughts, suggested by the enemy of our salvation, which like a spark can enkindle sinful desires within a man. It is necessary to put out these sparks with the water, which is prayer and the yearning of the soul for God." -- Abba Poemen

August 25 - 08/25/2020

Apostles Titos of the Seventy and Bartholomew

August 24 - 08/24/2020

"Do everything you can to take some wisdom for your soul from what you read, and emulate it." -- His Eminence, Metropolitan JOSEPH

August 24 - 08/24/2020

Hieromartyr Eutychos, disciple of John the Theologian; New hieromartyr Cosmas Aitolos, equal-to-the-Apostles and evangelizer of southern Albania; Dionysios the wonder-worker, bishop of Zakynthos; Venerable Gerasimos of Kephallenia; translation of the relics of Peter the wonder-worker, metropolitan of Moscow

August 23 - 08/23/2020

"It is better to be a simpleton and approach God with love than to be a learned man and at the same time an enemy of God." -- St. Irenaeus of Lyons

August 23 - 08/23/2020

Martyr Loupos; Hieromartyr Irenaios, bishop of Lyons; Venerable Nicholas and Dionysios of Olympos

August 22 - 08/22/2020

"If you are making something, you must call to mind the Creator of all things; if you see the light, remember the Giver of it. If you put on your clothes, recall whose gift they are and thank Him who provides for your life. In short, let every action be a cause of your remembering and praising God, and lo! you will be praying without ceasing and therein your soul will always rejoice." -- St. Peter of Damascus

August 22 - 08/22/2020

Martyr Agathonikos of Nicomedia and those with him

August 21 - 08/21/2020

"Even the doing of what is good requires discrimination...for the good is not good unless its purpose is conformed to God's will." -- St. Peter of Damascus

August 21 - 08/21/2020

Apostle Thaddeus of the Seventy; Martyrs Bassa, Theognios, Agapios, and Pistos of Edessa; Venerable Abraham of Smolensk and his disciple, Venerable Ephraim

August 20 - 08/20/2020

"Send your treasures to the heavenly storage room. Deposit your wealth in God’s Bank, distributing it to the poor, the orphans and the widows, so that you can receive a million times more in the Second Coming of Christ." -- Elder Joseph the Hesychast

August 20 - 08/20/2020

Prophet Samuel; Martyrs Heliodoros of Persia and Photeini of Blachernae

August 19 - 08/19/2020

"The humble person does not criticize anyone except himself, because he knows that he does not have any appointment to judge and censure others." -- Father Philotheos Zervakos

August 19 - 08/19/2020

Martyr Andrew the General ('Stratelates'); Venerable Theophanes of Docheiariou monastery on Athos

August 18 - 08/18/2020

"As you come together in love for one another, you will draw in many other people seeking after the love with which you have been so richly blessed." -- His Eminence, Metropolitan JOSEPH

August 18 - 08/18/2020

Martyrs Floros and Lauros of Illyria; Venerable Sophronios of St. Anne Skete on Athos; Venerable Barnabas and Christopher of Mt. Mela; New-martyr Demetrios; Venerable Arsenios the New of Paros; repose of Venerable John of Rila

August 17 - 08/17/2020

Venerable Myron of Kyzikos, Eutychios, Eutychian, and Kassiane; Martyrs Thyrsos, Cyprian and Juliana; Venerable Alypios the iconographer of the Kiev Caves; Theodoretos of Solovky, enlightener of the Lapps

August 17 - 08/17/2020

"Each parish is like a gateway to the Kingdom of Heaven. Do you desire an eternal life in Paradise? Then the road naturally leads to the Church." -- His Eminence, Metropolitan JOSEPH

Beheading of John the Baptist (August 29) - 08/16/2020

The memory of the righteous is celebrated with songs of praise, but the Lord's testimony is sufficient for thee, O Forerunner. Thou wast shown indeed to be the most honorable of the prophets, for in the waters thou didst baptize Him Who had been proclaimed. After suffering with joy in behalf of the truth, thou didst proclaim even to those in hades the God Who appeared in the flesh, Who takest away the sin of the world, and granteth us the Great Mercy. (Apolytikion in Tone 2)

August 16 - 08/16/2020

The commemoration of the icon not-made-by-hands of our Lord in Edessa. Martyrs Diomedes the physician of Tarsus in Cilicia and Alkiviades; Venerable Gerasimos the New Ascetic of Kephallenia; Timothy, bishop of Epiros; New-martyrs Nikodemos of Meteora and Apostolos (Stamatios) of St. Laurence; the New martyrs of Megaris

August 16 - 08/16/2020

"Complacency begins when we no longer see the gift of each new day, when we lose our gratitude for what we have been given. God gives us all things simply because He loves us, yet He lets us work for these things so we will appreciate them more." -- His Eminence, Metropolitan JOSEPH

August 15 - 08/15/2020

The Dormition of the Theotokos

August 15 - 08/15/2020

"Sing, O people! Sing the praises of the Mother of our God: for today she delivers her soul, full of light, into the spotless hands of Him who was made incarnate of her without seed.  And she entreats Him without ceasing to grant the whole world peace and great mercy." -- for the Dormition of the Theotokos

August 14 - 08/14/2020

Prophet Micah; New-martyr Simeon of Trebizond; translation of the relics of Venerable Theodosios of the Kiev Caves

August 14 - 08/14/2020

"If we are able to better understand the ancient holy teachings of the Church regarding moral behavior, we can apply them to new circumstances, and continue in our historic calling to be healed and to heal." -- His Eminence, Metropolitan JOSEPH

August 13 - 08/13/2020

Maximos the Confessor; Eudokia and Irene (Xenia) the empresses; Venerable Dositheos; repose of Tikhon, bishop of Voronezh and wonder-worker of Zadonsk; uncovering of the relics of Maximos of Moscow, fool-for-Christ

August 13 - 08/13/2020

"Thou died – Thou Who art the Life of all – in order to revive me, the dead. Thou wast laid in the tomb that I might rise from the tomb. Thou wast brought to life again that I might believe in my resurrection." -– St. Tikhon of Zadonsk

August 12 - 08/12/2020

Martyrs Photios and Anikytos of Nicomedia

August 12 - 08/12/2020

"Keep from prying into other people's affairs, for such prying gives occasion for slander, judgment, and other grievous sins. Why do you need to be concerned about others? Know and examine your own self." -- St. Tikhon of Zadonsk

August 11 - 08/11/2020

Martyr and Archdeacon Euplos of Catania; Niphon, patriarch of Constantinople; commemoration of the miracle of Spyridon the wonder-worker on Kerkyra; New-martyrs Anastasios and Demetrios

August 11 - 08/11/2020

"Beloved Christians, you and your children shall appear at that Judgment of Christ, and you shall give account for them to the just Judge. He will not ask you whether you have taught you children the arts or whether you have taught them to speak French, or German, or Italian, but whether you have taught them to live as Christians." -- St. Tikhon of Zadonsk

August 10 - 08/10/2020

Martyr and Archdeacon Laurence of Rome; Hieromartyr Sixtus, bishop of Rome

August 10 - 08/10/2020

"The Apostolic Faith must be passed down from father to son; and from mother to daughter. Even those who are not our children according to the flesh can become our spiritual children when we decide to behave towards them like responsible parents. This is truly what it means to share the Gospel." -- His Eminence, Metropolitan JOSEPH

August 9 - 08/09/2020

Apostle Matthias; translation of the relics of Venerable Herman of Alaska, wonder-worker of America

August 9 - 08/09/2020

"We have not been called to share the gossip. Rather, we have been called to share the Gospel." -- His Eminence, Metropolitan JOSEPH

August 8 - 08/08/2020

Emilianos the Confessor, archbishop of Kyzikos; Myron, archbishop of Crete; Venerable Gregory of Sinai; New-martyrs Anastasios and Triandaphylos of Thessaly; translation of the relics of Venerable Zosimas and Savvatios of Solovky

August 8 - 08/08/2020

"If you desire to grow in your relationship with God, fall on your knees in repentance, then stand up and get to work. We have much to do." -- His Eminence, Metropolitan JOSEPH

Feast of the Dormition of the Holy Theotokos (August 15) - 08/07/2020

In thy birth-giving, O Theotokos, thou didst keep and preserve virginity; and in thy falling-asleep thou hast not forsaken the world; for living thou wast translated, being the Mother of Life. Wherefore, by thine intercessions, deliver our souls from death. (Apolytikion in Tone 1)

August 7 - 08/07/2020

Martyrs Dometios of Persia and Sozon of Nicomedia; Hieromartyr Narcissos, patriarch of Jerusalem; Venerable Theodosios the New of the Peloponnesos, Nikanor the wonder-worker of Mt. Kalistratos , and David; Venerable Dometios of Philotheou monastery on Athos; uncovering of the relics of Metrophanes, first bishop of Voronezh

August 7 - 08/07/2020

"By bringing the Light of our Lord, Jesus Christ, to the suffering people of this land, we transfigure the entire world. We bring God’s grace and healing to the suffering by the preaching of the Gospel not only with words, but rather with Christian virtues and actions." -- His Eminence, Metropolitan JOSEPH

August 6 - 08/06/2020

The Transfiguration of Christ

August 6 - 08/06/2020

"The Love of God will reign within us if we allow ourselves to be guided by God, and we are transformed. The Scriptures liken this transfiguration to light. Are we not called by our Lord the ‘light of the world?’" -- His Eminence, Metropolitan JOSEPH

August 5 - 08/05/2020

Martyr Eusignios of Antioch; New-martyr Habakkuk of Thessalonika

August 5 - 08/05/2020

"Malice will never drive out malice. But, if someone does an evil act to you, you should do good to him, so that by your good work you may destroy his malice." -- A Desert Father

August 4 - 08/04/2020

The Seven Sleepers of Ephesus; Martyr Eudokia of Persia

August 4 - 08/04/2020

"We are not called to be ritual; we are called to be holy. We are not called to be religious; we are called to be prayerful. This is what we are called to be – a holy nation, a royal priesthood." -- His Eminence, Metropolitan JOSEPH

August 3 - 08/03/2020

Venerable Isaac, Dalmatos and Faustus of the Dalmaton monastery; Venerable Theoklites and Theodora; Salome the myrrhbearer; Venerable Anthony the Roman, wonder-worker of Novgorod

August 3 - 08/03/2020

"Richness comes from God, not from our money. Every beauty comes from God, not from any human aspect." -- His Eminence, Metropolitan JOSEPH

Feast of the Transfiguration of our Lord (August 6) - 08/02/2020

When, O Christ our God, Thou wast transfigured on the mountain, Thou didst reveal Thy glory to Thy Disciples in proportion as they could bear it. Let Thine everlasting light also enlighten us sinners, through the intercessions of the Theotokos, O God Thou Bestower of light, glory to Thee. (Apolytikion in Tone 7)

August 2 - 08/02/2020

The translation of the relics of the Proto-martyr Stephen the Archdeacon; Venerable Photeini; New-martyr Theodore; Blessed Basil the fool-for-Christ, wonder-worker of Moscow

August 2 - 08/02/2020

"We must strengthen ourselves by truly realizing that the God of the Universe is the God who dwells within us. When we begin to enter into our interior universe, we will find how close we are to our healing. God has given us all things; we need only remove from our inner selves what is not of God." -- His Eminence, Metropolitan JOSEPH

August - 08/01/2020

Dormition Fast - 08/01/2020


The Feast of the Dormition is preceded by a two-week fast, referred to as the Dormition Fast. From August 1 to August 14 (inclusive) we fast from red meat, poultry, meat products, dairy products (eggs and milk products), fish, oil, and wine. The Dormition Fast is a stricter fast than either the Nativity Fast (Advent) or the Apostles' Fast, with only wine and oil (but no fish) allowed on weekends. As with the other Fasts of the Church year, there is a Great Feast that falls during the Fast; in this case, the Transfiguration (August 6), on which fish, wine and oil are allowed.

Most Holy Theotokos, Save Us!

August 1 - 08/01/2020

The Procession of the Cross. The seven Maccabean youths, their mother Solomonia and Eleazar their teacher, martyrs; Venerable martyr Elessa of Kythera

August 1 - 08/01/2020

"When the Spirit of God descends upon a man and overshadows him with the fullness of His outpouring, then his soul overflows with a joy not to be described, for the Holy Spirit turns to joy whatever He touches." -- St. Seraphim of Sarov

July 31 - 07/31/2020

"A preacher doesn’t need to have all the knowledge of this world, but to be faithful and honest in what he is saying. The most eloquent homily we can give to the faithful is this: 'Ladies and gentlemen, I love you and I pray for you.'" -- His Eminence, Metropolitan JOSEPH

July 31 - 07/31/2020

Righteous Eudokimos of Cappadocia; Righteous Joseph of Arimathea; Germanos, bishop of Auxerre

July 30 - 07/30/2020

"To be negative and critical is no good, whether it comes from the clergy or the people. Let us be at peace at all times, in whatever we do and say. The Church needs to become a holy place where God is." -- His Eminence, Metropolitan JOSEPH

July 30 - 07/30/2020

Apostles Silas, Silvanos (Silouan), Crescens, Epenetos and Andronikos of the Seventy; Hieromartyr Valentine, bishop of Terni in Italy; John the Warrior; uncovering of the relics of Venerable Herman of Solovky; Venerable Angelina of Serbia

July 29 - 07/29/2020

"The more we, as clergy serve people in the Name of Jesus Christ, the more we sanctify ourselves. It is an honor for us to serve the people of Jesus Christ; it is a holy ministry. Service and sanctification are equal to each other. It is nonsense to separate them." -- His Eminence, Metropolitan JOSEPH

July 29 - 07/29/2020

Martyrs Kallinikos of Gangra in Asia Minor and Theodota of Bithynia; Theodosios the pious emperor; Constantine, patriarch of Constantinople; Lupos the Confessor, bishop of Troyes

Procession of the Holy Cross (August 1) - 07/28/2020

O Lord, save Thy people, and bless Thine inheritance, granting to Thy people victory over all adversaries, and by the power of Thy Cross preserving Thine Estate. (Apolytikion in Tone 1)

July 28 - 07/28/2020

"If a man has a full intention to please God, then God teaches him His will either through thoughts, through some other person, or through Holy Scripture." -- St. Peter of Damascus

July 28 - 07/28/2020

Prochoros, Nikanor, Timon and Parmenas, deacons and Apostles of the Seventy; Venerable Paul, founder of Xeropotamou and St. Paul monasteries on Athos; Venerable Irene Chrysovalantou; Pitirim, bishop of Tambov

July 27 - 07/27/2020

"Our stay on earth is not for sojourning, but for a personal choice for good or for evil, for truth or for falsehood." -- St. Nicholai of Zica

July 27 - 07/27/2020

Great-martyr and healer Panteleimon; New-martyr Christodoulos; Clement of Ochrid, bishop of greater Macedonia; Angelar, Gorazd, Nahum and Sabbas, disciples of Cyril and Methodios

Panteleimon, the Great Marytr and Healer (July 27) - 07/26/2020

O struggle-bearing and healing physician Pantaleimon, intercede with the merciful God to bestow on our souls the remission of sins. (Apolytikion in Tone 3)

July 26 - 07/26/2020

"Without fear, a great love of God imperceptibly crosses over into pride; and, without love, a great fear of God leads to despair." -- St. Nicholai of Zica

July 26 - 07/26/2020

Venerable Virgin-martyr Paraskeva of Rome; Hieromartyr Hermolaos of Nicomedia; Venerable Gerontios, first settler of St. Anne skete on Athos; Moses the Hungarian; Sabbas III, archbishop of Serbia; Priest Jacob, enlightener of the peoples of Alaska

July 25 - 07/25/2020

"A Christian has an obligation to serve his creator not only with the soul but also with the body. This refutes the false position of certain Christians, who live physically as pagans, while praising themselves that they believe in God and love God with their souls." -- St. Nicholai of Zica

July 25 - 07/25/2020

The Dormition of Righteous Anna, the mother of the Theotokos. Olympias, the deaconess of Constantinople; Venerable Eupraxia of Tabenna; Four Martyrs of Lyons; Venerable Makarios of Zheltovodsk and Unzha

July 24 - 07/24/2020

"Have love; for what salt is to food, love is to every virtue." -- St. Euthymius the Great

July 24 - 07/24/2020

Great-martyr Christina of Tyre; New-martyrs Athanasios of Ikia and Theophilos of Zakynthos; Athenagoras the Confessor; Passion-bearers Boris (Roman) and Gleb (David)

The Dormition of St. Anna, Mother of the Theotokos (July 25) - 07/23/2020

O Godly-minded Anna, thou didst give birth to the Theotokos, the spotless Mother of Life. Wherefore, thou hast been translated now in gladness to thy heavenly end, which is the abode of all who rejoice, seeking remission of sins for those who eagerly honor thee, O ever-blessed one. (Apolytikion in Tone 4)

July 23 - 07/23/2020

"We should encourage the people to come to Matins from the very beginning. In the Six Psalms of Matins we find all the Christian advice, wisdom and morality. We cannot come to the Divine Liturgy and receive the Holy Communion without preparation. Matins is about how to prepare for the Divine Liturgy." -- His Eminence, Metropolitan JOSEPH

July 23 - 07/23/2020

Hieromartyrs Phocas and Apollonios; Hieromartyr Apollinaris, bishop of Ravenna; Prophet Ezekiel

July 22 - 07/22/2020

"Eyes turned to heaven will see all things fulfilled. If we carry out the Great Commandment to bring the Good News to the ears of God’s people, our churches will be filled and our wallets will have no lack. The details will take care of themselves." -- His Eminence, Metropolitan JOSEPH

July 22 - 07/22/2020

Mary Magdalene, myrrh-bearer and equal-to-the-Apostles; Virgin-martyr Markella of Chios

Mary Magdalene, the Ointment-Bearer and Equal of the Apostles (July 22) - 07/21/2020

Thou didst follow Christ Who was born of a Virgin for our sakes, O Mary Magdalene, keeping his precepts and statutes. Wherefore, as we celebrate today thy Holy memorial, we receive, through thy prayers, remission of sins. (Apolytikion in Tone 1)

July 21 - 07/21/2020

"How can we radiate the joy of salvation when we constantly worry needlessly? Obedience, chastity, poverty…where is the shame of these in the eyes of God? Yes, the world calls these shames, and tempts us with earthly pleasures. Yet, we know that even with financial security, fame and power, a man can be perfectly miserable. Happiness is found within us, when we genuinely trust in God’s providence." -- His Eminence, Metropolitan JOSEPH

July 21 - 07/21/2020

Righteous Fathers John of Edessa in Mesopotamia and Simeon of Homs (Emesa), the Fool-for-Christ; Parthenios, bishop of Radovizlios; Venerable Arta; Martyr Victor of Marseilles

July 20 - 07/20/2020

"Tithing is not just for converts. It is not just for the rich. It is for all of us. It brings us peace, knowing that we have given to God what is rightfully His. It makes our parishes strong by providing the support it needs. It builds up our youth, who see our gratitude to God and are in turn grateful to their parents. Yes, if you really want your children to appreciate what you do for them, try being an example of gratitude." -- His Eminence, Metropolitan JOSEPH

July 20 - 07/20/2020

Prophet Elijah (Elias); Righteous Iliya Chavchavadze of Georgia

July 19 - 07/19/2020

"The Kingdom of Heaven is peace and joy in the Holy Spirit. Acquire inward peace, and thousands around you will find their salvation." -- St. Seraphim of Sarov

July 19 - 07/19/2020

Venerable Macrina, sister of Basil the Great; Venerable Dios of Antioch; Theodore, archbishop of Ephesos; uncovering of the relics of Venerable Seraphim of Sarov; Stephen Lazarevic

July 18 - 07/18/2020

"We cannot call ourselves ‘moral’ or ‘ethical’ unless we remain focused on salvation. Our primary work is to make manifest the Kingdom of God in our families, in our parishes, and in all that we do. Through constant remembrance of God’s love and care for us, even through difficult worldly circumstances, we can endure any kind of trial." -- His Eminence, Metropolitan JOSEPH

July 18 - 07/18/2020

Martyr Emilianos of Silistria in Bulgaria; John, metropolitan of Chalcedon; Stephen, patriarch of Constantinople

Prophet Elias (Elijah) the Tishbite (July 20) - 07/17/2020

O angelic of body, pillar of the prophets and their cornerstone, the second forerunner of the coming of Christ, the venerable and glorious Elias, thou didst send grace from on high to Elisha to dispel sicknesses and purify lepers.  Wherefore, he overflows with healing to those who honor him. (Apolytikion in Tone 4)

July 17 - 07/17/2020

"We all have one purpose, to bring the Gospel of our Lord, Jesus Christ, to this land, and to point out the way of salvation to those who are lost in the lies and turmoil of this ocean of contemporary disfiguration, deception and confusion." -- His Eminence, Metropolitan JOSEPH

July 17 - 07/17/2020

Great-martyr Marina of Antioch in Pisidia; Venerable Irenarchos of Solovky

July 16 - 07/16/2020

"Give your children a solid spiritual foundation, and they will be content with whatever they have. Deprive them of a life in Christ, and they will be miserable even in the midst of great wealth." -- His Eminence, Metropolitan JOSEPH

July 16 - 07/16/2020

Hieromartyr Athenogenes, bishop of Herakleopolis; the 15,000 martyrs of Pisidia

July 15 - 07/15/2020

"The best things, the things we treasure most, come through difficulties. If we ignore the difficulties, we are neglecting the true joys." -- His Eminence, Metropolitan JOSEPH

July 15 - 07/15/2020

Martyrs Kyrikos and his mother Julietta of Tarsus; Great Prince Vladimir (Basil) of Kiev, equal-to-the-Apostles

July 14 - 07/14/2020

"If we are to become filled with a joy that the world cannot take away, we must give up everything, even our own selfish lives, so that we can be alive in our Lord, Jesus Christ." -- His Eminence, Metropolitan JOSEPH

July 14 - 07/14/2020

Apostle Aquila of the Seventy; Joseph the Confessor, archbishop of Thessalonika; Peter, bishop of Crete; Venerable Onesimos of Magnesia and Nikodemos of the Holy Mountain (Hagiorite)

July 13 - 07/13/2020

"Our Lord teaches us that all things come from Him. He is the source of all good. If we follow Him, even in times of sorrow and hardship, He increases us by allowing us to participate in His divinity." -- His Eminence, Metropolitan JOSEPH

July 13 - 07/13/2020

The synaxis of the Archangel Gabriel. Venerable Stephen of Mar Sabbas monastery and Heliophotos; Martyr Golinduch

July 12 - 07/12/2020

"Without a foundation of Christian virtues, all the education in the world is meaningless. Education cannot cure loneliness, anxiety, depression and fear. Only faith in God’s mercy can." -- His Eminence, Metropolitan JOSEPH

July 12 - 07/12/2020

Martyrs Proklos and Hilarion of Ancyra; Veronica, the woman with the issue of blood who was healed by our Lord

Sunday of the Fathers of the Fourth Ecumenical Council (July 16) - 07/11/2020

Thou, O Christ, art our God of exceeding praise Who didst establish our Holy Fathers as luminous stars upon earth, and through them didst guide us unto the true Faith, O most merciful One, glory to Thee. (Apolytikion in Tone 8)

July 11 - 07/11/2020

"Reading the Bible without living the Bible will lead us nowhere." -- His Eminence, Metropolitan JOSEPH

July 11 - 07/11/2020

Great-martyr Euphemia the all-praised; Olga (Helen), princess of Kiev

July 10 - 07/10/2020

"None of us have been asked to be born. It is a gift, the gift of life, and we shall be judged on what each of us does with this gift." -- His Eminence, Metropolitan JOSEPH

July 10 - 07/10/2020

The 45 martyrs at Nikopolis in Armenia; Venerable Anthony of the Kiev Caves; Venerable-martyrs Nikodemos the Albanian and Nektarios of the St. Anne skete on Athos; Hieromartyr Joseph the Damascene and his companions

July 9 - 07/09/2020

"Never cease to give thanks for what you have received. Perhaps we are not rich men when it comes to money and property, but we are wealthy men in the eyes of God. He has given us many unseen gifts, eternal ones, ones that cannot be taken from us. We have been given more than we labored for. Rejoice, for God is generous and merciful. He is the God of Love, and He loves us all." -- His Eminence, Metropolitan JOSEPH

July 9 - 07/09/2020

Hieromartyr Pankratios, bishop of Taormina in Sicily; Methodios, bishop; New-martyr Michael; Venerable Photios; Venerable Dionysios the Orator, first settler of Small St. Anne skete on Athos, and his disciple Venerable Metrophanes

July 8 - 07/08/2020

"We do not suffer because there is too much godliness in the world, but because there is too much evil. We must overcome the evil around us with godliness, speaking the truth in love." -- His Eminence, Metropolitan JOSEPH

July 8 - 07/08/2020

Great-martyr Prokopios of Caesarea in Palestine; New-martyrs Theophanes and Anastasios of Constantinople; Venerable Theophilos the myrrh-streaming of St. Basil Kelli on Athos; Prokopios of Ustug, fool-for-Christ

July 7 - 07/07/2020

Ammon complained to the venerable Sisoes the Great that he could not memorize the wise sayings that he read, in order to be able to repeat them in conversation with men. The saint replied to Him: "That is not necessary. It is necessary to attain purity of mind and to speak from that purity, placing your hope in God."

July 7 - 07/07/2020

Great-martyr Kyriaki of Nicomedia; Hieromartyr Evangelos, bishop of Tomi (Constanta) in Romania; New-martyr Polycarp; Venerable Thomas of Mt. Maleon; Eudokia, princess of Moscow

July 6 - 07/06/2020

A monk said to St. Sisoes: "I would like to preserve my heart but I cannot," to which the elder responded: "How can we preserve the heart when the gate to our heart, the tongue stands open?"

July 6 - 07/06/2020

Venerable Sisoes the Great; Apostles Archippos, Philemon and Onesimos of the Seventy; Martyrs Lucia, Epimachos and Alexander; Venerable-martyr Cyril

July 5 - 07/05/2020

"When a man begins to train himself in keeping silent, silence to him seems to be lesser than speech; but when he is trained in silence then he knows that speech is lesser than silence." -- St. Nicholai of Zica

July 5 - 07/05/2020

Venerable Athanasios the Athonite, founder of the Great Lavra on Athos; Venerable hieromartyr Cyprian of St. George kelli on Athos; Venerable Lampados of Irenoupolis; the synaxis of the 23 martyrs of Lesvos; uncovering of the relics of Venerable Sergios the wonder-worker of Radonezh

July 4 - 07/04/2020

"The unity of God the Father and Jesus Christ is a perfect unity, and this perfect unity is what our Lord calls us to have with one another. If we act in the name of God, then the proof of our motivations will be revealed in our unity. Endless arguing and bickering is a sign that God is absent and that we have forgotten Him. The contentious person is outside God’s grace by his or her desires to dominate others." -- His Eminence, Metropolitan JOSEPH

July 4 - 07/04/2020

Andrew, bishop of Crete, author of the Great Canon; Martyrs Theodore of Cyrene and Lucia; Venerable Andrew Rublev

St. Joseph of Damascus (July 10) - 07/03/2020

Come, ye faithful, let us honor the martyr of Christ, a priest of the Church of Antioch; who by the word of the Word, and by his blood and the blood of his companions, baptized the land of Syria, its Church and its people.  Being immersed in the light of the Gospel from his youth, he worked and taught and defended the Church of Christ and her flock. O Father Joseph of Damascus, be for us an example, defending us and interceding for us fervently before the Savior. (Apolytikion in Tone 5)

July 3 - 07/03/2020

"All of us have been called to serve God. We do this in our families, our parishes and our secular jobs. We serve God when we serve one another. Our acts of kindness and generosity, our prayers for our loved ones and our enemies, are all offerings to God which He receives from us and uses for the benefit of all mankind." -- His Eminence, Metropolitan JOSEPH

July 3 - 07/03/2020

Martyrs Hyacinth and Theodota of Caesarea in Cappadocia; Anatolios, patriarch of Constantinople; Venerable-martyr Gerasimos the New of Carpenision; Venerable Joachim; translation of the relics of Philip the wonder-worker, metropolitan of Moscow; Venerable Nikodemos of Kozhe Lake

July 2 - 07/02/2020

"Christ, invisible to the bodily eye, manifests Himself on earth clearly through His Church…The Church is the Body of Christ both because its parts are united to Christ through His divine mysteries and because through her Christ works in the world." -- St. John of San Francisco 

July 2 - 07/02/2020

The commemoration of the placing of the Robe of the Theotokos in Blachernae. Juvenaly, archbishop of Jerusalem; the Newmartyrs of Samothrace; repose of Job, first patriarch of Moscow

July - 07/01/2020


Placing of the Robe of the Theotokos in Blachornas (July 2) - 07/01/2020

Thou hast bestowed upon thy city, O ever-virgin Theotokos and shelter of mankind, the robe and the belt of thy pure body, as a secure mantle, which by thy seedless birth-giving have remained without corruption; for by thee are nature and time regenerated. Wherefore, we implore thee to grant thy city safety, and our souls the Great Mercy. (Apolytikion in Tone 8)

July 1 - 07/01/2020

"Never confuse the person formed in the image of God, with the evil that is in him: because evil is but a chance misfortune, an illness, a devilish reverie. But the very essence of a person is the image of God, and this remains in him despite every disfigurement." -- St John of Kronstadt

July 1 - 07/01/2020

Unmercenaries Cosmas and Damian, martyrs in Rome; Newmartyr Constantine; translation of the relics of Venerable John of Rila from Tmovo to Rila

Synaxis of the Twelve Apostles (June 30) - 06/30/2020

O Holy Apostles, intercede to our merciful God, that He may grant our souls remission of sins. (Apolytikion in Tone 3)

June 30 - 06/30/2020

The synaxis of the Twelve Apostles. New-martyr Michael

June 30 - 06/30/2020

"Never cease to give thanks for what you have received. Perhaps we are not rich men when it comes to money and property, but we are wealthy men in the eyes of God. He has given us many unseen gifts, eternal ones, ones that cannot be taken from us. We have been given more than we labored for. Rejoice, for God is generous and merciful. He is the God of Love, and He loves us all." -- His Eminence, Metropolitan JOSEPH

June 29 - 06/29/2020

Apostles Peter and Paul

June 29 - 06/29/2020

"O foremost in the ranks of apostles, and teachers of the world, Peter and Paul. Intercede with the Master of all, to grant safety to the world, and to our souls the great mercy." -- Apolytikion of Ss. Peter and Paul

Sayidna's Consecration - 06/28/2020


The clergy and the faithful of the Holy Diocese of Los Angeles and the West, extend their prayers and love to our Father in Christ, His Eminence, Metropolitan JOSEPH on the occasion of the Anniversary of his consecration to the sacred episcopate (June 30, 1991) and his election as metropolitan of our archdiocese (July 3, 2014). May God grant him many years as our Father and Chief Shepherd.

Greetings may be sent to Sayidna through the Contact Us Section of the Website.

June 28 - 06/28/2020

The translation of the relics of Cyros and John the unmercenary healers; Martyrs Papios and Paul; Venerable Moses the anchorite; Venerable Simeon; Venerable Sergios and Herman, wonderworkers of Valaam

June 28 - 06/28/2020

"If we are unwilling to admit the specific sins in our lives, those that bring us suffering and turmoil, we cannot be freed from them by God’s mercy. It is easy for us to admit in a general way that we are sinners, but are we ready to admit every situation where we have done wrong? This is hard work, and we must overcome a great deal of fear by trusting in our Lord." -- His Eminence, Metropolitan JOSEPH

June 27 - 06/27/2020

Sampson the host of strangers; Mary and Joanna the myrrhbearers

June 27 - 06/27/2020

"Only our Lord Jesus Christ is strong enough to overcome sin and death. We must cling to Him by renouncing the sins we cling to out of self-justification." -- His Eminence, Metropolitan JOSEPH

June 26 - 06/26/2020

Venerable David of Thessalonika; John, bishop of the Goths

June 26 - 06/26/2020

"We sometimes hear people say, 'I'm only human.' We hear it in songs, in conversation, perhaps in confession. It sounds like an excuse in our fallen condition not to change. Therefore, let us challenge ourselves and others to be 'truly human' rather than 'only human.' To be truly human we must commit ourselves to rise above the bodiless powers with the Theotokos who is more honorable than the Cherubim and more glorious beyond compare than the Seraphim in pursuit of the likeness of God." -- His Eminence, Metropolitan JOSEPH

Feast of the Apostles Peter and Paul: Blessed Feast of the Holy See of Antioch (June 29) - 06/25/2020

O foremost in the ranks of Apostles, and teachers of the world, intercede with the Master of all to grant safety to the world and to our souls the Great Mercy. (Apolytikion in Tone 4)

June 25 - 06/25/2020

Venerable-martyr Febronia of Nisibis; Martyr Longinos; Venerable Prokopios of the skete of Iviron on Athos; Venerable Dionysios the Hagidrite, founder of Dionysiou monastery on Athos; Venerable Dometios, abbot of Dionysiou monastery on Athos; Prince Peter (Venerable David) and Princess Febronia (Venerable Euphrosyne), wonder-workers of Murom

June 25 - 06/25/2020

"Search your hearts and minds for the spiritual wounds of unforgiveness and fear, which are atheistic and unchristian, and repent of them so that you might be healed by the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ." -- His Eminence, Metropolitan JOSEPH

Apostles Fast - 06/24/2020

Apostles' Fast

(Second Monday after Pentecost through June 28)
The Apostles' Fast is a fast that was undertaken by the disciples of Jesus Christ following the Descent of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost. Having rejoiced for fifty days following Pascha, the Resurrection of Jesus Christ, the apostles began to prepare for their departure from Jerusalem to spread Christ's message. As part of their preparation, they began a fast with prayer to ask God to strengthen their resolve and to be with them in their missionary undertakings. The Apostles' Fast is not as strict as Great Lent or the Dormition Fast, but entails abstaining from red meat, poultry, meat products, eggs, and dairy products, fish, wine and oil. Fish is allowed on Saturdays and Sundays, and wine and oil are allowed on Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays and Sundays.

June 24 - 06/24/2020

The Nativity of the Forerunner; New-martyr Panayiotis of Caesarea in Cappadocia

June 24 - 06/24/2020

"The proud man thinks he can comprehend everything with his mind. The Lord does not grant this... The Lord does not manifest Himself to the proud soul. Pride is difficult to detect in oneself, but the Lord leaves the proud to be tormented by their impotence until they humble themselves." -- St. Silouan

June 23 - 06/23/2020

Martyrs Agripinna of Rome, Aristokleos, Eustochios, Demetrian, and Lollias; Venerable Barbaros Pentapolites; translation of the relics of Herman, archbishop of Kazan

June 23 - 06/23/2020

"We Orthodox have to renew every day. We have to convert every moment. So make time to study the Scriptures daily and deeply. Read the Book of Psalms; read the wisdom of the Holy Fathers. If you will read just Psalm 118 you will find most of the answers to the issues we face in life." -- His Eminence, Metropolitan JOSEPH

June 22 - 06/22/2020

Hieromartyr Eusebios, bishop of Samosata; Martyrs Zeno and his servant Zenas of Philadelphia; Alban, protomartyr of Britain; Venerable Anastasia of Serbia

June 22 - 06/22/2020

"Obedience leads to freedom. Freedom leads to holiness. Holiness brings salvation, both to ourselves and others." -- His Eminence, Metropolitan JOSEPH

June 21 - 06/21/2020

Martyr Julian of Tarsus; New-martyr Nikita of Nisyros near Rhodes

June 21 - 06/21/2020

"Sin, first and foremost, is the cause of every damage in this world. The evil one is the master of this sin, the master of this damage, but we have the Lord Jesus Christ, the Master of the Kingdom of God to defeat any kind of sin." -- His Eminence, Metropolitan JOSEPH

June 20 - 06/20/2020

Hieromartyr Methodios, bishop of Patara; Kallistos Xanthopoulos, patriarch of Constantinople; Venerable Nahum of Ochrid

June 20 - 06/20/2020

A man must practice good works for a long time, with great effort and determination, and “at last God comes, dwells within him and he in the Lord, and the Lord Himself sows His own commandments within him, filling him with spiritual fruit.” - St. Marcarius the Great – Homily 19

June 19 - 06/19/2020

Apostle Jude (Thaddeus), brother of the Lord; Venerable Paisios the Great and Zenon; Martyr Zosimas the Soldier at Antioch in Pisidia

June 19 - 06/19/2020

The monks once inquired of St. Paisios the Great: “Father, speak to us a word of salvation. How should we live according to God?” The elder replied to them: “Go and keep the commandments of God and preserve the tradition of the Fathers.”

June 18 - 06/18/2020

Martyrs Leontios, Hypatios and Theodoulos of Tripoli in Syria; Venerable Leontios the Hagiorite of Dionysiou monastery on Athos

June 18 - 06/18/2020

"If one becomes used to fleeing or escaping sorrows, or goes from place to place, or chooses only a particular time to begin to labor and to struggle, such a one – all the days of his life – will not find a place and a time for receiving benefit." -- St. Paisios Velichkovsky

June 17 - 06/17/2020

Martyrs Isauros, Basil, Innocent, Hermes, Felix and Peregrinos of Athens; Martyrs Manuel, Sabel and Ismael of Persia; Venerable Joseph and Pior, disciples of Anthony the Great; Martyr Nectan of Hartland

June 17 - 06/17/2020

"The Lord arranges everything for our benefit and spiritual instruction, according to His mercy and wisdom; but we, due to our weakness and passionate habit, understand poorly – like infants." -- St. Leo of Optina

June 16 - 06/16/2020

Tikhon the wonder-worker, bishop of Amathos in Cyprus; Venerable Tikhon of Kaluga

June 16 - 06/16/2020

"Always remember the harsh trials of those who grieve and those who are despised (in prisons, exile, etc.), so that you might be duly grateful for your small and insignificant trials and be able to endure them with joy." -- St. Isaac the Syrian

June 15 - 06/15/2020

Prophet Amos; Apostles Achaikos, Stephen and Fourtunatos of the Seventy; Venerable Jerome of Stridonium and Augustine, bishop of Hippo; Jonah, metropolitan of Moscow; Martyr Lazarus, Serbian prince

June 15 - 06/15/2020

"Love every man in spite of his falling into sin. Never mind the sins, but remember that the foundation of the man is the same – the image of God." -- St. John of Kronstadt

June 14 - 06/14/2020

Prophet Elisha; Methodios the Confessor, patriarch of Constantinople; Venerable Niphon of Athos; Cyril, bishop of Crete

June 14 - 06/14/2020

"Those who labor little, and build the life of their soul on sensual shallowness, build on sand, which cannot uphold anything, even in this transitory world – and even more so in eternity." -- St. Nicholai of Zica

June 13 - 06/13/2020

Martyr Aquilina of Byblos in Syria; Antipater, bishop of Bostra in Arabia; Triphyllios, bishop of Leucosia (Nicosia) in Cyprus

June 13 - 06/13/2020

"As many times as the enemy attacks you either through passion or through sadness or despondency or despair, immediately grab the weapon of prayer, and you shall see how much it disappears and not even a trace of it remains." -- Father Philotheos Zervakos

Nativity of the Forerunner and Baptist John (June 24) - 06/12/2020

We who eagerly honor thee are unable to extol thee as is meet to do, O Prophet John, Forerunner of the presence of Christ; for by thy noble and solemn nativity the barrenness of thy mother was undone, and the tongue of thy father was loosened, and to the world was proclaimed the Incarnation of the Son of God. (Apolytikion in Tone 4)

June 12 - 06/12/2020

Venerable Onouphrios the Great; Venerable Peter the Athonite; Venerable Arsenios of Konevits

June 12 - 06/12/2020

"Taking refuge in medical science does not preclude calling upon divine aid. That is, Christians, without rejecting medical aid, must pray that God enlighten the doctors to make the correct diagnosis, to proceed to the necessary tests, and to determine the appropriate therapy." -- Father Epiphanios Theodoropoulos

June 11 - 06/11/2020

Apostles Bartholomew and Barnabas; Venerable Barnabas; the commemoration of the appearance of the Archangel Gabriel to a monk on Athos and the revelation of the hymn 'It is truly meet'

June 11 - 06/11/2020

"Glory in this life is of less significance than a spider’s web, and more insubstantial than dreams; therefore lift up your mind to what is of first importance, and you will easily calm your saddened soul. He who seeks the one glory and the other cannot attain them both. It is possible to achieve both, only when we seek not both, but one: heavenly glory. Therefore, if you desire glory, seek divine, heavenly glory, and earthly glory will often follow on from it."  -- St. Isidore of Pelusium

June 10 - 06/10/2020

Martyr Alexander and Virgin-martyr Antonina of Constantinople; Venerable Theophanes the monk of Antioch and Pansemne the former harlot; John of Tobolsk, metropolitan and wonder-worker of Siberia

June 10 - 06/10/2020

"If you worship Christ in your heart, you can save your kinsfold as well as yourself; if your heart worships father and mother, son and daughter, you will certainly lose both yourself and them." -- St. Nicholai of Zica

June 9 - 06/09/2020

Cyril, patriarch of Alexandria; Pelagia and the three Virgin martyrs of Chios; Venerable Cyril of Beloezersk; Venerable Columba, enlightener of Scotland

June 9 - 06/09/2020

"The goal of reading is the application, in our lives, of what we read. Not to learn it by heart, but to take it to heart. Not to practice using our tongues, but to be able to receive the tongues of fire and to live the mysteries of God." -- Elder Paisios the Athonite

June 8 - 06/08/2020

The translation of the relics of Great-martyr Theodore the General ('Stratelates'); Martyrs Nicander and Kalliope; New-martyr Theophanes of Constantinople

June 8 - 06/08/2020

"If you would know of the Lord’s love for us, hate sin and evil thoughts, and day and night pray fervently. The Lord will then give you His grace, and you will know Him through the Holy Spirit, and after death, when you enter into paradise, there too, you will know the Lord through the Holy Spirit, as you knew Him on earth." -- St. Silouan of Mt. Athos

June 7 - 06/07/2020

Hieromartyr Theodotos, bishop of Ancyra; Venerable Sebastian the wonder-worker; Venerable Cedd, bishop of Essex

June 7 - 06/07/2020

“Let us dedicate the spirit to the Father, the soul to the Son and the body to the Holy Spirit, the Spirit which will raise it again from dust." -- St. Ephraim the Syrian

June 6 - 06/06/2020

Venerable Hilarion the New, of the Dalmaton monastery; Venerable Vissarion of Egypt and Attalos the wonder-worker

June 6 - 06/06/2020

"For me, the only way to truly be an American is to be Orthodox. For only through the power of the Holy Spirit can we truly be one people." -- His Eminence, Metropolitan JOSEPH

June 5 - 06/05/2020

Hieromartyr Dorotheos, bishop of Tyre; Martyr Nicander of Egypt; New-martyr Mark of Smyrna; repose of Theodore Yaroslavich, brother of Alexander Nevsky; Peter Korishki

June 5 - 06/05/2020

"O heavenly King, O Comforter, the Spirit of truth, who art in all places and fillest all things, Treasury of good things and Giver of life:  Come, and dwell in us, and cleanse us from every stain, and save our souls, O gracious Lord." -- Doxastikon of Pentecost

June 4 - 06/04/2020

Metrophanes, first patriarch of Constantinople; Mary and Martha, the sisters of Righteous Lazarus

June 4 - 06/04/2020

"Blessed art Thou, O Christ our God, Who hast revealed the fishermen as most wise. Having sent upon them the Holy Spirit, and through them Thou hast fished the universe, O Lover of Mankind, Glory be to Thee!" -- Apolytikion of Pentecost

June 3 - 06/03/2020

Martyr Lukyllian of Byzantium; Virgin-martyr Paula; Venerable Athanasios the wonder-worker of Cilicia; Clotilde, queen of the Franks

June 3 - 06/03/2020

On the help we give the deceased through our prayers: "As is happens with wine inside a barrel—that when the vineyard blooms in the field, the wine somehow senses it, and blossoms in fragrance itself – so it is with the souls of sinners. They receive some relief from the Bloodless Sacrifice offered for them in charity." -- St. Athanasius the Great

June 2 - 06/02/2020

Nikephoros the Confessor, patriarch of Constantinople; Newmartyrs Demetrios of Philadelphia, John of Trebizond, and Constantine of Athos; Hieromartyr Pothinos bishop of Lyons and his companion Martyr Blandina; Erasmos of Ochrid

June 2 - 06/02/2020

"God the Holy Spirit has many abodes in this vast universe, but a pure heart is the place in which He most delights to dwell. This is His true abode; all others are only His workshop." -- St. Nicholai of Zica

June - 06/01/2020

June 1 - 06/01/2020

Martyrs Justin the Philosopher, Pyrros the virgin, Chariton of Rome, and Thespesios of Cappadocia; Venerable Dionysios of Glushetsk

June 1 - 06/01/2020

"We are called to go forth and boldly proclaim the Good News, following in the footsteps of the Disciples. But, we cannot do this unless we know what we are talking about. We must know our Faith inside and out. We must sharpen the sword of the intellect through prayer, ministry to others and study." -- His Eminence, Metropolitan JOSEPH

May 31 - 05/31/2020

Martyrs Hermias and Eusebios

May 31 - 05/31/2020

"I envision a future in which our clergy and our faithful work closely together to minister to our people and bring the message of Orthodoxy to the ears and hearts of all Americans.  If we remain devoted to the Truth of our Lord, Jesus Christ, all things are possible to us." -- His Eminence, Metropoltian JOSEPH

May 30 - 05/30/2020

Isaac, founder of the Dalmaton monastery in Constantinople; Martyrs Natalios and Barlaam of Caesarea in Cappadocia; Martyrs Eusebios and Christina

May 30 - 05/30/2020

“Our stay on earth is not for sojourning, but for a personal choice for good or for evil, for truth or for falsehood.” -- St. Nicholai of Zica

May 29 - 05/29/2020

Hieromartyr Olvian, bishop of Aneos; Venerable-martyr Theodosia of Tyre; New-martyrs Andrew and John (Nannos) of Smyrna; John of Ustug, fool-for-Christ

May 29 - 05/29/2020

"Malice will never drive out malice. But, if someone does an evil act to you, you should do good to him, so that by your good work you may destroy his malice." -- A Desert Father

Commemoration of All Saints (June 3) - 05/28/2020

Thy Church, O Christ God, hath regaled herself in the blood of Thy Martyrs throughout the entire world, as in porphyry and purple. Through them she lifteth her voice crying, Turn with Thy compassion toward Thy people, and grant peace to Thy city, and to our souls the Great Mercy. (Apolytikion in Tone 4)

May 28 - 05/28/2020

Hieromartyr Eutychios, bishop of Melitene; Martyr Helikonidos of Thessalonika; Venerable Andrew; Germanos, bishop of Paris; Ignatios, bishop of Rostov

May 28 - 05/28/2020

“If a man has a full intention to please God, then God teaches him His will either through thoughts, through some other person, or through Holy Scripture.” -- St. Peter of Damascus

May 27 - 05/27/2020

Hieromartyrs Helladios and Therapont, bishop of Sardis; Martyr Alypios; uncovering of the relics of Neilos the Younger, stylite of Seliger Lake; John the Russian, the confessor

May 27 - 05/27/2020

"The unity of God the Father and Jesus Christ is a perfect unity, and this perfect unity is what our Lord calls us to have with one another. If we act in the name of God, then the proof of our motivations will be revealed in our unity. Endless arguing and bickering is a sign that God is absent and that we have forgotten Him. The contentious person is outside God’s grace by his or her desires to dominate others." -- His Eminence, Metropolitan JOSEPH

May 26 - 05/26/2020

Apostles Karpos and Alphaios of the Seventy; Sinesios, bishop; New-martyr Alexander of Thessalonika; Augustine of Canterbury, evangelizer of England

May 26 - 05/26/2020

"We are called out from amongst our people to not be conformed to the world, but rather to the Image and Likeness of Jesus Christ. Just as there is perfect unity between the Father and the Son, so too, we are called to unity amongst ourselves." -- His Eminence, Metropolitan JOSEPH

May 25 - 05/25/2020

The third discovery of the honorable head of the Forerunner. Martyr Celestine; Demetrios the myrrh-streaming

May 25 - 05/25/2020

"Meet it is to worship the Father Who sent us His only-begotten Son, Who saved our race from death and Satan, and sits at the right hand of His Father entreating His compassion on behalf of all of us." -- St. Ephraim the Syrian

May 24 - 05/24/2020

Venerable Stylites Simeon the Younger of the Mountain of Wonders and Nikitas of Pereyaslavl-Zalesski; Martyr Meletios the General ('Stratelates') of Galatia; Vincent of Lerins

May 24 - 05/24/2020

"O Father who created Adam from dust, O Son Who by Thy cross delivered Adam's race from ruin, resurrect me and set me at Thy right hand, that I might glorify Thy name!" -- St. Ephraim the Syrian

May 23 - 05/23/2020

Michael the Confessor, bishop of Synnada; New-martyr Luke; Myrrh-bearer Mary, wife of Cleopas; translation of the relics of Leontios the wonder-worker, bishop of Rostov; Euphrosinia of Polotsk

May 23 - 05/23/2020

"Our suffering is, by God’s grace and mercy, transformed into a path by which we can ascend to the Heavenly Kingdom." -- His Eminence, Metropolitan JOSEPH

May 22 - 05/22/2020

Martyr Basiliskos of Comana; John Vladimir, king of Serbia; New-hieromartyr Zachariah of Prussa; Venerable-martyr Paul of the Great Lavra and the Russian monastery on Athos; Newmartyr Demetrios

May 22 - 05/22/2020

“For he (the blind man) received a twofold sight: physical sight, by means of which he saw the world around him; and spiritual sight, by which he recognized the Creator of the world.” -- St. Nicephorus

The Great Feast of Pentecost (May 27) - 05/21/2020

Blessed art Thou, O Christ our God, Who hast revealed the fishermen as most wise, having sent upon them the Holy Spirit, and through them Thou hast fished the universe, O Lover of mankind, glory to Thee. (Apolytikion in Tone 8)

May 21 - 05/21/2020

Equals-to-the-Apostles Emperor Constantine and his mother Helena; Prince Constantine and his children, Michael and Theodore, wonder-workers of Murom

May 21 - 05/21/2020

"When a blind man gradually recovers his sight and notices the appearance of a man and bit by bit ascertains what he is (cf. Mk. 8:24-25), it is not the features that undergo transformation or take a new shape. Rather, as the vision of that man's eyes becomes clearer, he sees his features. It is as though they wholly imprint themselves on his vision and penetrate through it, impressing and engraving themselves, as on a tablet, on the mind and memory of the soul. Even so You Yourself, O Lord, became visible to me when You, by the clear light of the Holy Spirit, had entirely cleansed my mind." -- St. Symeon the New Theologion

May 20 - 05/20/2020

Martyrs Thallelaios of Cilicia , Nikostratos and Antiochos; Veneralble Nikitas, John and Joseph of Chios; Lydia of Philippisia; uncovering of the relics of Alexis the wonder-worker, metropolitan of Moscow; Venerable Stephen of Piper

May 20 - 05/20/2020

"Christ is our hope, our cleansing and sanctification, our resurrection, life, and repose. He alone is what we all need, and therefore, the Church constantly pronounces these words aloud so that we may hear them during the Holy Services of the Church, and be constantly renewed." -- St. John of Kronstadt

May 19 - 05/19/2020

Hieromartyr Patrick, bishop of Prussa; Martyrs Menander and Philetairos; Venerable Cornelios of Komelsk; Grand Prince Dimitry Donskoy of Moscow

May 19 - 05/19/2020

"People were not created merely to live here on earth like animals that disappear after their death, but to live with God and in God, and to live not for a hundred or a thousand years, but to live eternally." -- Bishop INNOCENT, Bishop of Kamchatka, the Kurilian and Aleutian Islands

Commemoration of the Holy Fathers of the First Ecumenical Council (May 20) - 05/18/2020

Thou, O Christ, art our God of exceeding praise Who didst establish our holy Fathers as luminous stars upon earth, and through them didst guide us unto the true Faith, O most merciful One, glory to Thee. (Apolytikion in Tone 8)

May 18 - 05/18/2020

Martyrs Peter, Dionysios, Andrew, Paul, Christina, Heraklios, Paulinos and Benedimos; Stephen the New, patriarch of Constantinople

May 18 - 05/18/2020

"This Archdiocese IS a family, more than anything else. We are a family born of the water and the Spirit. Through Baptism and Chrismation, we receive the Gift of the Holy Spirit that unites us all beyond the power of human blood." -- His Eminence, Metropolitan JOSEPH

May 17 - 05/17/2020

Apostles Andronikos and Junia of the Seventy; Athanasios the New, bishop of Christianopolis; Venerable Nektarios and Theophanes; Eudoxia, princess of Moscow

May 17 - 05/17/2020

“We were created for eternal life by our Creator, we are called to it by the word of God, and we are renewed by holy Baptism. And Christ the Son of God came into the world for this, that He should call us and take us there, and He is the one thing needful. For this reason your very first endeavor and care should be to receive it. Without it everything is as nothing, though you have the whole world under you.” -- St. Tikhon of Zadonsk

May 16 - 05/16/2020

Venerable Theodore the Sanctified, disciple of Pachomios the Great; Alexander, archbishop of Jerusalem; New-martyr Nicholas of Metsov; Venerable Ephraim of Perekop, wonder-worker of Novogorod

May 16 - 05/16/2020

“I consider those fallen mourners more blessed than those who have not fallen and are not mourning over themselves; because as a result of their fall, they have risen by a sure resurrection.” -- St. John of the Ladder

May 15 - 05/15/2020

Achilles, bishop of Larisa; Venerable Pachomios the Great; Martyr Barbaros the myrrh-streaming of Corfu; Isaiah, bishop of Rostov; Andrew the hermit; Titos, bishop of Crete; Demetrios, prince of Moscow

May 15 - 05/15/2020

"Firmly believe that the Lord is at all times everything to you. During prayer He is the power and the fulfillment in the Holy Spirit of each of your words. During pious conversation He is your living water, the ardent flow of your words at all times? He is everything to you. Be free from care in the presence of your Lord. He has enclosed you with Himself upon all sides. He penetrates you wholly and knows all your thoughts, all your needs and inclinations, and if you live in Him with faith and love, then no evil shall befall you. 'The Lord is at hand; be careful for nothing' (Phil. 4:6)." -- St. John of Kronstadt

Feast of the Ascension of our Lord Jesus Christ (May 17) - 05/14/2020

Thou hast ascended in glory, O Christ our God, and gladdened Thy Disciples with the promise of the Holy Spirit, having become confident of the blessing. Verily, Thou art the Son of God, and Deliverer of the world. (Apolytikion in Tone 4)

May 14 - 05/14/2020

Martyr Isidore of Chios; Hieromartyr Therapont; New-martyrs John of Bulgaria and Mark of Crete; Venerable Isidore of Rostov, fool-for-Christ

May 14 - 05/14/2020

"...shall we not serve the Lord Who by nature loves mankind, risk our lives and get rid of superfluous possessions in order to acquire heavenly riches? Shall we not endure dishonour from men, usually scoundrels, so as to attain to divine glory, exchanging the mortal for the immortal? Shall we not be hungry in moderation and thirsty, that we may eat the Bread of Life which came down from heaven (Jn. 6:51) and drink the true living water, whosoever is worthy to eat and drink of which, shall never hunger or thirst (Jn. 4:10, 14)? Should we not cleanse the eye of our soul, abstaining 'from all defilement of the flesh and spirit' (II Cor. 7:1), in order that we may see the light which preceded the sun, or rather, that we become children of that light (Eph. 5:8), and other lights ourselves, through sharing in His light, holding forth the word of life (cf. Phil. 2:15-16)?" -- St. Gregory Palamas

May 13 - 05/13/2020

Virgin-martyr Glykeria of Heraklea; Sergios the Confessor; Venerable John the Georgian, founder of Iviron monastery on Athos and Venerable Euthymios, George and Gabriel of Iviron monastery; Venerable-martyrs of Iviron monastery

May 13 - 05/13/2020

“In order to fulfill the commandments of Christ, you must know them. They are expounded in the Gospels. Read the Holy Gospels, penetrate its spirit, make it the rule of your life, act in accord with the teachings of the Gospels. This is the one light in our life.” -- St. Nikon of Optina

May 12 - 05/12/2020

Germanos, patriarch of Constantinople, Epiphanios, bishop of Cyprus; Venerable Theodore of Kythera; New-martyr John of Wallachia; Hermogenes, patriarch of Moscow

May 12 - 05/12/2020

“God’s holy church in itself is a symbol of the sensible world, since it possesses the divine sanctuary as heaven and the beauty of the nave as earth. Likewise the world is a church, since it possesses heaven, corresponding to a sanctuary; and for a nave is has the adornment of the earth.” -- St. Maximos the Confessor

May 11 - 05/11/2020

Hieromartyr Mokios, priest in Macedonia; Cyril and Methodios, equals-to-the-Apostles and enlighteners of the Slavs; New-martyr Argyros; Venerable-martyr Olympia; Martyr Joseph of Astrakhan

May 11 - 05/11/2020

"The mouth which is continuously giving thanks, receives blessing from God. In the heart that always shows gratitude, grace abides." -- St. Isaac the Syrian

Sayidna's Names Day - 05/10/2020


The clergy and the faithful of the Holy Diocese of Los Angeles and the West, extend their prayers and love to our Father in Christ, His Eminence, Metropolitan JOSEPH on the occasion of his Holy Name's Day (St. Joseph of Arimathea, Second Sunday after Pascha). May God grant him many years as our Father and Chief Shepherd.
Greetings may be sent to Sayidna through the Contact Us Section of the Website.

May 10 - 05/10/2020

Apostle Simon Zelotes; Venerable Laurence of Egypt

May 10 - 05/10/2020

"'Let us say, Brethren! And because of the Resurrection, let us forgive all things to those who hate us...' (Doxasticon of Pascha). You easily forgive yourself, if you have sinned against God, or against men; accordingly forgive other people, too. Love your neighbor as yourself, forgive him much." -- St. John of Kronstadt

May 9 - 05/09/2020

Prophet Isaiah; Martyr Christopher of Lycia; Venerable-martyr Nicholas; translation to Bari of the relics of Nicholas the wonderworker, archbishop of Myra in Lycia

May 9 - 05/09/2020

"But when the goodness and kindness of God our Savior appeared, not by the works of justice, which we have done, but according to his mercy, he saved us, by the laver of regeneration, and renovation of the Holy Ghost, whom he hath poured forth upon us abundantly, through Jesus Christ our Savior that, being justified by his grace, we may be heirs, according to hope of life everlasting." -- St. Paul the Apostle (Titus 3:4-7)

May 8 - 05/08/2020

Apostle and Evangelist John the Theologian; Venerable Arsenios the Great

May 8 - 05/08/2020

"Ye mortals, exalt and praise Him Who by His death emptied the dominion of death and promised all the mortal race life and resurrection." -- St. Ephraim the Syrian

Commemoration of the Blind Man (May 13) - 05/07/2020

Passing by, O Lord, Thou didst find a man blind from birth. The Disciples, in surprise, asked Thee, Teacher, who did sin, this man or his parents that he was born blind? But Thou, O Savior, answered them, saying, Neither hath this man sinned, nor his parents: but that the works of God should be made manifest in him. I must work the works of Him that sent Me, which none else can work. And as Thou said that, Thou didst spit on the ground, and make clay thereof, and anoint his eyes. And Thou didst say unto him, Go, wash in the pool of Siloam. And when he washed, he began to shout unto Thee, Lord, I believe. And he worshiped Thee. Wherefore, we too, cry out to Thee, have mercy upon us. (First Vesperal Doxasticon in Tone 5)

May 7 - 05/07/2020

The commemoration of the apparition of the sign of the Cross over Jerusalem (351 AD); Martyr Akakios the centurion at Byzantium; Venerable Kodratos; Venerable Neilos the myrrhstreaming of the Great Lavra on Athos; Venerable Neilos of Sora; Venerable-martyr Pachomios of Athos; repose of Venerable John of Beverly; Priest Alexis, confessor and defender of Orthodoxy in America

May 7 - 05/07/2020

"Praise to Thee! By Thy resurrection didst Thou grant all the mortal race the hope of life and resurrection. And we offer Thee praise, for Thou are the resurrector of all flesh." -- St. Ephraim the Syrian

May 6 - 05/06/2020

Righteous Job the long-suffering; Venerable Seraphim of Mount Domvu; translation of the relics of Sabbas, first archbishop of Serbia

May 6 - 05/06/2020

"A Deacon can teach, a Deacon can preach, a Deacon can be a leader, a Deacon can be a defender of the faith, a Deacon can be a writer, a Deacon can be a prophet, a Deacon can be a Saint, a Deacon can be a cause for people to change their life style, and a Deacon can be an inspiration to his family and to others. So I urge all of you to be Holy Deacons, above every selfishness, above every grudge, and above every bad desire and all passion." -- His Eminence, Metropolitan JOSEPH

May 5 - 05/05/2020

Great-martyr Irene of Thessalonika; Venerable Euthymios, bishop of Maditos in Thrace

May 5 - 05/05/2020

"St. Athanasius the Great was a Deacon. He defended the faith when he attended the first Ecumenical Council. He was the center and star of that Ecumenical Council. The Holy Spirit spoke through him. He inspired all the Holy Fathers. No one could disregard his office as a Deacon. On the other hand, the Bishop does not kiss the Deacon’s hand. But, when the Bishop looks at the icon of the Proto-martyr, Archdeacon Stephen, the Bishop himself, the Patriarch himself, bows and kisses the Archdeacon Stephen’s hand. Why am I telling you these two pieces of history? Because the people and everyone will honor your office with respect because of your obedience to the teaching and to Almighty God. Therefore, the more you are the icon of our Lord and holiness comes out in your actions, in your behaviors, in your words, in your relationships at home and everywhere, the more you will earn respect and honor from everyone." -- His Eminence, Metropolitan JOSEPH

May 4 - 05/04/2020

Venerable-martyr Pelagia of Tarsus; Athanasios, bishop of Corinth; Venerable Nikephoros the Solitary of Athos

May 4 - 05/04/2020

"Needless to say, I expect all of us to know what the diaconate means. It is a Holy office, it is a Holy diakonia (i.e.) we have to do our service with fear of God, love, faith, obedience, faithfulness, prayerfulness, honesty and without preconditions or complaints, but rather with joy. Your ministry is no less than my ministry." -- His Eminence, Metropolitan JOSEPH

May 3 - 05/03/2020

Martyrs Timothy the reader and his wife Maura of Egypt; Peter, archbishop of Argolis; Ekumenios, bishop of Trikala; Venerable Luke of Mt. Stirion; repose of Venerable Theodosios of the Kiev Caves , founder of Russian monasticism

May 3 - 05/03/2020

"I remember the days of my Holy Diaconate in Greece in the 70s. You cannot imagine how much joy, peace, and good memories I have, and I do not exaggerate when I say that I still feel myself as a Deacon because the grace is the same, but the title and the function are different." -- His Eminence, Metropolitan JOSEPH

May 2 - 05/02/2020

Athanasios the Great, patriarch of Alexandria; Martyrs Hesperos, Zoe and their sons Kyriakos and Theodoulos in Attalia; translation of the relics of the holy Passion-bearers Boris and Gleb

May 2 - 05/02/2020

"We ask for 'the Grace Divine...' at the ordination of all holy orders. It is the same grace that is received in degrees according to each office. So the call to holiness is the same for the deacon, the priest and the bishop, even the laity, since the Grace Divine falls also upon them in their Baptism and Chrismation." -- His Eminence, Metropolitan JOSEPH

May - 05/01/2020

May 1 - 05/01/2020

"When the deacon is led to kneel at the altar for the first time, he first kisses the four corners in three consecutive processions around the holy Table. The same hymns sung at the marriage ceremony are sung again at this holy moment. This is our wedding to Christ and just as the bride greets her bridegroom with a kiss, so we greet the Lord and express our love for Him and for His kingdom when we enter the Holy Altar and bow and kiss the Holy Table with joy." -- His Eminence, Metropolitan JOSEPH

May 1 - 05/01/2020

Prophet Jeremiah; Venerable-martyrs Euthymios, Ignatios and Akakios of Prodromou skete on Athos; Venerable Nikephoros of Chios and Panaretos of Cyprus; Venerable Paphnoutios of Borovsk

Commemoration of Photeini, The Samaritan Woman (May 6) - 04/30/2020

At Jacob's well, Jesus met the Samaritan woman. He Who screened the earth with clouds asked water of her. What wonder, that He Who rideth on the cherubim converseth with an adulterous woman. He asked water Who suspended the earth on the waters. He seeketh water Who caused the springs of water and their lakes to overflow. Yea, that He may draw to Him the truth ensnared by the contending enemy, and give her water to drink who was inflamed with ugly vices; for He alone is compassionate and the Lover of mankind. (First Vesperal Doxasticon in Tone 6)

April 30 - 04/30/2020

“Thou didst make the Myrrh-Bearing Women the bearers of the tidings of the Thy Resurrection and Thy glory! They did not anoint Thy dead body, but Thou didst anoint their living souls with the oil of gladness. The mourners of the dead became the swallows of a new spring. Those who wept at Thy tomb became saints in Thy heavenly kingdom.” -- St. Nikolai of Zica

April 30 - 04/30/2020

Apostle James, brother of John the Theologian; Donatos, bishop in Epiros; New-martyr Argyris; Bishop Ignatios Brianchaninov

April 29 - 04/29/2020

“With Thee, Lord, I will flee, that I may gain in Thee life in every place. The prison with Thee is no prison, for in Thee man goes up into Heaven: the grave with Thee is no grave, for Thou art the Resurrection!” -- St. Ephraim the Syrian

April 29 - 04/29/2020

Apostles Jason and Sosipater of the Seventy; the martyrs of Kerkyra; John, metropolitan of Thebes ; New-martyr John; Basil of Ostrog

Great and Holy Pascha - 04/28/2020

April 28 - 04/28/2020

"The Lord is called light and life and resurrection and truth. He is light as the brightness of souls and as the One Who drives away the darkness of ignorance, as the One Who enlightens the mind to understand unutterable things, and as the One Who reveals mysteries which can be perceived only by the pure. He is life, as the One Who grants to souls who love the Lord, the movement proper for divine things. Again, He is resurrection as the One Who raises up the mind from a deathly craving for material things and cleanses it from all kinds of corruption and death. Finally, He is truth as the One Who gives to those who are worthy an inflexible disposition toward the good." -- St. Maximos the Confessor

April 28 - 04/28/2020

The Nine Martyrs of Kyzikos; Venerable Memnon the wonderworker

April 27 - 04/27/2020

"Everything has already begun, and everything always begins anew for the Church, with the Resurrection of our Lord." -- His Beatitude, Patriarch IGNATIUS IV

April 27 - 04/27/2020

Hieromartyr Simeon, the kinsman of the Lord; Venerable George, John and Eulogios the hospitable; Stephen, bishop of Vladimir ; incineration of the relics of Sabbas, first archbishop of Serbia , by Sinan Pasha (1595)

April 26 - 04/26/2020

"This is the sum of the Christian Kerygma: life has been manifested in Jesus Christ, the incarnate Word of God, and this life is communicated to us through His Death and Resurrection." -- His Beatitude, Patriarch IGNATIUS IV

April 26 - 04/26/2020

Hieromartyr Basil, bishop of Amasea; Venerable Glaphyra and George; Stephen, bishop of Perm ; Ioanikios of Devitch

April 25 - 04/25/2020

"Since the Resurrection of the Lord is the ever-present event by which He enters into unlimited Communion with all mankind, we can conclude that this same mystery should become a concrete reality within the sphere of our social life." -- His Beatitude, Patriarch IGNATIUS IV

April 25 - 04/25/2020

Apostle and Evangelist Mark; Martyr Niki; Macedonios, patriarch of Constantinople ; New-martyr George

April 24 - 04/24/2020

“'To know Him and the power of His Resurrection'” (Phil 3:10) consists in this movement by which Christ descends into our very depths to raise us up into the light of Life. This is the movement of baptism, descent and rising up (Rom 6:3-4), with all the spiritual realism that the power of the Spirit will realize within us day after day in our personal lives." -- His Beatitude, Patriarch IGNATIUS IV

April 24 - 04/24/2020

Venerable Elizabeth the wonder-worker of Constantinople ; Martyr Sabbas the General ('Stratelates') of Rome ; Hieromartyrs Phylikos, Fourtunatos and Achilleos; New-martyrs Luke, Akylina, Nicholas and George; lorest and Sabbas Brancovici, metropolitans of Ardeal and confessors in Romania ; Martyr Alexander of Lyons

Commemoration of the Paralytic (April 29) - 04/23/2020

Jesus went up to Jerusalem, to the sheep’s pool which in Hebrew was called Bethesda, having five porches. And there lay a great multitude of the sick; for the angel of the Lord went down at certain seasons and moved the water, granting healing to those who approached in faith. And the Lord saw there a man with a chronic disease, and He said unto him, Wilt thou be made whole? And the sick man replied: I have no man, when the water is moved, to put me into the pool. I have wasted my money on physicians and received no help from anyone. But the Physician of soul and body said unto him, Take up thy bed and walk, proclaiming through the regions My might and the greatness of My mercy. (First Vesperal Doxasticon in Tone 5)

April 23 - 04/23/2020

"Christ has died to the old world, and His resurrection has inaugurated the New Creation by reconciling everything and everyone to His Father (II Cor. 5:14-21). The 'Passover' of Jesus is the ultimate Event of the New Creation." -- His Beatitude, Patriarch IGNATIUS IV

April 23 - 04/23/2020

Great-martyr George the trophy-bearer; Martyr Alexandra the Empress; Martyr Glykerios of Nicomedia; New-martyrs George of Ptolemais and Lazarus of Bulgaria

Holy Week - 04/22/2020


During Holy Week the time for patient teaching and subtleties comes to an end. Now He speaks with forthright boldness, and attacks the Scribes and Pharisees as 'hypocrites' and 'sons of vipers' because they thwarted the work of God by enslaving mankind with impossible laws, while forgetting the precepts of love and mercy. But He is alone with His Father. He has no human ally. This reminds us that Christ alone has won this battle of freedom from death for us, and this is why He alone is the basis of the Christian faith. Christ is alone as He prays in Gethsemane. Christ is alone as He stands before the high priest. Christ is alone as He is judged by Pilate and the jeering crowd. Christ is alone as He is buffeted and mocked. Christ is alone as He carried His Cross to Golgotha. Christ is alone as He suffers and dies upon the Cross.

April 22 - 04/22/2020

"We have the power of the Holy Cross, our holy symbol, the divine grace of Christ, only as long as we have the holy marking of the Holy Baptism, meaning we have denied the devil and sided with Christ, and received the Holy Marking, the seal of the Gift of the Holy Spirit." -- Elder Paisios of the Holy Mountain

April 22 - 04/22/2020

Theodore Sykeote, bishop of Anastasiopolis; Apostle Nathanael; Martyr Nearchos; Vsevolod, prince of Pskov; Martyr Epipodios of Lyons

April 21 - 04/21/2020

"Is the soul by itself a man? No, it is but the soul of a man. Can the body be called a man? No, it can but be called the body of a man. If, then neither of these is by itself a man, but that which is composed of the two together is called man, and God has called man to life and resurrection, He has called not a part, but the whole, which is the soul and the body… The resurrection is of the flesh which died; for the spirit does not die." -- St. Justin Martyr

April 21 - 04/21/2020

Hieromartyr Januarios, bishop of Benevento; Venerable Maximos and Anastasios

April 20 - 04/20/2020

"For in the baptismal rite, death ensues through the slaying of sin; threefold immersion initiates the lying in the tomb three days, and the raising out of the water is like him that rose again from the tomb. The very nature, therefore, of the act teaches us that that is the recognized day for the general reception of the grace, on which the power of the gift and the character of the action originated." -- St. Leo the Great

April 20 - 04/20/2020

Venerable Theodore 'the hair-shirt wearer'; Venerable Athanasios, and Joasaph of Meteora; Apostle Zaccheos, bishop of Caesarea

April 19 - 04/19/2020

"And we in receiving baptism, in imitation of our Lord and teacher and guide, are not indeed buried in the earth (for this is the shelter of the body that is entirely dead, covering the infirmity and decay of our nature), but coming to the element akin to earth, to water, we conceal ourselves in that as the Savior did in the earth: and by doing this thrice we represent for ourselves that grace of the resurrection which was wrought in three days." -- St. Gregory of Nyssa

April 19 - 04/19/2020

Hieromartyr Paphnoutios of Jerusalem; Tryphon, patriarch of Constantinople; Venerable-martyr Agathangelos of Esphigmenou monastery on Athos; Venerable Simeon of Philotheou monastery on Athos; Venerable John of Old Lavra in Palestine

April 18 - 04/18/2020

“Just as it is easy for us to be immersed and to lift up our heads again, so it is easy for God to bury the old man and show forth the new. This takes place three times, that you may know that the power of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit brings all these things to fulfillment." -- St. John Chrysostom

April 18 - 04/18/2020

Venerable John, disciple of Gregory of Decapolis; Venerable Euthymios and Athanasios of Aegina; Cosmas the Confessor, bishop of Chalcedon; New-martyr John of Epiros; Venerable Euthymios, enlightener of Karelia

April 17 - 04/17/2020

"Divine symbols are perfected [in baptism]: burial and death, resurrection and life and all these happen at the same time. As we submerge our heads in the water as in a tomb, the old man is buried, and as he goes down he is once and for all and entirely hidden; then, as we lift up our heads, the new man comes forth." -- St. John Chrysostom

April 17 - 04/17/2020

Hieromartyr Simeon, bishop in Persia; Martyr Adrian of Corinth; Agapitos, pope of Rome; Makarios, archbishop of Corinth; Venerable Zosimas of Solovky; uncovering of the relics of Venerable Alexander of Svir

Commemoration of the Myrrh-Bearing Women, Pious Joseph of Arimathea & Righteous Nicodemus (April 22) - 04/16/2020

Verily, the angel came to the tomb and said to the ointment-bearing women, the ointment is meet for the dead, but Christ is shown to be remote from corruption. But cry ye, The Lord is risen, granting the world the Great Mercy. (Apolytikion in Tone 2)

April 16 - 04/16/2020

"We are all surrounded by corruption in the church, in our neighborhoods, our families, and in society. How do we defeat corruption all around us? By perfecting ourselves. Christ was surrounded by the ultimate corruption of Hell when He descended into the depths. But His perfection destroyed sin, death, and the Devil. He released those held by corruption and ‘led captivity captive.'" -- His Eminence, Metropoltian JOSEPH

April 16 - 04/16/2020

Martyr Leonidas, Charissa, Niki, Galina and Theodota of Corinth; Virgin-martyrs Irene, Agape and Chionia of Illyria; Newmartyr Michael of Smyrna; Venerable-martyr Christopher of Dionysiou monastery on Athos; Hieromartyr Nikita of St. Anne Skete on Athos

April 15 - 04/15/2020

"The people itself, by passing through the Red Sea, proclaimed the good tidings of salvation by water. The people passed over, and the Egyptian king with his host was engulfed, and by these actions this sacrament was foretold. For even now, whensoever the people are in the water of regeneration, fleeing from Egypt, from the burden of sin, it is set free and saved. But the Devil with his own servants (I mean of course, the spirits of evil), is choked with grief, and perishes, deeming the salvation of men to be his own misfortune." -- St. Gregory of Nyssa

April 15 - 04/15/2020

Martyr Crescens of Myra in Lycia; Hieromartyr Leonidas, bishop of Athens

April 14 - 04/14/2020

"The joy of Pascha comes to us through the reality of the Cross. The bliss of salvation comes through our death at Baptism." -- His Eminence, Metropoltian JOSEPH

April 14 - 04/14/2020

Apostles Aristarchos, Pudens and Trophymos of the Seventy; Martyr Thomais of Alexandria; New-martyr Demetrios of the Peloponnesos

April 13 - 04/13/2020

"Liturgy is not a rigid thing to be repeated unconsciously. It is an expression of the human need to talk to the Lord, and to thank Him for His grace. Liturgy is spirit and life running through the veins of the body of the Church, and nurturing all its members. It revives the Church, the community and the individuals with the grace that is bestowed upon it. Hence, we are here before a precious gem. We should polish it and reveal its glorious face, stressing the essence of the liturgical practice which leads the believer to grow in Christ. It is therefore important to resort to all tools that enable the people to reach the depth of this inspiring liturgy, that they may take from it that which will help them attain salvation and understanding of the mystery of God." -- His Beatitude, Patriarch JOHN X

April 13 - 04/13/2020

Martin the Confessor, pope of Rome; Martyr Eleutherios of Persia; Martyrs Zoilos of Rome and Theodosios; Hieromartyr Artemon, presbyter of Laodicea in Syria

Commemoration of Thomas the Apostle, Called “The Twin” (April 15) - 04/12/2020

While the tomb was sealed, Thou didst shine forth from it, O Light. While the doors were closed, Thou didst come in to Thy Disciples, O Christ God, Resurrection of all, renewing in us through them an upright spirit, according to the greatness of Thy mercy. (Apolytikion in Tone 7)

April 12 - 04/12/2020

"Blessed is Christ Who promised life and resurrection to Adam's children in the day of His coming. We too shall arise and exalt Him along with the saints who have been pleasing to Him." -- St. Ephraim the Syrian

April 12 - 04/12/2020

Basil the Confessor, bishop of Parium; Venerable Anthusa of Constantinople; Venerable Akakios the Younger, founder of Kafsokalyvia skete on Athos

April 11 - 04/11/2020

On Matthew, Chapter 25: "Indeed, all of them had retained their virginity, but they did not posses the other virtues, especially charity. Virginity alone is not sufficient to enter the Kingdom of God. Virginity does not help at all, if the virgin is proud and selfish." -- St. Isidore of Pelusium

April 11 - 04/11/2020

Hieromartyr Antypas, bishop of Pergamum; Venerable Tryphainis; Kallinikos of Cernica, bishop of Rimniculdi in Romania

April 10 - 04/10/2020

Abba John the Dwarf asked his monks: “Who sold Joseph?” One monk replied: “His brother.” To this the elder replied: “Not his brothers, but his humility. Joseph could have said that he was their brother and protested his being sold, but he remained silent. His humility, therefore, sold him. Afterward, this same humility made him master over Egypt.”

April 10 - 04/10/2020

Martyrs Terence and Pompeios of Carthage together with Alexander and their forty companions; New-hieromartyr Gregory V, patriarch of Constantinople; New-martyr Demas of Smyrna

April 9 - 04/09/2020

"Today hath the grace of the Holy Spirit brought us together; and we all lift Thy Cross as we say: Blessed is He that cometh in the Name of the Lord. Hosanna in the highest." -- Doxastikon of Great Vespers.

April 9 - 04/09/2020

Martyr Eupsychios of Cappadocia; Venerable-martyrs Vadim, Raphael, Nicholas and Irene; Venerable Simeon

GREAT AND HOLY PASCHA: The Resurrection of our Lord, God and Savior, Jesus Christ (April 8) - 04/08/2020

Today is the Day of Resurrection! Let us shine with the Feast! Let us embrace one another. Let us say, Brethren! And because of the Resurrection, let us forgive all things to those who hate us, and in this wise, exclaim: Christ is risen from the dead; trampling death by Death, and upon those in the tombs bestowing life. (Doxasticon in Tone 5)

April 8 - 04/08/2020

"When the Lord cried: 'Lazarus!' the man awoke and lived. The Lord knows the name of each of us. If Adam knew the name of each one of God’s creatures, how could God not know each of us by name? Oh, sweet and life-giving voice of the only Lover of mankind! That voice can make sons of God out of Stones. How can it not wake us from the sleep of sin!" -- St. Nicholai of Zica

April 8 - 04/08/2020

Apostles Agabos, Rufos, Phlegon, Asynkritos, Herodion and Hermas of the Seventy; Celestine, bishop of Rome

Great and Holy Saturday: The Burial of our Lord, God and Savior, Jesus Christ (April 7) - 04/07/2020

The great Moses foreshadowed this day mystically by his saying, “And God blessed the seventh day”; for this is the day of quiet and rest, on which the only Son of God rested from all His works, keeping Sabbath in the body, by means of the mystery of the dispensation taking effect in death, returning through Resurrection to what He had been, and granting us eternal life; for He alone is good and the Lover of mankind. (Doxastikon of Great and Holy Saturday Orthros in Tone 6)

April 7 - 04/07/2020

"The commemoration of Christ's saving Passion is at hand, and the new, great spiritual Passover, which is the reward for dispassion and the prelude of the world to come. Lazarus proclaims it in advance by coming back from the depths of Hades and rising from the dead on the fourth day just by voice and command of God, Who has power over life and death (cf. Jn. 11:1-45)." -- St. Gregory Palamas

April 7 - 04/07/2020

Martyr Kalliopios of Cilicia; Venerable George, bishop of Mitylene; repose of Tikhon, patriarch of Moscow and Enlightener of North America

Great and Holy Friday: The Crucifixion of our Lord, God and Savior, Jesus Christ (April 6) - 04/06/2020

Today, He is suspended on a Tree, Who suspended the earth over the waters. A crown of thorns was placed on the head of the King of angels. He Who wore a false purple robe, covered the heavens with clouds. He was smitten Who, in the Jordan, delivered Adam. The Groom of the Church was fastened with nails, and the Son of the Virgin was pierced with a spear. The suffering we adore, O Christ. Make us to behold Thy glorious Resurrection. (Fifteenth Antiphon of Great and Holy Friday in Tone 6)

April 6 - 04/06/2020

"Strive to be always prepared for death, for death is near to both the elderly and the young – to monks and laymen equally; and often it comes suddenly and unexpectedly. Let everyone consider what will happen with his soul." -- St. Barsanuphius of Optina

April 6 - 04/06/2020

Eutychios, patriarch of Constantinople; Venerable Platonida of Nisibis; Venerable Gregory Byzantios of the Great Lavra on Athos; Venerable-martyr Gennadios of Dionysiou monastery on Athos; the Martyrs of Samothrace; Methodios, archbishop of Moravia and enlightener of the Slavs

Great and Holy Thursday: The Last Supper (April 5) - 04/05/2020

Receive me today, O Son of God, as a communicant of Thy Mystic Supper: for I will not speak of Thy Mystery to Thine enemies, neither will I give Thee a kiss as did Judas; but like the thief will I confess Thee: Remember me, O Lord, in Thy Kingdom. (Communion Hymn)

April 5 - 04/05/2020

“Cry out, O sinner, with all your might, for the Lord is merciful and loves those who repent. As soon as you repent, your Father will come out to meet you and rejoice with you.” -- St. Ephraim the Syrian

April 5 - 04/05/2020

Martyrs Claudios, Didymos and Diodoros; New-martyr George of New Ephesos; Venerable Theodora of Thessalonika

Great and Holy Wedneday: Christ, the Bridegroom (April 4) - 04/04/2020

Behold, the Bridegroom cometh at midnight, and blessed is the servant whom He shall find awake. But he whom he shall find neglectful is verily unworthy. Behold, therefore, my soul, beware, lest thou fallest into deep slumber, and the door of the Kingdom be closed against thee, and thou be delivered unto death. But be thou wakeful, crying, Holy, Holy, Holy, art Thou, O God. Through the intercessions of the Theotokos, have mercy on us. (Apolytikion in Tone 8)

April 4 - 04/04/2020

"Like the apple of Thine eye preserve me, O Lord God; defend me and beneath Thy wings shelter me from temptations." -- St Ephraim the Syrian

April 4 - 04/04/2020

Venerable George of the Peloponnesos; Martyrs Theodoulos the reader and Agathopodos the deacon of Thessalonika; Venerable Theonas, archbishop of Thessalonika; Isidore, bishop of Seville

Great and Holy Tuesday: Christ, the Bridegroom (April 3) - 04/03/2020

Behold, the Bridegroom cometh at midnight, and blessed is the servant whom He shall find awake. But he whom he shall find neglectful is verily unworthy. Behold, therefore, my soul, beware, lest thou fallest into deep slumber, and the door of the Kingdom be closed against thee, and thou be delivered unto death. But be thou wakeful, crying, Holy, Holy, Holy, art Thou, O God. Through the intercessions of the Theotokos, have mercy on us. (Apolytikion in Tone 8)

April 3 - 04/03/2020

“Be the guardian of the eye that it might not look about in the manner of a thief; be the guardian of the ear, that it might not perceive falsehood. Be the guardian of the lips that slander, judgment, criticism and idle words might not come forth from them. Be the guardian of the heart that it might not be inclined to evil and might not work iniquity." -- St Ephraim the Syrian

April 3 - 04/03/2020

Venerable Nikita the Confessor and Joseph the Hymnographer; New-martyrs Paul and John

Great and Holy Monday: Christ, the Bridegroom (April 2) - 04/02/2020

Behold, the Bridegroom cometh at midnight, and blessed is the servant whom He shall find awake. But he whom he shall find neglectful is verily unworthy. Behold, therefore, my soul, beware, lest thou fallest into deep slumber, and the door of the Kingdom be closed against thee, and thou be delivered unto death. But be thou wakeful, crying, Holy, Holy, Holy, art Thou, O God. Through the intercessions of the Theotokos, have mercy on us. (Apolytikion in Tone 8)

April 2 - 04/02/2020

St. Mary of Egypt spoke about her savage spiritual combat to Elder Zosimas: "For the first seventeen years in this wilderness, I struggled with my deranged lusts as though with fierce beasts. I desired to eat meat and fish, which I had in abundance in Egypt. I also desired to drink wine, and here I did not have even water to drink. I desired to hear lustful songs. I cried and beat my breast. I prayed to the All-pure Mother of God to banish such thoughts from me. When I had sufficiently wept and beat my breast, it was then that I saw a light encompassing me on all sides, and a certain miraculous peace filled me."

April 2 - 04/02/2020

Venerable Titos the wonder-worker; Virgin-martyr Theodora of Palestine; Martyrs Aidesios and Panayiotis

April - 04/01/2020

Palm Sunday (April 1) - 04/01/2020

God is the Lord Who hath revealed Himself to us! Celebrate the feast and come with gladness. Let us magnify Christ with palms and branches singing: Blessed is He Who cometh in the Name of the Lord. (Irmos of the 9th Ode of the Palm Sunday Canon in Tone 4)

April 1 - 04/01/2020

"Uphold in your life all the Christian virtues and the example of the saints, especially the Holy Life of our Master and Lord Jesus Christ and the Holy Theotokos. Only with this Spirit will our Lent be accepted and only with this kind of Lent will our lives be purified and only with this armor of purification will we be conquerors." -- His Eminence, Metropolitan JOSEPH

April 1 - 04/01/2020

Venerable Mary of Egypt; Martyrs Gerontios and Basileidos; Venerable Euthymios, wonder-worker of Suzdal

March 31 - 03/31/2020

"As from purple silk, O undefiled Virgin, the spiritual robe of Emmanuel, His flesh, was woven in thy womb. Therefore, we honor thee as Theotokos in very truth." -- from the Canon of St. Andrew of Crete

March 31 - 03/31/2020

Hypatios the wonder-worker, bishop of Gangra; Venerable Akakios the Confessor, bishop of Melitene; Prophet Joel; repose of Innocent, metropolitan of Moscow, enlightener of the Aleuts and apostle to America; repose of Jonah, metropolitan of Moscow

March 30 - 03/30/2020

"Where shall I begin to weep for the actions of my wretched life? What first-fruit shall I offer, O Christ, in this my lamentation? But in Thy compassion grant me forgiveness of sins. Come, wretched soul, with thy flesh to the Creator of all. Make confession to Him, and abstain henceforth from thy past brutishness; and offer to God tears of repentance." -- St. Andrew of Crete

March 30 - 03/30/2020

Venerable John of Sinai, author of 'The Ladder;' New-hieromartyr Zachariah, bishop of Corinth; Sophronios, bishop of Irkutsk

March 29 - 03/29/2020

“Grant us, O our Lord, to bring Thee three choice gifts. Grant us, O our Lord, to burn three aromatic censers before Thee. Grant us, O our Lord, to light for Thee three brightly burning lamps: the spirit, the soul and the body, these three gifts for the One Trinity." -- St. Ephraim the Syrian

March 29 - 03/29/2020

Mark, bishop of Arethusa; Martyr Cyril the deacon of Heliopolis; Martyrs Jonah and Barachisios; Eustathios the Confessor, bishop of Bithynia

March 28 - 03/28/2020

"O Father, consecrate our spirit to Thyself! O Son, consecrate our soul to Thyself! O Holy Spirit, consecrate to Thyself our body which is afflicted by sores." -- St. Ephraim the Syrian

March 28 - 03/28/2020

Venerable Hilarion the New; Apostle Herodion of the Seventy; Venerable Stephen of Triglia

March 27 - 03/27/2020

"There can be no rest on earth for those who desire to be saved." -- St. Ephraim the Syrian

March 27 - 03/27/2020

Martyr Matrona of Thessalonika; Martyrs Philetos and Lydia; Paul, bishop of Corinth; Venerable Euthychios

Saturday of Lazarus the Righteous (March 31) - 03/26/2020

O Christ God, when Thou didst raise Lazarus from the dead, before Thy Passion, Thou didst confirm the universal resurrection. Wherefore, we, like babes, carry the insignia of triumph and victory, and cry to Thee, O Vanquisher of death, Hosanna in the highest. Blessed is He Who cometh in the Name of the Lord. (Apolytikion in Tone 1)

March 26 - 03/26/2020

"The barren wilderness thou didst make fertile with the streams of thy tears; and by thy deep sighing thou hast given fruit through thy struggles a hundredfold. Accordingly, thou hast become a star for the universe, sparkling with miracles. Therefore, O righteous Father John Climacus, intercede with Christ God to save our souls." -- Apolytikion of St. John Climacus

March 26 - 03/26/2020

The synaxis of the Archangel Gabriel; Stephen the Confessor

March 25 - 03/25/2020

"The light of dawn comes before the sun, and meekness is the precursor of all humility. So let us listen to the order in which Christ, our Light, place these virtues. He says: 'Learn from Me, because I am meek and humble of heart.'” -- St. John Climacus

March 25 - 03/25/2020

The Annunciation of the Theotokos

March 24 - 03/24/2020

"Live in gratitude, and you will never be disappointed. See that your afflictions are not there to punish you, but to purify you and cleanse you of the delusions of this world. You all are being prepared each day for great things. Be wise, and prepare for the future, but do not be worried about it. Be prudent, but not obsessed. The man who constantly worries achieves nothing but stress and anxiety. Instead, pray and draw close to God. Believe that He will help you, and suddenly, you will see how He has already." -- His Eminence, Metropolitan JOSEPH

March 24 - 03/24/2020

Venerable Zachariah the recluse and Artemon, bishop of Seleucia; New-hieromartyr Parthenios, patriarch of Constantinople

March 23 - 03/23/2020

"Our life without repentance is nonsense; our life without forgiveness is nonsense; our life without remembering all the blessings from God is nonsense. Jesus died for us, but have we died for Him or for anyone or have we died to our sins? If we don’t die, there is no life." -- His Eminence, Metropolitan JOSEPH

March 23 - 03/23/2020

Venerable-martyr Nikon of Sicily and with him 199 disciples; Venerable-martyr Luke of St. Anne Skete on Athos

March 22 - 03/22/2020

"Keep strong, confident and devout in what you are doing. Our war is not against food and drink but rather against sin, temptations, passions, slothfulness, pride, unfaithfulness and other vices." -- His Eminence, Metropolitan JOSEPH

March 22 - 03/22/2020

Hieromartyr Basil of Ancyra; Martyr Kallinika of Rome; Venerable-martyr Euthymios of Prodromou Skete on Athos

March 21 - 03/21/2020

In one of the accounts of the martyrdoms of Christians during the reign of the Persian King Sapor, it is said: “The swords became dull, the sword-bearers fell and the sword-makers grew tired, but the Cross was lifted up even higher and shone from the blood of Christ’s martyrs.” -- St. Nicholai of Zica

March 21 - 03/21/2020

Venerable-confessor James the New, bishop of Catania; Thomas, patriarch of Constantinople; New-martyr Michael

March 20 - 03/20/2020

"In England, when people bow before the queen, they do so out of respect, but it does not imply any repentance. But when we bow before Christ, it means that we are ready to empty ourselves from an evil mind, from any evil thought or act, or any evil thing in our lives." -- His Eminence, Metropolitan JOSEPH

March 20 - 03/20/2020

The holy fathers slain at the monastery of Mar Sabbas; Newmartyr Myron of Crete

Annunciation to the Most Holy Theotokos (March 25) - 03/19/2020

Today is the beginning of our salvation, and the manifestation of the mystery from the ages; for the Son of God becometh the Son of the Virgin, and Gabriel proclaimeth grace. Wherefore, do we shout with him to the Theotokos, Rejoice, O full of grace! The Lord is with thee. (Apolytikion in Tone 4)

March 19 - 03/19/2020

"May the soul that has sought refuge in Thy cross and inherited eternal incorruptible treasure praise and exalt Thee together with the spirits that number her among Thy ranks." -- St. Ephraim the Syrian

March 19 - 03/19/2020

Martyrs Chrysanthos, Daria, Jason, Mauros and Diodoros of Rome; Martyr Pancharios of Nicomedia; New-martyr Demetrios of Constantinople; Venerable Innocent of Komel

March 18 - 03/18/2020

“Return my soul to the sweet garden of paradise, and may it abide in light that, surrounded by the delights of paradise, I too may say with all the saints: Glory to the Immortal Father; honor to Him Who presents heavenly gifts to this worthless one, that he may bring a tithe of glory to the King of all!" -- St Ephraim the Syrian

March 18 - 03/18/2020

Cyril, patriarch of Jerusalem; Martyrs Trophymos and Eukarpos of Nicomedia and those with them; Nikolai (Velimirovic), bishop of Zica in Serbia

March 17 - 03/17/2020

“May my heart be as a fertile field for Thee, and may Thy grace sprinkle the dew of eternal life upon it. May Thy grace reap a good harvest on the field of my heart: humility, reverence, sanctity, and all that is ever pleasing to Thee." -- St Ephraim the Syrian

March 17 - 03/17/2020

Venerable Alexios the 'Man of God;' Theosteriktos the Confessor; Patrick, bishop of Armagh and enlightener of Ireland; Venerable Makarios of Kalyazin

March 16 - 03/16/2020

“Thy love draws me to Thee, O Savior, O praise of my life. Thy grace makes it sweet for me to follow Thee with my mind." -- St Ephraim the Syrian

March 16 - 03/16/2020

Martyr Sabinos of Egypt; Venerable Christodoulos the wonderworker of Patmos

March 15 - 03/15/2020

“For Thy servant Thy grace has become a refuge, strength, a defense, ennoblement, praise, and food for the whole of his life." -- St Ephraim the Syrian

March 15 - 03/15/2020

Martyr Agapios of Palestine and those with him; Apostle Aristoboulos of the Seventy, first bishop of Britain; New-martyrs Manuel of Crete and Parthenios

March 14 - 03/14/2020

“Thou, O Christ our Savior, hast become for me the path of life which leads to the Father. There is but one path, and it is my joy, and at the end of it is the heavenly kingdom." -- St Ephraim the Syrian

March 14 - 03/14/2020

Venerable Benedict of Nursia; Euschemenos, bishop of Lampsakos

March 13 - 03/13/2020

“Grant us, O our Lord to rejoice in Thee, and mayest Thou rejoice in us in the last day. To Thee is praise, from the spirit, soul and body. And unto us be Thy mercies." -- St Ephraim the Syrian

March 13 - 03/13/2020

The translation of the relics of Nikephoros, patriarch of Constantinople; Poplias and Marios the bishops

Fourth Sunday of Great Lent: Commemoration of John Climacus, Author of "The Ladder" (March 18) - 03/12/2020

The barren wilderness thou didst make fertile with the streams of thy tears; and by thy deep sighing thou hast given fruit through thy struggles a hundred-fold. Accordingly, thou hast become a star for the universe, sparkling with miracles. Therefore, O righteous Father John Climacus, intercede with Christ God to save our souls. (Apolytikion in Tone 8)

March 12 - 03/12/2020

"... hear the Lord saying to each of us, as to the paralyzed man, 'Arise, take up your bed, and go to your house' (Mt. 9:6). Strengthened by the grace and power of Holy Baptism within us, we become vigorous and active in virtue, and bring into subjection our mental and physical capabilities and those material things which ought to be subservient to them, but which formerly overpowered us. We then go wherever pleases God and ourselves and, as far as we can, move to our real home, the eternal heavenly mansions. Those who see us ordering our lives in this godly way, marvel and glorify God, Who has given such power and authority to those who believe in Him (cf. Mt. 9:8), that they have their citizenship in heaven while still living on earth." -- St. Gregory Palamas

March 12 - 03/12/2020

Venerable Theophanes the Confessor of Sigriane; Gregory the Dialogist, pope of Rome; Venerable Simeon the New Theologian; Righteous Phineas

Great Lent - 03/11/2020

Great Lent:



O Lord and Master of my life, take from me the spirit of sloth, meddling, lust of power and idle talk. But give rather the spirit of chastity, humility, patience, and love to Thy servant. Yea, O Lord and King, grant me to see my own sins and not to judge my brother, for Thou art blessed unto ages of ages. Amen. (The Prayer of St. Ephrem the Syrian)

March 11 - 03/11/2020

"Before the transgression, Adam shared in divine illumination and brilliance. He was clothed in the true robe of glory and was not naked, nor was he ugly in his nakedness, but was truly unspeakably better adorned than those who wear diadems embellished with much gold and precious stones. When our human nature was stripped of this divine illumination and radiance as a result of the ugly transgression, the Word of God had mercy on this nature and in His compassion took it upon Himself. On Mount Tabor He showed it clothed once more to His chosen disciples (cf. Lk. 9:28-37), proving to all what we had once been, and what those of us who believed in Him and attained to perfection in Him would be through Him in the age to come. You will find that the earnest of this perfection of those who live according to Christ is openly given here and now to God's saints. They reap, so to speak, the good of the age to come." -- St. Gregory Palamas

March 11 - 03/11/2020

Sophronios, patriarch of Jerusalem; Martyrs Thallos and Trophimos; Venerable George of Sinai; Theodora the empress; repose of Euthymios, bishop of Novgorod

March 10 - 03/10/2020

"You should secretly give from what you have to those in need, so that you receive from God, Who sees in secret, a hundred times more, as well as life eternal in the age to come (cf. Mt. 6:4; Mk. 10:30)." -- St. Gregory Palamas

March 10 - 03/10/2020

Kodratos of Corinth and his five companions; Anastasia the patrician of Alexandria; New-martyr Michael of Thessalonika

March 9 - 03/09/2020

"Since illnesses are cured by their opposite remedies, as we had been put to death by the wicked counsel of the evil one, we were made alive again by the good counsel of the good Lord. The deadly counselor had at his disposal pleasure, glory and comfort, which enchanted mankind and dragged it down. So the Counselor of true life Himself led the way along the strait and narrow way which leads to life above and guided us in it. 'Strive,' He says, 'to enter in at the strait gate' (Lk. 13:24), and 'strait and narrow is the way that leads to life, for wide and broad is the way that leads to destruction' (cf. Mt. 7:13-14). Elsewhere He warns more clearly against that path, saying, 'Woe to you who are rich! Woe to you who are full! Woe to you when all men shall speak well of you' (cf. Lk. 6:24-26), thus declaring wretched all lovers of glory, pleasure and money." -- St. Gregory Palamas

March 9 - 03/09/2020

The Forty Martyrs of Sebaste

March 8 - 03/08/2020

"We know that prayer in and of itself cannot save us, but carrying it out before God can. For when the Lord's eyes are upon us He sanctifies us, as the sun warms everything upon which it shines." -- St. Gregory Palamas

March 8 - 03/08/2020

Theophylaktos, bishop of Nicomedia; Apostle Hermas of the Seventy

March 7 - 03/07/2020

"We cannot serve anyone with whom we have animosity. This is why the Gospels stress forgiveness. Our Lord even forgave those who crucified Him, crying out from the cross, 'Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do' (Luke 23:34). If we are to serve the world, we must first be able to forgive everyone and anyone. The slightest amount of unforgiveness or anger towards anyone is enough to keep us from God, for in God there is only love." -- His Eminence, Metropolitan JOSEPH

March 7 - 03/07/2020

The Hieromartyrs of Cherson: Basil, Ephraim, Eugene, Kapiton, Elpidios, Agathodoros and Aetherios; Venerable Laurence; Venerable Paul the Simple, disciple of Venerable Anthony the Great

March 6 - 03/06/2020

"The Lord came to send fire upon the earth (cf. Lk. 12:49), and through participation in this fire He makes divine not just the human substance which He assumed for our sake, but every person who is found worthy of communion with Him." -- St. Gregory Palamas

March 6 - 03/06/2020

The 42 martyrs of Amoria in Phrygia; discovery of the precious cross and nails by St. Helena; Venerable Fridolin, enlightener of the Upper Rhine

Third Sunday of Great Lent: Veneration of the Precious and Life-Giving Cross (March 11) - 03/05/2020

O Lord, save Thy people, and bless Thine inheritance, granting to Thy people victory over all adversaries, and by the power of Thy Cross preserving Thine Estate. (Apolytikion in Tone 1)

March 5 - 03/05/2020

"Moses received the law in a period of abstinence and led his people; and Elijah, when he fasted, closed the heavens. As for the Abrahamite youths, they vanquished by fasting the transgressing usurper. Wherefore, through the same, O Savior, prepare us to meet Thy Resurrection, shouting Holy God! Holy Mighty! Holy Immortal! Have mercy on us!" -- Doxasticon for the First Sunday of Great Lent

March 5 - 03/05/2020

Hieromartyr Konon of Isauria; Martyrs Archelaos and his 152 companions in Egypt; New-martyr John the Bulgarian

March 4 - 03/04/2020

"I urge you now to give the people a living example of your commitment to Jesus Christ. Renew your spiritual lives through fasting and prayer." -- His Eminence, Metropolitan JOSEPH

March 4 - 03/04/2020

Venerable Gerasimos of the Jordan; Gregory, bishop of Constantios in Cyprus; Martyrs Paul and Juliana of Syria; Daniel, prince of Moscow, the wonder-worker

March 3 - 03/03/2020

"We need to continue in the spirit and the theology of the Fast. It’s not just about food, but about self-control, about healing myself from selfishness, about enduring every hardship in life without losing faith or hope." -- His Eminence, Metropolitan JOSEPH

March 3 - 03/03/2020

Martyrs Eutropios, Kleonikos, and Basilikos of Amasea; Hieromartyr Theodoretos of Antioch

March 2 - 03/02/2020

“How can we say that we adhere to the meek and All-pure Christ, if we daily poison the air with tales about the sins and shortcomings of others? To conceal your own virtue and the shortcomings of others – in this is pre-eminent spiritual wisdom.” -- St. Nicholai of Zica

March 2 - 03/02/2020

Theodotos, bishop of Cyrenia; Martyr Hesychios the Senator; Virgin-martyr Euthalia of Sicily; Arsenios, bishop of Tver

March - 03/01/2020

March 1 - 03/01/2020

"... Christ said, 'Whoever shall say to his brother "You fool" shall be guilty enough to go to the hell of fire' (Mt. 5:22). If, then, you can eradicate this evil, calling down upon your soul the benediction of gentleness, then glorify Christ, the teacher and ministrant of every virtue, without whom, as we have been taught, we can do nothing good. But if you are unable to bridle your temper, censure yourself whenever you lose it, and repent before God and before anyone to whom you have spoken or have acted evilly. If you repent at the inception of sin you will not commit the sin itself; but if you feel no pang in committing minor offenses you will through them fall into major transgressions." -- St. Gregory Palamas

March 1 - 03/01/2020

Venerable-martyr Eudokia of Heliopolis; Venerable Domnina of Syria; Martyrs Markellos and Anthony of Pamphylia; Venerable Agapios of Vatopedi monastery on Athos; Venerable David of Wales, bishop of Menevia

February 29 - 02/28/2020

Venerable John Cassian the Roman

February 28 - 02/28/2020

"The Savior began the work of our salvation with fasting. In the same way all those who follow in the footsteps of the Savior build on this foundation the beginning of their endeavor, since fasting is a weapon established by God." -- St. Isaac the Syrian

February 28 - 02/28/2020

Venerable Basil the Confessor, companion of Prokopios of Decapolis; Hieromartyr Proterios, patriarch of Alexandria; Apostles Nympha and Euvoulos; New-martyr Kyranna. Venerable John Cassian the Roman

November 13-15, 2020: Diocesan Fall Gathering - 02/27/2020

February 27 - 02/27/2020

"It is detestable and dangerous for a wrestler to be slack at the start of a contest, thereby giving proof of his impending defeat to everyone. Let us have a firm beginning to our religious life, for this will help us if a certain slackness comes later. A bold and eager soul will be spurred on by the memory of its first zeal and new wings can then be obtained."  -- St. John Climacus

February 27 - 02/27/2020

Venerable Prokopios the Confessor of Decapolis; Martyrs Gelasios of Heliopolis and Nisios; New-martyr Elias

Second Sunday of Great Lent: Commemoration of Gregory Palamas, Archbishop of Thessalonica (March 4) - 02/26/2020

O Star of Orthodoxy, support of the Church and its teacher, O comeliness of ascetics, and incontestable champion of those who speak in theology, Gregory the wonder-worker, the pride of Thessalonica and preacher of grace, implore thou constantly for the salvation of our souls. (Apolytikion in Tone 8)

February 26 - 02/26/2020

"I urge all of you to forgive one another with more love and humility, making every effort to observe this great and Holy Lent as a path toward Holiness." -- His Eminence, Metropolitan JOSEPH

February 26 - 02/26/2020

Prophyrios, bishop of Gaza; Great-martyr Photeini the Samaritan Woman and those with her; Martyr Theoklitos and those with him; New-martyr John of Constantinople

February 25 - 02/25/2020

"When children make noise in the Church we must forgive. The more we focus our attention on the prayer, the more the noise becomes for us a blessing. The Church is not only for us, but for the children. They are 'The Tomorrow' of the Church." -- His Eminence, Metropolitan JOSEPH

February 25 - 02/25/2020

Tarasios, archbishop of Constantinople; Hieromartyrs Reginos, bishop of Skopelos, and Markellos, bishop of Apamea in Syria; Martyr Alexander of Markianopolis

CANCELLED - April 3-5, 2020: Diocesan Antiochian Women's Retreat in Southern California - 02/24/2020

February 24 - 02/24/2020

"Humble people have no needless or petty quarrels with others, because they have no egocentric desires to always have their own way. They are not self-seeking; for they know that it is God’s will, not their own, that they should strive for. Therefore, humility naturally brings with it unity, both with God and with our fellows." -- His Eminence, Metropolitan JOSEPH

February 24 - 02/24/2020

The first and second discoveries of the honorable head of the Forerunner

February 23 - 02/23/2020

"It is through the virtue of humility that we attain spiritual gifts. Humility is the acknowledgement that God has saved us, forgiven us and desires that we should do the same. God does not force us to do so, we must be willing. If we are not willing to be humble, the world will humiliate us. The humble person cannot be humiliated, for humiliation is nothing but a blow to our pride. The one who has no pride escapes such suffering." -- His Eminence, Metropolitan JOSEPH

February 23 - 02/23/2020

Hieromartyr Polycarp, bishop of Smyrna; Martyr Polychronios; Venerable Gorgonia; Venerable Damian and Venerable-martyr Damian of Philotheou monastery on Athos

First Sunday of Great Lent: Sunday of Orthodoxy (February 25) - 02/22/2020

Thy pure image do we venerate, O good One, asking forgiveness of our sins, O Christ our God; for by Thine own will Thou didst ascend the Cross in Thy body, to save Thy creatures from the bondage of the enemy. Thou hast verily filled all with joy, since Thou didst come, O our Savior, to save the world. (Apolytikion in Tone 2)

February 22 - 02/22/2020

"A man does not possess all the gifts, lest he think that grace is nature." -- St. Gregory Palamas

February 22 - 02/22/2020

The uncovering of the relics of the Martyrs at the gate of Eugenios in Constantinople; Martyr Anthusa

February 21 - 02/21/2020

"Even when your body does nothing, sin can be active in your mind. When your soul inwardly repulses the evil one's attack by means of prayer, attention, remembrance of death, godly sorrow and mourning, the body, too, takes its share of holiness, having acquired freedom from evil actions. This is what the Lord meant by saying that someone who cleans the outside of the cup has not cleansed it inside, but clean the inside and the whole cup will be clean (Mt. 23:25-26)." -- St. Gregory Palamas

February 21 - 02/21/2020

Venerable Timothy of Symbola; Eustathios, archbishop of Antioch; Zachariah, patriarch of Jerusalem; George, bishop of Amastris

February 20 - 02/20/2020

"Give thanks to the Lord, but do not forget His great men, - the poor and the needy, for they can accomplish much with God the Lord." -- Abbot Nazarius of the Valaam Monastery

February 20 - 02/20/2020

Leo, bishop of Catania in Sicily; Venerable Vissarion the Great of Egypt; Agathon, pope of Rome

February 19 - 02/19/2020

"The Lord came to send fire upon the earth (cf. Lk. 12:49), and through participation in this fire He makes divine not just the human substance which He assumed for our sake, but every person who is found worthy of communion with Him." -– St. Gregory Palamas

February 19 - 02/19/2020

Apostles Archippos, Philemon and Apphias of the Seventy; Venerable-martyr Philothea of Athens; New-martyr Nikita the New of Epiros

February 18 - 02/18/2020

"If God is love, charity should know no limit, for God cannot be confined. Any time is the right time for works of charity...A generous spirit is itself great wealth. There can be no shortage of material for generosity where it is Christ who feeds and Christ who is fed." -- St. Leo of Rome

February 18 - 02/18/2020

Leo the Great, pope of Rome; Agapitos the Confessor, bishop of Synnada in Phrygia; Venerable Colman, bishop of Lindisfarne

February 17 - 02/17/2020

“My son, always strive to be simple and kind. Do not have one thing in your heart and another thing on your tongue, for this is a ruse and a lie.” -- St. Nilus of Mount Sinai

February 17 - 02/17/2020

Great-martyr Theodore the Soldier ('Tyro'); Marcian the emperor and Pulcheria the empress; New-martyrs Theodore and Michael; Venerable Euxiphios; repose of Hermogenes, patriarch of Moscow; Venerable Finan, bishop of Lindisfarne

February 16 - 02/16/2020

Among the Twelve Holy Martyrs who suffered in 308 A.D. under the Emperor Diocletian were five Egyptian brothers according to the flesh and the spirit: Elias, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Samuel and Daniel. As they faced the beheading sword, they were asked where they were from. They responded: “From the Jerusalem on High.”

February 16 - 02/16/2020

Martyr Pamphilos, priest of Caesarea in Palestine; Venerable Flavian the hermit; Venerable-martyr Romanos

February 15 - 02/15/2020

"There is only one way into the Kingdom of Heaven, and that is the very way that Jesus Christ went when He lived on earth." -- Bishop INNOCENT, Bishop of Kamchatka, the Kurilian and Aleutian Islands

February 15 - 02/15/2020

Apostle Onesimos of the Seventy; Venerable Eusebios of Syria; Martyr Major of Gaza; Venerable Dalmatos of Siberia

February 14 - 02/14/2020

"No one will ever find true happiness and perfect prosperity without God or outside God." – Bishop INNOCENT, Bishop of Kamchatka, the Kurilian and Aleutian Islands

February 14 - 02/14/2020

Auxentios the priest of Bithynia; Venerable Abraham, Maron of Syria and Damian; New-martyrs Nicholas of Corinth and George of Mitylene; repose of Venerable Cyril, equal-to-the-Apostles and teacher of the Slavs; Venerable Isaac the Recluse of the Kiev Caves

February 13 - 02/13/2020

"What can I say to those people who, in the Church, neither stand in silence, nor join in the singing, but instead meet one another and mix our reasonable worship of God with worldly chatter? They do not listen themselves to the divinely inspired words, and prevent others who want to listen from doing so. 'How long do you halt between two opinions?' as Elijah the Tishbite would say (I Kgs. 18:21). You want simultaneously to come together for prayer and for worldly, ill-timed words. Of course you succeed in neither purpose, because you destroy the one with the other, or rather, they destroy each other. How long before you stop talking idly in this place? You make this house of prayer into a place of business or impassioned speech (cf. Lk. 19:46). In this house the words of eternal life are both spoken and heard, on the one hand by us, as we beseech God for eternal life with unashamed hope, and on the other hand by God, as He gives eternal life to those who ask with their whole heart and mind. But He will not give it to those who do not even apply their whole tongue, as it were, to asking." -- St. Gregory Palamas

February 13 - 02/13/2020

Venerable Martinian of Palestine; Apostles and Martyrs Aquila and Priscilla; Eulogios, patriarch of Alexandria; Venerable Simeon (Nemanja) the myrrh-streaming, prince of Serbia and founder of Hilandar monastery on Athos

Beginning of Great Lent - 02/12/2020

O Lord and Master of my life, take from me the spirit of sloth, meddling, lust of power, and idle talk. But give rather the spirit of chastity, humility, patience and love to Thy servant. Yea, O Lord and King, grant me to see my own sins and not to judge my brother; for Thou art blessed unto ages of ages. Amen. (The Prayer of St. Ephraim the Syrian)

Sunday of Forgiveness [Cheese Fare] (February 18) - 02/12/2020

O Thou Who guidest to wisdom, and givest understanding and intelligence, the Instructor of the ignorant, and Helper of the poor, strengthen my heart and grant it understanding, O Master. Give me word, O Word of the Father; for behold, I shall not refrain my lips from crying to Thee, O merciful One, have mercy upon me who am fallen. (Kontakion in Tone 6)

February 12 - 02/12/2020

Meletios, archbishop of Antioch; New-martyr Christos of Constantinople; Alexis, metropolitan of Moscow

February 11 - 02/11/2020

"Let your prayers be simple, for both the Publican and the Prodigal Son were reconciled to God by a single phrase." -- St. John Climacus

February 11 - 02/11/2020

Hieromartyr Blaise, bishop of Sebaste; Theodora the empress; New-martyr George of Serbia; Vsevolod, prince and wonderworker of Pskov; Venerable Demetrios of Prilutsk

February 10 - 02/10/2020

Enduring his tortures at the age of 113, the Hieromartyr Charalampus said to the emperor’s soldiers, “Thank you, my brethren, for in scraping my old body you renew my spirit for a new eternal life.”

February 10 - 02/10/2020

Hieromartyr Haralampos the wonder-worker, bishop of Magnesia; Venerable Zenon

February 9 - 02/09/2020

"There is no one so stupid as he who cannot see his own sins and cannot see the virtues of others. There is no one so enlightened as he who can see and recognize his own sins and the virtues of others." -- St. Nicholai of Zica

February 9 - 02/09/2020

Martyr Nikephoros of Antioch; Hieromartyrs Markellos, bishop of Sicily, Pankratios, bishop of Taormina, and Philagrios, bishop of Cyprus; translation of the relics of Innocent, first bishop of Irkutsk

February 8 - 02/08/2020

"Humble people have no needless or petty quarrels with others, because they have no egocentric desires to always have their own way. They are not self-seeking; for they know that it is God’s will, not their own, that they should strive for. Therefore, humility naturally brings with it unity, both with God and with our fellows." -- His Eminence, Metropolitan JOSEPH

February 8 - 02/08/2020

Great-martyr Theodore the General ('Stratelates'); Prophet Zachariah; Sabbas II, archbishop of Serbia

February 7 - 02/07/2020

"It is through the virtue of humility that we attain spiritual gifts. Humility is the acknowledgement that God has saved us, forgiven us and desires that we should do the same. God does not force us to do so, we must be willing. If we are not willing to be humble, the world will humiliate us. The humble person cannot be humiliated, for humiliation is nothing but a blow to our pride. The one who has no pride escapes such suffering." -- His Eminence, Metropolitan JOSEPH

February 7 - 02/07/2020

Parthenios, bishop of Lampsakos; Venerable Luke of Hellas; New-martyr George of Crete

February 6 - 02/06/2020

"A man does not possess all the gifts, lest he think that grace is nature." -– St. Gregory Palamas

February 6 - 02/06/2020

Boukolos, bishop of Smyrna; Photios the Great, patriarch of Constantinople; Martyr Julian (Ilyan) of Horns, the holy and unmercenary healer

Sunday of the Last Judgment [Meatfare] (February 11) - 02/05/2020

When Thou comest, O God, to earth with glory, and all creatures tremble before Thee, and the river of fire floweth before the Altar, and the books are opened and sins revealed, deliver me then from that unquenchable fire, and make me worthy to stand at Thy right hand, O righteous Judge. (Kontakion in Tone 1)

February 5 - 02/05/2020

"Even when your body does nothing, sin can be active in your mind. When your soul inwardly repulses the evil one's attack by means of prayer, attention, remembrance of death, godly sorrow and mourning, the body, too, takes its share of holiness, having acquired freedom from evil actions. This is what the Lord meant by saying that someone who cleans the outside of the cup has not cleansed it inside, but clean the inside and the whole cup will be clean (Mt. 23:25-26)." -- St. Gregory Palamas

February 5 - 02/05/2020

Martyr Agatha of Palermo in Sicily; Polyeuktos, patriarch of Constantinople; New-martyr Anthony of Athens; Venerable Theodosios; repose of Theodosios, archbishop of Chernigov

Sunday of the Prodigal Son (February 4) - 02/04/2020

Of what goodly things have I, wretched one, denied myself. And from what sovereignty have I, luckless one, fallen. I have squandered the riches that were given to me, and transgressed the commandment. Woe to thee, wretched soul, when thou shalt be condemned to eternal fire. Wherefore, before the end, cry to Christ God, God receive me as the prodigal son, and have mercy upon me. (First Vesperal Doxastikion in Tone 2)

February 12 - 02/04/2020

"We must renew our commitment to personal prayer and liturgical participation, to keeping the fasts of the Church, to giving our time and financial resources to the ministries of the Church, and, most especially, to being healed through self-examination and Confession." -- His Eminence, Metropolitan JOSEPH

February 4 - 02/04/2020

"Humble people have no needless or petty quarrels with others, because they have no egocentric desires to always have their own way. They are not self-seeking; for they know that it is God’s will, not their own, that they should strive for. Therefore, humility naturally brings with it unity, both with God and with our fellows." -- His Eminence, Metropolitan JOSEPH

February 4 - 02/04/2020

Venerable Isidore of Pelusium; Venerable Nicholas the Confessor of Studion; New-martyr Joseph of Aleppo; George, prince of Vladimir; Venerable Cyril, wonder-worker of Novoezersk

Synaxis of Holy and Righteous Simeon the God-receiver (February 3) - 02/03/2020

Lord, now lettest thou Thy servant depart in peace, according to Thy word; for mine eyes have seen Thy salvation, which Thou hast prepared before the face of all people, a light to lighten the Gentiles and the glory of Thy people Israel. (Hymn of Simeon the God-receiver)

February 3 - 02/03/2020

"It is through the virtue of humility that we attain spiritual gifts. Humility is the acknowledgement that God has saved us, forgiven us and desires that we should do the same. God does not force us to do so, we must be willing. If we are not willing to be humble, the world will humiliate us. The humble person cannot be humiliated, for humiliation is nothing but a blow to our pride. The one who has no pride escapes such suffering." -- His Eminence, Metropolitan JOSEPH

February 3 - 02/03/2020

Holy and Righteous Simeon the God-receiver and Anna the Prophetess; New-martyrs Nicholas, Stamatios and John of Spetson; Anschar, enlightener of Denmark and Sweden; Nicholas, equal to the Apostles, bishop and evangelizer of Japan; James, archbishop of Serbia

February 2 - 02/02/2020

"A man does not possess all the gifts, lest he think that grace is nature." -- St. Gregory Palamas

February 2 - 02/02/2020

The Presentation of our Lord, God and Saviour Jesus Christ to the Temple. Martyr Agathodoros of Cappadocia; New-martyrs Jordan of Trebizond and Gabriel of Constantinople

February - 02/01/2020

February 1 - 02/01/2020

"Even when your body does nothing, sin can be active in your mind. When your soul inwardly repulses the evil one's attack by means of prayer, attention, remembrance of death, godly sorrow and mourning, the body, too, takes its share of holiness, having acquired freedom from evil actions. This is what the Lord meant by saying that someone who cleans the outside of the cup has not cleansed it inside, but clean the inside and the whole cup will be clean (Mt. 23:25-26)." -- St. Gregory Palamas

February 1 - 02/01/2020

Martyr Tryphon of Syria; Martyr Perpetua of Carthage and her four companions; Basil the Confessor, archbishop of Thessalonika; New-martyr Anastasios of Anaplos; Venerable David and Simeon; Venerable Bridget of Ireland

Feast of the Presentation of Christ into the Temple (February 2) - 01/31/2020

Rejoice, O Virgin Theotokos, full of grace, for from thee arose the Sun of justice, Christ our God, lighting those who are in darkness. Rejoice and be glad, O righteous old man, carrying in thine arms the Deliverer of our souls, Who granteth us Resurrection. (Apolytikion in Tone 1)

January 31 - 01/31/2020

Unmercenaries Cyros and John; Martyrs Athanasia of Egypt and her daughters Theodota, Theoktiste and Eudoxia; Martyr Papias of Corinth; New-martyr Elias; Nikita of the Kiev Caves, bishop of Novgorod

January 31 - 01/31/2020

"Do not establish your previously committed sins in your soul by thinking about them so that they not be repeated in you. Be assured that they were forgiven you from the time that you gave yourself to God and to repentance. In that, do not doubt." -– St. Anthony the Great

January 30 - 01/30/2020

The three great hierarchs and ecumenical teachers, Basil the Great, Gregory the Theologian and John Chrysostom; Hieromartyr Hippolytos, pope of Rome; Virgin-martyr Chrissa of Rome; New-martyr Theodore of Mitylene; Julian, priest of Aegina

January 30 - 01/30/2020

"On this glorious celebration of the Three Holy Hierarchs, let us pause and reflect upon our own ministry and take a spiritual inventory of our work as priests before the Lord. My understanding of the ordination and ministry of the priesthood, which also pertains to the episcopal office, is found in the ordination prayer itself: We ask the Lord to '...fill with the gift of Thy Holy Spirit this man whom it hath pleased Thee to advance to the degree of Priest; that he may be worthy to stand in innocency before Thine Altar; to proclaim the Gospel of Thy Kingdom; to minister the Word of Thy Truth; to offer unto Thee spiritual gifts and sacrifices; and to renew Thy people through the laver of regeneration.' Ordination does not concern merely the one ordained, but rather, the whole Church.  The essence of the priesthood is love.  The priest must, in the words of St. Paul, '...become all things to all men' (I Cor. 4:22). He must manifest the presence of Christ to everyone, reveal that the end and meaning of all things are in Christ, and help everyone find his own life in Christ." -- His Eminence, Metropolitan JOSEPH

January 29 - 01/29/2020

The translation of the relics of Ignatios the God-bearer of Antioch; New-martyr Demetrios of Chios

January 29 - 01/29/2020

"God will not judge us about psalmody, nor for the neglect of prayer, but because by abandoning them we have opened our door to the demons." -- St. Isaac the Syrian

Sunday of the Pharisee & Publican: Lenten Triodion Begins (January 28) - 01/28/2020

Almighty Lord, I have known the effectiveness of tears; for they snatched Hezekiah from the doors of death, and saved the sinning woman from her chronic iniquities. And as for the Publican they justified him more than the Pharisee. Wherefore, I implore Thee to number me among them, and have mercy upon me. (First Vesperal Doxasticon in Tone 8)

January 28 - 01/28/2020

Venerable Ephraim the Syrian; Venerable Palladios of Antioch; Martyr Charita; Venerable Theodosios of Totma; Isaac the Syrian, bishop of Nineveh

January 28 - 01/28/2020

"Be dead in life, and you will not live in death. Let your soul die strenuously, and not live in weakness. Not only those who suffer death for the sake of faith in Christ are martyrs; but also those who die because of their observance of His commandments." -- St. Isaac the Syrian

January 27 - 01/27/2020

The translation of the relics of John Chrysostom; Marciana the empress; New-martyr Demetrios of Constantinople; Venerable Clement

January 27 - 01/27/2020

"Are you rich? Display much bountifulness! Have you become poor? Show much endurance and patience! For neither is wealth an evil, nor poverty in itself; but these things, either of them, become so according to the free choice of those who make use of them." -- St. John Chrysostom

The Three Great Hierarchs and Ecumenical Teachers: Basil the Great, Gregory the Theologian, and John Chrysostom (January 30) - 01/26/2020

Let us all come together and honor with songs of praise those three great stars of the threesunned Trinity, who illuminated the universe with rays of divine doctrines; those rivers of wisdom flowing with honey, who watered the whole universe with streams of divine knowledge, Basil the Great, Gregory the Theologian, and glorious John the golden-tongued; for they shall intercede with the Trinity for our sakes, Who love their sayings. (Apolytikion in Tone 1)

January 26 - 01/26/2020

Venerable Xenophon, his wife, Mary, and their two sons, Arkadios and John, of Constantinople; translation of the relics of Venerable Theodore the Studite

January 26 - 01/26/2020

"There is only one way into the Kingdom of Heaven, and that is the very way that Jesus Christ went when He lived on earth." -– Bishop INNOCENT, Bishop of Kamchatka, the Kurilian and Aleutian Islands

January 25 - 01/25/2020

Gregory the Theologian, archbishop of Constantinople; Venerable Demetrios; New-martyr Auxentios of Constantinople

January 25 - 01/25/2020

"These three things God requires of all the baptized: right faith in the heart, truth on the tongue, temperance in the body." -- St. Gregory the Theologian

January 24 - 01/24/2020

Hieromartyr Babylas of Sicily; Venerable Xenia the merciful of Rome; Venerable Philonos, bishop of Karpason; Venerable Neophytos the recluse of Cyprus; Venerable Dionysios of Olympos, abbot of Philotheou monastery on Athos; Venerable Philotheos, founder of Philotheou monastery on Athos; Hieromartyr Felician, bishop of Foligno in Umbria, Italy; Blessed Xenia of St. Petersburg, fool-for-Christ

January 24 - 01/24/2020

"Be careful that your mind be not defiled with the remembrance of former sins – that the remembrance of those sins not be renewed in you." -- St. Anthony the Great

Gregory the Theologian, Archbishop of Constantinople (January 25) - 01/23/2020

The pastoral Psalter of thy discourse in theology triumphed over the trumpets of orators and overcame it; for having sought the depth of the Spirit, there was vouchsafed to thee also excellence of speech, O Father Gregory. Wherefore, intercede thou with Christ God to save our souls. (Apolytikion in Tone 1)

January 23 - 01/23/2020

Hieromartyr Clement, bishop of Ancyra; Martyr Agathangelos; Paulinos, bishop of Nola

January 23 - 01/23/2020

St. Anthony said that three kinds of impulse exist in the body: "The first is from nature, the second is from lack of restraint in food and the third is from the demons."

Janaury 22 - 01/22/2020

Apostle Timothy; Venerable-martyr Anastasios the Persian; Venerable Joseph the Sanctified of Crete

January 22 - 01/22/2020

When Domentian struck him in the face, spat upon him and broke his teeth, the holy Hieromartyr Clement, Bishop of Ancyra replied, "You are doing me great honor, O Domentian, and you are not torturing me, for the mouth of my Lord Jesus Christ was also beaten and struck in like manner – and behold: I, the unworthy one, have now been made worthy of this!"

Janaury 21 - 01/21/2020

Venerable Maximos the Confessor, Zosimos and Neophytos; Virgin-martyr Agnes of Rome; Venerable Maxim the Greek

January 21 - 01/21/2020

"In the beginning, passion and pain were not created together with the body; nor forgetfulness and ignorance together with the soul; nor the ever-changing impressions in the shape of events with the mind. All these things were brought about in man by his disobedience." -- St. Maximos the Confessor

Janaury 20 - 01/20/2020

Venerable Eutymios the Great; New-martyr Zachariah of Morea

January 20 - 01/20/2020

"It is not good for a monk to move from place to place. A tree frequently transplanted does not bear fruit." -- St. Euthymius the Great

St. Timothy the Apostle (January 22) - 01/19/2020

Since thou hadst been instructed in uprightness thoroughly and wast vigilant in all things, thou wast clothed with a good conscience as befitteth one holy. Thou didst draw from the Chosen Vessel ineffable mysteries; and having kept the Faith, thou didst finish the course, O Hieromartyr and Apostle Timothy. Intercede with Christ God that our souls may be saved. (Apolytikion in Tone 4)

Janaury 19 - 01/19/2020

Venerable Makarios the Great; Arsenios, bishop of Kerkyra; Venerable Mark Eugenikos, metropolitan of Ephesos, pillar of Orthodoxy

January 19 - 01/19/2020

"The most important work that a spiritual wrestler can do is to enter within the heart, there to fight Satan; to hate and repel the thoughts that he inspires and to wage war upon him." -- St. Macarius of Egypt

Athanasius and Cyril, Patriarchs of Alexandria (January 18) - 01/18/2020

With work of Orthodoxy, ye shone forth and extinguished wicked opinion, becoming triumphant and clothed with victory. And having enriched all with true worship, and adorned the Church with great adornment, Athanasius and wise Cyril, ye worthily found Christ God, granting to all, through your prayers, the Great Mercy. (Apolytikion in Tone 3)

Janaury 18 - 01/18/2020

Athanasius and Cyril, patriarchs of Alexandria; Martyr Theodoulis; Maximos, Serbian despot

January 18 - 01/18/2020

"The good God has given them a share in His own Image, that is, in our Lord Jesus Christ, and has made even themselves after the same Image and Likeness. Why? Simply in order that through this gift of God-likeness in themselves they may be able to perceive the Image Absolute, that is the Word Himself, and through Him to apprehend the Father; which knowledge of their Maker is for men the only really happy and blessed life." -- Athanasius the Great (On the Incarnation)

St. Anthony the Great (January 17) - 01/17/2020

Thou didst become like the zealous Elijah in his condition, and followed John the Baptist in his upright ways, becoming a dweller in the wilderness and an establisher of the universe by thy prayer, O Father Anthony. Wherefore, intercede thou with Christ God to save our souls. (Apolytikion in Tone 4)

January 17 - 01/17/2020

Venerable Anthony the Great; Anthony the New, ascetic of Berrea in Macedonia; New-martyr George of Ioannina

January 17 - 01/17/2020

"Learn to love humility, for it will cover all your sins. All sins are repulsive before God, but the most repulsive of all is pride of the heart. Do not consider yourself learned and wise; otherwise, all your effort will be destroyed, and your boat will reach the harbor empty. If you have great authority, do not threaten anyone with death. Know that, according to nature, you too are susceptible to death, and that every soul sheds its body as its final garment." -- St. Anthony the Great

Janaury 16 - 01/16/2020

The veneration of the precious chains of the Apostle Peter; Peusippos and Neonilla, and the martyrs of Cappadocia; Hieromartyr Damaskinos of Hilandar monastery on Athos; Honoratos, archbishop of Arles and founder of Lerins Monastery; Romil of Ravanica

January 16 - 01/16/2020

St. Anthony rebukes those who refuse to receive back penitents: "A ship suffered shipwreck and lost its cargo, and only with great difficulty did that boat reach the harbor – and you want to sink even that which was saved from sinking!"

January 15 - 01/15/2020

Venerable Paul of Thebes and John the hut-dweller; Venerable martyr Pansophios of Alexandria; Venerable Gabriel of Lesnovo

January 15 - 01/15/2020

"The Kingdom of Heaven is peace and Joy in the Holy Spirit. Acquire inward peace, and thousands around you will find their salvation." -- St. Seraphim of Sarov

January 14 - 01/14/2020

The holy fathers slain at Sinai and Raithu; Virgin-martyr Agnes; Venerable Theodoulos and Neilos of Sinai; Nina, equal-to-the-Apostles and enlightener of Georgia

January 14 - 01/14/2020

"Keep this piety of my faith undefiled, I beseech you, and let this be the utterance of my convictions even to the last breath of my spirit: that I may always hold fast to that which I profess in the creed of my regeneration when I was baptized in the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, namely, that I may adore you, our Father, and your Son together with you, and that I may gain the favor of your Holy Spirit who is from you through the only-begotten. He is a suitable witness for my faith who says: 'Father, all things that are mine are thine, and thine are mine,' my Lord Jesus Christ, who always abides as God in you, from you and with you who is blessed forever and ever. Amen.'" -- St. Hilary of Poitiers

Janaury 13 - 01/13/2020

Martyrs Hermylos and Stratonikos of Belgrade; Martyrs Pachomios and Papyrinos of Greece; Venerable Maximos Kafsokalyvitis of Athos; Venerable Eleazar of Anzersk Island; Hilary, bishop of Poitiers

January 13 - 01/13/2020

"Be fearful that you do not become famous because of some work that you do. If they begin to praise you because of your work, do not rejoice or take delight in it, but keep your works secret as much as you can, and do not allow anyone to speak about them." -- St. Anthony

Janaury 12 - 01/12/2020

Martyr Tatiana of Rome and those with her; Virgin-martyr Euthasia; Martyr Mertios of Mauretania; repose of Venerable Sabbas of Hilandar monastery on Athos, first archbishop of Serbia

January 12 - 01/12/2020

When the judge-torturer Sevirus asked the young holy martyr Peter Apselamus: “Of what lineage are you?” Peter replied: “I am a Christian.”

January 11 - 01/11/2020

Theodosios the Great, the head of monasteries in Palestine;Venerable Theodosios of Philotheou monastery on Athos; Venerable Agapios of Apamea in Syria; Venerable Michael of Klops, fool-for-Christ

January 11 - 01/11/2020

"The goal of human freedom is not in freedom itself, nor is it in man, but in God. By giving man freedom, God has yielded to man a piece of His divine authority, but with the intention that man himself would voluntarily bring it as a sacrifice to God, a most perfect offering." -- St. Theophan the Recluse

January 10 - 01/10/2020

Gregory, bishop of Nyssa; Marcian the priest of Constantinople; Dometian, bishop of Melitene; Venerable Paul of Obnora; Bishop Theophan the Recluse

January 10 - 01/10/2020

“It is not one’s own efforts which lead to the goal, because without grace, efforts produce little. Nor does grace without effort bring what is sought, because grace acts in us and for us through our efforts.” -- St. Theophan the Recluse

January 9 - 01/09/2020

Martyr Polyeuktos of Armenia; Venerable Eustratios the wonderworker; New-martyr Parthenas; Philip, metropolitan of Moscow

January 9 - 01/09/2020

"Prayer is the test of everything. If prayer is right, everything is right." -- St. Theophan the Recluse

Veneration of the Precious Chains of the Apostle Peter (January 16) - 01/08/2020

Without leaving Rome, thou didst come to us by the precious chains which thou didst wear, O Peter, foremost of the Apostles. And worshipping them, with faith, we pray: By thine intercessions with God, grant us Great Mercy. (Apolytikion in Tone 4)

January 8 - 01/08/2020

Venerable George the Chozebite; Venerable Agathonos of Egypt; Venerable Domnica of Constantinople and Venerable Makarios; Emilianos the Confessor, bishop of Kyzikos; Martyr Theophilos the deacon of Libya; Cyros and Atticos, patriarchs of Constantinople; New-martyr Kyran; Venerable Gregory of the Kiev Caves

January 8 - 01/08/2020

"To stand guard over the heart, to stand with the mind in the heart, to descend from the head into the heart - all these are one and the same thing. The core of the work lies in the concentration of attention and the standing before the invisible Lord, not in the head but within the chest, close to the heart and in the heart. When the divine warmth comes, all this will be clear." -- St. Theophan the Recluse

Synaxis of John the Baptist (January 7) - 01/07/2020

The memory of the righteous is celebrated with songs of praise, but the Lord's testimony is sufficient for Thee, O Forerunner. Thou wast shown indeed to be the most honorable of the prophets, for in the waters Thou didst baptize Him who had been proclaimed. After suffering with joy in behalf of the truth, Thou didst proclaim even to those in Hades the God who appeared in the flesh, who takest away the sin of the world and granteth us the Great Mercy. (Apolytikion in Tone 2)

January 7 - 01/07/2020

The synaxis of the honorable, glorious Prophet, Forerunner and Baptist John; Julian the deacon; Hieromartyr Romanos; Newmartyr Athanasios of Attalia; Venerable Brannock of Braunton

January 7 - 01/07/2020

"St. John the Forerunner set out to men the whole path of true repentance: 'Repent ye!' And he immediately continued: 'Bring forth therefore fruits meet for repentance' (Matt. 3:2,8)." -- St. Nicholai of Zica

January 6 - 01/06/2020

The Theophany of our Lord Jesus Christ. Venerable Makarios Makris of Vatopedi monastery on Athos and Pantocratoros monastery in Constantinople

January 6 - 01/06/2020

"Today, Thou hast appeared to the universe, O Lord, and Thy light hath been shed upon us, who praise Thee with knowledge, saying, 'Thou hast come and appeared, O unapproachable Light." -- Kontakion of Theophany

January 5 - 01/05/2020

Martyrs Theopemptos the bishop of Nicomedia and Theonas; Venerable Syncletica of Alexandria; Venerable-martyr Romanos of Athos

January 5 - 01/05/2020

"Christians are good not merely out of obedience to law or harmony with nature, or in order to gain immortal bliss for the soul. Rather, they are righteous in anticipation of the age to come, the eschaton, the age of the fullness of creation in the incarnate Son of God." -- Orthodox Study Bible notes on Epistle for Theophany, Titus 2:11-14

January 4 - 01/04/2020

The synaxis of the Seventy Holy Apostles; Venerable Theoktistos of Sicily; Venerable-martyrs Euthymios and his twelve companions of Vatopedi monastery on Athos; Venerable-martyr Onouphrios the deacon of Hilandar monastery on Athos; Eustathios, archbishop of Serbia

January 4 - 01/04/2020

"No one will ever find true happiness and perfect prosperity without God or outside God." -- Bishop INNOCENT, Bishop of Kamchatka, the Kurilian and Aleutian Islands

January 3 - 01/03/2020

Martyr Gordios of Cappadocia; Prophet Malachi; Venerable Thomaidos; Venerable Genevieve of Paris

January 3 - 01/03/2020

"All the stars in the heavens could be more easily counted than all the miracles worked on earth by prayer." -- St. Nicholai of Zica

Theophany of our Lord (January 6) - 01/02/2020

When Thou, O Lord, wast baptized in the Jordan, worship of the Trinity wast made manifest; for the voice of the Father bore witness to Thee, calling Thee His beloved Son. And the Spirit in the form of a dove confirmed the truth of His word. O Christ our God, Who hath appeared and enlightened the world, glory to Thee. (Apolytikion in Tone 1)

January 2 - 01/02/2020

Sylvester, pope of Rome; Cosmas, archbishop of Constantinople; Hieromartyr Theogenes of Parium; Martyrs Sergios and Theopistos; New-martyr Zorzis; Venerable Theodote and Neilos; Repose of Venerable Seraphim of Sarov; Righteous Juliana the Merciful, of Lazarevsk

January 2 - 01/02/2020

"The soul should be provided with the word of God. For the word of God, as Gregory the Theologian says, 'is the bread of angels, which feeds the soul that is hungry for God. But, above all, one should read the New Testament and the Psalter. From this proceeds illumination of the mind…'" -- St. Seraphim of Sarov

January - 01/01/2020

New Year - 01/01/2020

Prayer for the Beginning of the New Year
O Master, Lord our God, the Source of life and immortality, the Author of all created things both visible and invisible, Who hast established all seasons and times by Thine own authority and dost direct all things with Thine all-wise and all-gracious providence: We thank Thee for Thy bounties, which Thou hast poured out upon us during our life that is past. And we entreat Thee, O all-bountiful Lord: Bless the crown of the New Year by Thy goodness. Bestow Thy good things from above upon all Thy people, as also health, salvation and good furtherance in all things. Deliver Thy Holy Church, this city and all cities and countryside from every evil assault, and vouchsafe unto them peace and tranquility; and grant that we may always offer thanksgiving unto Thee, the unoriginate Father, together with Thine only-begotten Son and Thine all-holy, good and life-giving Spirit, now and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.

January 1 - 01/01/2020

The Circumcision in the flesh of our Lord Jesus Christ. Basil the Great, archbishop of Caesarea in Cappadocia; New-martyr Peter of the Peloponnesos

January 1 - 01/01/2020

"If you see your neighbor sinning, take care not to dwell exclusively on his faults. Try to think of the many good things he has done and continues to do. Many times when we do this, we come to the conclusion that our neighbor is a far better person than we are." -- St. Basil the Great

December 31 - 12/31/2019

"Today the Virgin giveth birth to the Transcendent in essence; the earth offereth the cave to the unapproachable One; the angels with the shepherds glorify Him; and the Magi with the star travel on their way; for a new child hath been born for our sakes, God before the ages." -- Kontakion of the Nativity of our Lord and God and Savior Jesus Christ

December 31 - 12/31/2019

Venerable Melania the Younger of Rome; Hieromartyr Zotikos the friend of orphans; Venerable Theophylact of Ochrid

December 30 - 12/30/2019

"We must become and manifest the icon of God, this restored beauty in our own lives, in our families, in our Churches in our communities and in our Nation." -- His Eminence, Metropolitan JOSEPH

December 30 - 12/30/2019

Virgin-martyr Anysia of Thessalonika; Martyr Philetairos of Nicomedia; Venerable Leon; Venerable-martyr Gideon of Karakallou monastery on Athos; Makarios, Metropolitan of Moscow

December 29 - 12/29/2019

The fourteen thousand infants slain by Herod in Bethlehem; George, bishop of Nicomedia; Venerable Markellos of the monastery of the "Unsleeping Ones"; commemoration of all Orthodox Christians who died from hunger, thirst, the sword and freezing

Basil the Great, Archbishop of Caesarea in Cappadocia (January 1) - 12/28/2019

In all the earth that received thy sayings, thy melody did resound, O righteous father, through which thou didst go about and proclaim, as worthy of God, the nature of creatures, cultivating the character of mankind, O thou of kingly Priesthood, Basil. Wherefore, plead thou with Christ God to save our souls. (Apolytikion in Tone 1)

Nativity - 12/25/2019

The Nativity of our Lord, God and Savior, Jesus Christ


Christ is born! Glorify Him!
Χριστός γεννάται! Δοξάσατε!
Христос се роди! Ваистину се роди!

Thy Nativity, O Christ our God, hath given rise to the light of knowledge in the world; for they that worshipped the stars did learn therefrom to worship Thee, O Sun of Justice, and to know that from the east of the Highest Thou didst come. O Lord, glory to Thee. (Apolytikion in Tone 4)

January 11, 2020: A Day Retreat For Orthodox Moms - 12/14/2019

September 13-15, 2019: Orthodox Women's Retreat in Canada - 07/10/2019

July 22-28, 2019: Archdiocesan Convention - 06/08/2019

July 3-7, 2019 - Annual Diocesan Parish Life Conference - 04/08/2019

February 3-6, 2020: Diocesan Clergy Seminar - 04/08/2019

Clergy Laity Death - 01/13/2019


Reverend Father Ibrahim Chahoud

On behalf of His Eminence, Metropolitan JOSEPH, and the Very Reverend Great Economos Father Michel Najim (Dean of the Southern California Deanery), it is with extreme sadness that we inform you that Father Ibrahim Chahoud fell asleep in the Lord on Sunday, January 13, 2019. His Eminence is asking the parishes to remember him in prayer for the next 40 days, and to hold a special Trisagion for his eternal life.

The Trisagion Service for the Departed will be held at St. Mary Church in Murrieta, California (26871 Hobie Circle #A-1 Murrieta, CA 92562) at 6 PM on Monday, January 14, 2019. Following the Trisagion Service, his wife, Kh. Joanna, his son, Georgio, and the priest and faithful of St. Mary Church will be receiving condolences at the church until 9 PM. The details of the funeral and burial services are still pending and will be announced once the final arrangements are made.

May God receive him in His Heavenly Kingdom and may his memory be eternal.

September 29, 2018: Diocesan Antiochian Women's Retreat in the Pacific Northwest - 09/14/2018

Deacon Mark Townsend to the Holy Priesthood on Sunday, December 10, 2017 at St. John the Baptist Church in Post Falls, Idaho - 12/08/2017

NEW Antiochian Women's Blog - 09/27/2017

The Diocesan Antiochian Women have started a new blog to reach out to the women in our diocese, and to encourage each other to read Orthodox articles written by clergy and laity from Orthodox perspective.

July 16-20, 2018: Archdiocesan Clergy Symposium - 08/28/2017

His Eminence, Metropolitan JOSEPH's Episcopal Visit to St. Andrew Church - 08/13/2017

Riverside, California

The ordination of Deacon Thomas Hernandez to the holy priesthood.

2017 Fall Gathering Information Posted - 07/15/2017

The information for the 2017 Fall Gathering has been posted.

Annual Diocesan Parish Life Conference - 07/09/2017

Los Angeles, California

His Eminence, Metropolitan JOSEPH's Episcopal Visit to St. George Church - 07/02/2017

San Diego, California

His Eminence, Metropolitan JOSEPH's Episcopal Visit to St. Anthony Church - 07/01/2017

San Diego, California

Pascha Celebrations Around the Diocese - 04/16/2017

All parishes were asked to submit photos of their Paschal Services. Our appreciation goes to the parishes who participated in this annual posting.

WEBMASTER'S NOTE: Additional Photos were added on May 17,

His Eminence, Metropolitan JOSEPH Celebrates Holy Unction Service at St. Luke Church - 04/12/2017

Garden Grove, California

His Eminence, Metropolitan JOSEPH Presides Over Holy Tuesday Evening Bridegroom Orthros at St. James Church - 04/11/2017

Placentia, California

His Eminence, Metropolitan JOSEPH Presides Over Holy Monday Evening Bridegroom Orthros at St. Michael Church - 04/10/2017

Van Nuys, California

His Eminence, Metropolitan JOSEPH Celebrates Palm Sunday at St. Nicholas Cathedral - 04/09/2017

Los Angeles, California

The Priest John Phelps is assigned as the Pastor of Ss. Joachim and Anna Mission, Goldendale, Washington, effective March 19, 2017. - 03/26/2017

The Priest Nicholas Hanna is assigned as the Pastor of Holy Cross Church, Palmdale, California, effective March 18, 2017. - 03/26/2017

Deacon Mark Baker is transferred to St. George Church in Portland, Oregon, effective March 17, 2017. - 03/26/2017

His Eminence, Metropolitan JOSEPH Celebrates the Sunday of the Cross at Holy Cross Church - 03/19/2017

Yakima, Washington

The ordination of Deacon John Phelps to the holy priesthood.

His Eminence, Metropolitan JOSEPH's Episcopal Visit to Prophet Elijah Mission - 03/18/2017

Ellensburg, Washington

His Eminence, Metropolitan JOSEPH's Episcopal Visit to Holy Myrrhbearing Women Church - 03/12/2017

Bonners Ferry, Idaho

The ordination of Subdeacon John Schrom to the Holy Diaconate.

Deacon John Phelps to the Holy Priesthood on Sunday, March 19, 2017 at Holy Cross Church, Yakima, Washington - 02/24/2017

Subdeacon John Schrom to the Holy Diaconate on Sunday, March 12, 2017 at Holy Myrrh-bearing Women Mission, Bonners Ferry, Idaho - 02/24/2017

Pastoral Message for the Great Fast 2017 - 02/23/2017

Deacon James Robinson to the Holy Priesthood on Sunday, February 12, 2017 at St. Andrew Church, Arlington, Washington - 02/12/2017

The Priest James Robinson is assigned as the Pastor of St. Innocent Church, Everson, Washington, effective February 12, 2017. - 02/12/2017

The Archpriest Melvin Gimmaka is retired from active pastoral ministry effective February 12, 2017. - 02/12/2017

His Eminence, Metropolitan JOSEPH's Episcopal Visit to St. Andrew Church - 02/12/2017

Arlington, Washington

The ordination of Deacon James Robinson to the Holy Priesthood.

Deacon Jeremiah Vollman to the Holy Priesthood on Saturday, February 11, 2017 at St. Paul Church, Lynnwood, Washington - 02/11/2017

His Eminence, Metropolitan JOSEPH's Episcopal Visit to St. Innocent Church - 02/11/2017

Everson, Washington

His Eminence, Metropolitan JOSEPH's Episcopal Visit to St. Paul Church - 02/11/2017

Lynwood, Washington

The ordination of Deacon Jeremiah Vollman to the Holy Priesthood.

Diocesan Clergy Seminar - 02/09/2017

Alhambra, California

New Local Event Posted - 01/24/2017

A new local event in Southern California has been posted.

2017 Fasting Calendar Available - 12/31/2016

The 2017 Fasting Calendar has been posted and is available for download.

His Grace, Bishop NICHOLAS Leads Festive Weekend at St. Ignatius Church - 12/18/2016

Twin Falls, Idaho

The ordination of Subdeacon James (Kurt) Hefner to the Holy Diaconate.

His Eminence, Metropolitan JOSEPH Celebrates the Patronal Feast of St. Nicholas Cathedral - 12/04/2016

Los Angeles, California

His Eminence, Metropolitan JOSEPH's Episcopal Visit to St. Nicholas Church - 11/18/2016

San Francisco, California

His Eminence, Metropolitan JOSEPH Presides Over Northern California Deanery Meeting - 11/18/2016

San Francisco, California

Clergy Laity Death - 09/25/2016


Sondra Murr Love

It is with extreme sadness that we inform you of the falling asleep in the Lord of Sondra Murr Love, on Sunday, September 25, 2016, at her home in Encino.

The Funeral Service is scheduled for Monday, October 3, 2016 at St. Michael Church (16643 Vanowen Street; Van Nuys, CA, 91406), at 7 p.m. The Interment Trisagion is on Tuesday, October 4, 2016 at Forest Lawn Memorial Park (6300 Forest Lawn Drive; Los Angeles, CA, 90068 ) beginning at 10 a.m. Those attending the interment will meet at the cemetery entrance by 9:45 a.m.

The family will be receiving guests at Sondra's home at 5742 Wish Avenue; Encino, CA, 91316 from 7-9 p.m. on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, September 28, 29 and 30. In lieu of flowers Spiritual Bouquet Memorial Gifts may be made to St. Michael Antiochian Orthodox Church Building Fund (16643 Vanowen Street; Van Nuys, CA, 91406).

May God receive her in His Heavenly Kingdom and may her memory be eternal.

His Eminence, Metropolitan JOSEPH's Episcopal Visit to St. Michael Church - 08/28/2016

Van Nuys, California

The ordination of Subdeacon Andrew Monsue to the Holy Diaconate.

His Eminence, Metropolitan JOSEPH's Episcopal Visit to St. Nicholas Cathedral - 08/21/2016

Los Angeles, California

The ordination of Subdeacon Elias Haddy to the Holy Diaconate.

Subdeacon James (Kurt) Hefner to the Holy Diaconate on Sunday, December 18, 2016 at St. Ignatius of Antioch Church, Twin Falls, ID - 08/09/2016

Subdeacon Andrew Monsue to the Holy Diaconate on Sunday, August 28, 2016 at St. Michael Church, Van Nuys, CA - 08/08/2016

His Eminence, Metropolitan JOSEPH Welcomes His Eminence, Metropoltian HIEROTHEOS (Vlachos) - 07/15/2016

Englewood, New Jersey

Annual Diocesan Parish Life Conference - 07/03/2016

Phoenix, Arizona

Pascha Celebrations Around the Diocese - 05/14/2016

All parishes were asked to submit photos of their Paschal Services. Our appreciation goes to the parishes who participated in this annual posting.

Pastoral Message for Great and Holy Pascha - 05/01/2016

His Eminence, Metropolitan JOSEPH Honors Father Paul Doyle & Father George Aquaro - 04/25/2016

Torrance, California

His Eminence, Metropolitan JOSEPH Honors Archdeacon George Shishim on His 40th Anniversary in the Diaconate - 04/24/2016

Pastoral Message for the Feast of the Annunciation - 03/25/2016

Pastoral Message for the Great Fast 2016 - 03/14/2016

Pastoral Message for Forgiveness Sunday - 03/11/2016

His Eminence, Metropolitan JOSEPH's Episcopal Visit to St. Nicholas Cathedral - 02/21/2016

Los Angeles, California

His Eminence, Metropolitan JOSEPH's Episcopal Visit to St. Peter the Apostle Church - 02/14/2016

Pomona, California

Annual Diocesan Clergy Seminar - 02/11/2016

Alhambra, California

His Eminence, Metropolitan JOSEPH's First Episcopal Visit to St. Mary Church - 02/07/2016

Murrieta, California

February 25-28, 2016: West Coast Sacred Music Institute - 02/03/2016

Pastoral Message for the Feast of the Presentation of the Lord - 02/01/2016

His Eminence, Metropolitan JOSEPH's Episcopal Visit to St. John the Evangelist Church - 01/31/2016

Orinda, California

February 6, 2016: Diocesan Antiochian Women's Retreat in the Desert - 01/18/2016

Pastoral Message for the Feast of the Theophany of our Lord Jesus Christ - 01/06/2016

Pastoral Message for the Feast of the Nativity of our Lord and God and Savior Jesus Christ - 12/25/2015

His Eminence, Metropolitan JOSEPH's Episcopal Visit to St. Mark Church - 12/20/2015

Irvine, California

His Eminence, Metropolitan JOSEPH's Episcopal Visit to Ss. Peter and Paul Church - 12/13/2015

Salt Lake City, Utah

The ordination of Deacon John Mahfouz to the Holy Priesthood.

His Eminence, Metropolitan JOSEPH Celebrates the Patronal Feast of St. Nicholas Cathedral - 12/06/2015

Los Angeles, California

Deacon John Mahfouz to the Holy Priesthood on Sunday, December 13, 2015 at Ss. Peter and Paul Church, Salt Lake City, Utah - 12/04/2015

His Eminence, Metropolitan JOSEPH's Episcopal Visit to Church of the Redeemer - 11/22/2015

Los Altos Hills, California

Antiochian Women's Newsletters Posted - 11/17/2015

The Fall editions of the Diakonia and Diocesan Newsletters for the Antiochian Women have been posted.

2016 Sunday Liturgical Chart Posted - 11/08/2015

The 2016 Sunday Liturgical Chart has beed posted.

Fall Meetings of the Archdiocesan Hierarchs and Board of Trustees - 10/25/2015

Woodland Hills, Van Nuys and Los Angeles, California

His Eminence, Metropolitan JOSEPH Celebrates the Patronal Feast of St. Luke Church - 10/18/2015

Garden Grove, California

The elevation of Deacon Stephen Bell to the dignity of Protodeacon.

Annual Diocesan Fall Gathering - 10/11/2015

Santa Barbara, California

His Eminence, Metropolitan JOSEPH's Episcopal Visit to St. Timothy Church - 10/10/2015

Lompoc. California

Pastoral Message for the Feast of the Elevation of the Precious and Life-Giving Cross - 09/14/2015

Pastoral Message for the Feast of the Nativity of the Theotokos - 09/08/2015

His Eminence, Metropolitan JOSEPH's Episcopal Visit to St. John the Baptist Church - 08/30/2015

Post Falls, Idaho

His Eminence, Metropolitan JOSEPH's Episcopal Visit to Christ the Savior Church - 08/29/2015

Spokane Valley, Washington

The elevation of Father Andrew Welzig to the dignity of Archpriest.

His Eminence, Metropolitan JOSEPH's Episcopal Visit to St. Ignatius of Antioch Church - 08/23/2015

Twin Falls, Idaho

His Eminence, Metropolitan JOSEPH's Episcopal Visit to St. Paul Church - 08/16/2015

Lynnwood, Washington

The ordination of Subdeacon Jeremiah Vollman to the holy diaconate.

His Eminence, Metropolitan JOSEPH Celebrates the Dormition of the Theotokos at St. Andrew Church - 08/15/2015

Arlington, Washington

The elevation of Father David Sommer to the dignity of Archpriest.

His Eminence, Metropolitan JOSEPH's Episcopal Visit to St. Thomas Church - 08/14/2015

Snohomish, Washington

Pastoral Message for the Feast of The Dormition - 08/12/2015

His Eminence, Metropolitan JOSEPH's Episcopal Visit to St. Vincent of Lerins Church - 08/09/2015

Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada

The ordination of Subdeacon John (Ivan) Youchezin to the Holy Diaconate.

Pastoral Message for the Feast of The Transfiguration - 08/05/2015

The Priest Nathan Thompson is assigned as the Pastor of Ss. Peter and Paul Church in Ben Lomond, California, effective August 1, 2015. - 07/29/2015

The Priest Minas Sarchizian is assigned as the Interim Pastor of Holy Cross Church in Palmdale, California, effective August 1, 2015. - 07/29/2015

The Archpriest Andrew Beck is assigned as an Attached Priest to Ss. Peter and Paul Church in Ben Lomond, California, effective August 1, 2015. - 07/29/2015

Deacon John Phelps is transferred to Prophet Elijah Mission in Ellensburg, Washington, effective June 1, 2015. - 07/29/2015

Subdeacon Ivan Youchezin to the Holy Diaconate on Sunday, August 9, 2015 at St. Vincent of Lerins Church in Saskatoon, SK - 07/29/2015

Subdeacon Jeremiah Vollman to the Holy Diaconate on Sunday, August 16, 2015 at St. Paul Church in Lynnwood, WA - 07/29/2015

2015 Diocesan Parish Life Conference - 07/05/2015

Irvine, California

The ordination of Subdeacon Thomas (Tomas) Hernandez to the holy diaconate.


The Service Texts for the Annual Diocesan Parish Life Conference have now been posted.

Fall Gathering Information Posted - 05/15/2015

The registration, hotel and schedule information for the 2015 Fall Gathering as been posted.

His Eminence, Metropolitan JOSEPH’s Episcopal Visit to St. Nicholas Church - 05/03/2015

San Francisco, California

His Eminence, Metropolitan JOSEPH Celebrates the Patronal Feast of St. George Church - 04/26/2015

Phoenix, Arizona

Pascha Celebrations Around the Diocese - 04/20/2015

All parishes were asked to submit photos of their Paschal Services. Our appreciation goes to the parishes who participated in this.

The Priest Elias Hourani is assigned as an Attached Priest to St. Peter Church in Pomona, California, effective April 7, 2015. - 04/16/2015

2015 Paschal Message - 04/10/2015

His Eminence, Metropolitan JOSEPH Presides Over Tuesday Evening Bridegroom Service - 04/07/2015

Upland, California

His Eminence, Metropolitan JOSEPH Presides Over Monday Evening Bridegroom Service - 04/06/2015

Costa Mesa, California

His Eminence, Metropolitan JOSEPH Celebrates Palm Sunday at St. Nicholas Cathedral - 04/05/2015

Los Angeles, California

2015 Palm Sunday Message - 04/02/2015

April 18, 2015: Young Adult Paschal Retreat - 03/31/2015

Annual Antiochian Women's Retreat in Southern California - 03/29/2015

Frazier Park, California

His Eminence, Metropolitan JOSEPH's Episcopal Visit to Three Holy Hierarchs Mission - 03/16/2015

Wenatchee, Washtington

His Eminence, Metropolitan JOSEPH's Episcopal Visit to Prophet Elijah Mission - 03/15/2015

Ellensburg, Washington

His Eminence, Metropolitan JOSEPH's Episcopal Visit to Holy Cross Church - 03/15/2015

Yakima, Washington

The ordination of Subdeacon Vasily Hinkle to the holy diaconate.

His Eminence, Metropolitan JOSEPH Visits St. John the Forerunner Greek Monastery - 03/13/2015

Goldendale, Washington

July 8-12, 2015: East Coast Sacred Music Institute with Youth Music Ministry - 03/11/2015

East Coast Sacred Music Institute with Youth Music Ministry Posted - 03/11/2015

The information for the East Coast Sacred Music Institute with Youth Music Ministry has been posted.

His Eminence, Metropolitan JOSEPH's Episcopal Visit to St. James Church - 02/15/2015

Placentia, California

2015 Diocesan Clergy Seminar - 02/12/2015

Alhambra, California

His Eminence, Metropolitan JOSEPH's First Episcopal Visit to St. Simeon Mission - 02/08/2015

Santa Clarita, California

His Eminence, Metropolitan JOSEPH Addresses the Ss. Cyril & Athanasius Institute at St. Andrew Church - 02/07/2015

Riverside, California

The Formative Years of His Eminence, Metropolitan JOSEPH - 02/04/2015


The Service Texts for the Diocesan Clergy Seminar have now been posted.

An Archdiocesan Coast-to-Coast Celebration: The Enthronement of His Eminence, Metropolitan JOSEPH - 02/01/2015

West Coast Enthronement Gala for His Eminence, Metropolitan JOSEPH - 02/01/2015

Los Angeles, California

His Eminence, Metropolitan JOSEPH's Episcopal Visit to St. Mark Church - 01/25/2015

Irvine, California

West Coast Sacred Music Institute Information Posted - 01/23/2015

The information about the 2015 West Coast Sacred Music Institute has been posted.

2015 Diocesan Antiochian Women's Retreat in Southern California - 01/13/2015

The information for the 2015 Diocesan Antiochian Women's Retreat in Southern California has been posted.

2015 Sunday Liturgical Chart Posted - 12/29/2014

The 2015 Sunday Liturgical Chart showing the readings, colors, etc. for Sundays has been posted.

His Eminence, Metropolitan JOSEPH's Episcopal Visit to St. Herman Church - 12/28/2014

Wasilla, Alaska

His Eminence, Metropolitan JOSEPH's Episcopal Visit to All Saints of North America Church - 12/26/2014

Homer, Alaska

The ordination of Subdeacon Andrew Bardwell to the holy diaconate.

His Eminence, Metropolitan JOSEPH's Episcopal Visit to St. John Cathedral - 12/25/2014

Eagle River, Alaska

The ordination of Subdeacon Kevin Dougherty to the holy diaconate.

2015 Fasting Calendar Posted - 12/15/2014

The 2015 Fasting Calendar has been posted.

Enthronement of His Eminence, Metropolitan JOSEPH - 12/06/2014

Brooklyn, New York

2014 Advent Message - 11/27/2014

His Eminence, Metropolitan JOSEPH's 2014 Advent Message - 11/27/2014

His Eminence, Metropolitan JOSEPH's 2014 Advent Message has been posted.


The Service Texts for Daily Vespers and Divine Liturgy Variables have been posted for American Thanksgiving, November 27.

Diocesan Enthronement Gala Information Posted - 11/22/2014

The information relating to the Diocesan Enthronement Gala for His Eminence, Metropolitan Joseph has been posted.

His Eminence, Metropolitan JOSEPH's Episcopal Visit to St. Michael Church - 11/16/2014

Las Vegas, Nevada

Instructions for Great Feasts - 11/10/2014

His Eminence, Metropolitan JOSEPH has issued instructions for scheduling the services of Christmas, Epiphany and the Annunciation.

His Eminence, Metropolitan JOSEPH Leads Pilgrimage to St. Paisius Monastery - 11/10/2014

Safford, Arizona

November 10-12, 2014: Pan-Orthodox Clergy Retreat - 09/29/2014

Pan-Orthodox Clergy Retreat Information Posted - 09/29/2014

The flyer, schedule and registration form for the 2014 Pan-Orthodox Clergy Retreat has been posted.

New Local Event - 09/29/2014

A new local event in Southern California has been posted.

His Eminence, Metropolitan JOSEPH's Episcopal Visit to St. Luke Church - 09/28/2014

Garden Grove, California

His Eminence, Metropolitan JOSEPH's Episcopal Visit to St. Andrew Church - 09/21/2014

Riverside, California

His Eminence, Metropolitan JOSEPH's Episcopal Visit to St. Matthew Church - 09/07/2014

Torrance, California

The ordination of Deacon Nazim Hourani to the Holy Priesthood.

His Eminence, Metropolitan JOSEPH's Episcopal Visit to St. Michael Church - 08/31/2014

Van Nuys, California

Diocesan Fall Gathering Information Posted - 08/28/2014

The information for the 2014 Diocesan Fall Gathering has been posted.

Deacon Ambrose Perry to the Holy Priesthood on Sunday, September 7, 2014 at the Antiochian Village, Ligonier, PA - 08/20/2014

His Eminence, Metropolitan JOSEPH's Episcopal Visit to St. George Church - 08/17/2014

San Diego, California

The ordination of Subdeacon Ambrose Perry to the Holy Diaconate.

His Eminence, Metropolitan JOSEPH Speaks at Orthodox Young Professionals Conference - 08/16/2014

San Diego, California

Ambrose (Jeff) Perry to the Holy Diaconate on Sunday, August 17, 2014 at St. George Church, San Diego, CA - 08/11/2014

Deacon Nazmi Hourani to the Holy Priesthood on Sunday, September 7, 2014 at St. Matthew Church in Torrance, CA - 08/11/2014

His Eminence, Metropolitan JOSEPH's Episcopal Visit to St. Nicholas Cathedral - 08/03/2014

Los Angeles, California

West Coast Faithful Participate in the Sacred Music Institute at the Antiochian Village - 07/27/2014

Ligonier, Pennsylvania


In Great Vespers on July 26, the tone of the first theotokion has been corrected to Tone Six.

Annual Diocesan Parish Life Conference - 07/06/2014

San Francisco, California

His Eminence, Archbishop JOSEPH Elected Metropolitan of the Antiochian Archdiocese - 07/03/2014

Balamand Monastery, Northern Lebanon

His Eminence, Archbishop JOSEPH's Episcopal Visit to St. Anthony Church - 05/18/2014

San Diego, California

The ordination of Subdeacon John Mahfouz to the holy diaconate.

His Eminence, Archbishop JOSEPH Speaks at Commencement Ceremony of St. Katherine College - 05/17/2014

Encinitas, California

His Eminence, Archbishop JOSEPH's Episcopal Visit to St. Philip Church - 05/11/2014

Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

The elevation of Father Elias Ferzli to the dignity Archpriest.

His Eminence, Archbishop JOSEPH's Episcopal Visit to St. John the Baptist Church - 05/04/2014

Post Falls, Idaho

His Eminence, Archbishop JOSEPH's Episcopal Visit to Christ the Savior Church - 05/03/2014

Spokane Valley, Washington

His Eminence, Metropolitan SILOUAN Meets with the Clergy of Southern California - 04/28/2014

Los Angeles, California

His Eminence, Archbishop JOSEPH Celebrates Thomas Sunday at St. Nicholas Cathedral - 04/27/2014

Los Angeles, California

Paschal Celebrations Around the Diocese - 04/25/2014

All parishes were asked to submit photos of their Paschal Services. Our appreciation goes to the parishes who participated in this.


The Service Texts for the Commemoration of St. Mark (April 25), which coincides with the Commemoration of the Life-giving Spring, have now been posted

His Eminence, Archbishop JOSEPH Celebrates Bright Wednesday with the Southern California Clergy at St. Nicholas Cathedral - 04/23/2014

Los Angeles, California

The ordination of Subdeacon Loui Ammari to the Holy Diaconate.


The Service Texts for the Commemoration of St. George (April 23) have now been posted. Texts for St. Mark (April 25) will be posted shortly.

His Eminence, Archbishop JOSEPH's Episcopal Visits During Holy Week - 04/20/2014

Subdeacon Loui Ammari to the Holy Diaconate on Wednesday, April 23, 2014 at St. Nicholas Cathedral, Los Angeles, California - 04/16/2014

Subdeacon John Mahfouz to the Holy Diaconate on Sunday, May 18, 2014 at St. Anthony Church, San Diego, California - 04/16/2014

His Eminence, Archbishop JOSEPH Celebrates Palm Sunday at St. Nicholas Cathedral - 04/13/2014

Los Angeles, California

His Eminence, Archbishop JOSEPH's Episcopal Visit to St. George Church - 04/06/2014

Upland, California

Memorial Address for the Repose of Metropolitan Philip Saliba - 03/31/2014

His Eminence, Archbishop JOSEPH Presides Over the Presanctified Liturgy at St. Matthew Church - 03/19/2014

Torrance, California

His Eminence, Archbishop JOSEPH's Episcopal Visit to St. Athanasius Church - 03/16/2014

Sacramento, California

His Eminence, Archbishop JOSEPH Presides Over the Akathist Service at St. George Church - 03/14/2014

Upland, California

Rejoicing at Release of Captive Nuns - 03/10/2014

Rejoicing at Release of

Captive Nuns


On the Sunday of Orthodoxy, March 9, 2014, multiple media outlets including a leading newspaper in Lebanon, The Daily Star, reported that the thirteen nuns held in captivity by Syrian rebels for over three months were freed late in the day, as a result of Lebanese and Qatari mediation. Officers from Lebanon's General Security received the nuns on the outskirts of the Lebanese town of Arsal. 

An English translation of a statement from His Beatitude John X, Patriarch of Antioch, is being prepared by the Greek Orthodox Patriarchate of Antioch and All the East

"Congratulations. The nuns are now in the custody of General Security and are on their way to Jdaidet Yabouss," General Security chief Major General Abbas Ibrahim announced, while accompanied by Hussein Makhlouf, the governor of rural Damascus. The nuns were kidnapped in early December from the ancient Monastery of St. Thecla (Mar Taqla) in Maaloula, a city north of Damascus that has been the scene of fierce fighting during Syria's civil war.

Canonical Bishops in the West Coast Celebrate the Sunday of Orthodoxy - 03/09/2014

Alhambra, California

His Eminence, Archbishop JOSEPH Presides Over Forgiveness Vespers at Ss. Peter and Paul Church - 03/02/2014

Ben Lomond, California

His Eminence, Archbishop JOSEPH's Episcopal Visit to St. Stephen Church - 03/02/2014

Campbell, California

His Eminence, Archbishop JOSEPH's Episcopal Visit to St. John the Evangelist Church - 02/23/2014

Orinda, California

His Eminence, Archbishop JOSEPH Addresses the Ss. Cyril & Athanasius Institute at St. Andrew Church - 02/22/2014

Riverside, California

Hierarch Consecration - 02/21/2014


His Grace, the Right Reverend DAVID
Bishop of Sitka and Alaska (OCA)

His Eminence, Archbishop JOSEPH, and the clergy and the faithful of the Holy Diocese of Los Angeles and the West extend their prayers and best wishes to His Grace, Bishop DAVID on the occasion of his consecration to the sacred episcopate by the Holy Synod of Bishops of the Orthodox Church in America (OCA) on Friday, February 21, 2014. May God grant him many years of service to His Holy Church.

2014 Clergy Seminar Audio Posted - 02/18/2014

The audio recordings from the 2014 Clergy Seminar have been posted.

His Eminence, Archbishop JOSEPH's Episcopal Visit to St. George Church - 02/16/2014

Phoenix, Arizona

His Eminence, Archbishop JOSEPH's Episcopal Visit to St. Timothy Church - 02/09/2014

Fairfield, California

Southern California Antiochian Women's Retreat Information Posted - 02/06/2014

The information for the Diocesan Antiochian Women's Retreat in Southern California has been posted.

2014 Diocesan Clergy Seminar - 02/06/2014

Alhambra, California

His Eminence, Archbishop JOSEPH Celebrates Presentation of Christ at St. Michael Church - 02/02/2014

Van Nuys, California

His Eminence, Archbishop JOSEPH's Episcopal Visit to Holy Resurrection Church - 01/26/2014

Tucson, Arizona

The elevation of Father Philip Nixon to the dignity of Archpriest.
The ordination of Subdeacon Lawrence Schmale to the holy Diaconate.


In Orthros on January 26, the Great Doxology is chanted in Tone 5.

His Eminence, Archbishop JOSEPH Presides Over Los Angeles Area Order of St. Ignatius Dinner - 01/19/2014

Studio City, California

His Eminence, Archbishop JOSEPH Celebrates First Divine Liturgy in New Church Building of St. Athanasius Church - 01/19/2014

Goleta, California

Subdeacon Lawrence Schmale to the Holy Diaconate on Sunday, January 26, 2014, at Holy Resurrection Church in Tucson, Arizona - 01/16/2014

His Eminence, Archbishop JOSEPH Celebrates the Patronal Feast of St. Peter Church - 01/15/2014

Pomona, California

His Eminence, Archbishop JOSEPH Visits St. Tikon's Monastery and Seminary - 01/13/2014

South Canaan, Pennsylvania

His Eminence, Archbishop JOSEPH Visits St. George Church - 01/12/2014

Allentown, Pennsylvania

The ordination of Deacon Joseph Landino to the Holy Priesthood.

His Eminence, Archbishop JOSEPH Celebrates the Great Sanctification of the Water at St. Nicholas Cathedral - 01/05/2014

Los Angeles, California


For Jan. 11-12, the after-festal verses in Vespers' "O Lord, I Have Cried" and the anti-theotokia in Orthros' poetic kathismata have been corrected.

His Eminence, Archbishop JOSEPH's Episcopal Visit to All Saints of North America Church - 12/26/2013

Homer, Alaska

His Eminence, Archbishop JOSEPH Celebrates the Nativity of Christ at St. John Cathedral - 12/25/2013

Eagle River, Alaska

His Eminence, Archbishop JOSEPH's Episcopal Visit to St. Herman Church - 12/22/2013

Wasilla, Alaska

His Eminence, Archbishop JOSEPH's Episcopal Visit to St. Andrew Church - 12/15/2013

Arlington, Washington

The ordination of Subdeacon James Robinson to the Holy Diaconate.

2014 Fasting Calendar Posted - 12/14/2013

The 2014 Fasting Calendar has been posted.


The special petition in all Great Litanies for the captive hierarchs, nuns and orphans in Syria has been added to the Service Texts.

His Eminence, Archbishop JOSEPH Celebrates the Patronal Feast of St. Nicholas Cathedral - 12/08/2013

Los Angeles, California

His Eminence, Archbishop JOSEPH Celebrates the Patronal Feast of St. Andrew Church - 11/30/2013

Riverside, California


For Dec. 7-8, the Service Texts now reflect the main Menaion commemoration as St. Patapios.

His Eminence, Archbishop JOSEPH's Episcopal Visit to St. Thomas Church - 11/24/2013

Snohomish, Washington

Subdeacon James (Rick) Robinson to the Holy Diaconate on Sunday, December 15, 2013, at St. Andrew Church in Arlington, Washington - 11/21/2013

2014 READINGS CHART - 11/18/2013

The 2014 Sunday Readings Chart in English and Arabic is now posted.


His Eminence, Archbishop JOSEPH’s Instructions for the feasts of Christmas (Nativity) and Epiphany (Theophany) are now posted.

SERVICE TEXTS - 11/18/2013

For American Thanksgiving (Nov. 28), Service Texts for Daily Vespers and Divine Liturgy Variables have now been posted.

His Eminence, Archbishop JOSEPH's Episcopal Visit to St. George Church - 11/17/2013

Portland, Oregon

His Eminence, Archbishop JOSEPH Leads Pilgrimage to St. Paisius Monastery - 11/11/2013

Safford, Arizona

His Eminence, Archbishop JOSEPH Presides Over Vespers at St. Nektarios Greek Church - 11/08/2013

Covina, California

His Eminence, Archbishop JOSEPH Visits the Diocese of Worcester and New England - 11/06/2013

Worcester and West Roxbury, Massachusetts

His Eminence, Archbishop JOSEPH Celebrates the Patronal Feast of St. Raphael Church - 11/02/2013

Thousand Palms, California

His Eminence, Archbishop JOSEPH Celebrates the 75th Anniversary of St. Nicholas Church - 10/27/2013

San Francisco, California

His Eminence, Archbishop JOSEPH Participates in the IOCC 5K Walk-A-Thon - 10/26/2013

Arcadia, California

His Eminence, Archbishop JOSEPH Participates in the Fall Archdiocese Synod and Board of Trustees Meetings - 10/20/2013

Troy, Michigan

Hierarch Election - 10/19/2013


His Eminence, Metropolitan
Metropolitan of Germany and Central Europe

His Eminence, Archbishop JOSEPH, and the clergy and the faithful of the Holy Diocese of Los Angeles and the West extend their prayers and best wishes to His Eminence, Metropolitan ISAAC on the occasion of his election as the Metropolitan of Germany and Central Europe on Tuesday, October 15, 2013 by the Holy Synod of Antioch. May God grant him many years of service to His Holy Church.

Hierarch Election - 10/19/2013


His Eminence, Metropolitan
Metropolitan of France, Western and Southern Europe

His Eminence, Archbishop JOSEPH, and the clergy and the faithful of the Holy Diocese of Los Angeles and the West extend their prayers and best wishes to His Eminence, Metropolitan IGNATIUS on the occasion of his election as the Metropolitan of France, Western and Southern Europe on Tuesday, October 15, 2013 by the Holy Synod of Antioch. May God grant him many years of service to His Holy Church.

The Priest Nicholas Hanna is assigned as the Assistant Pastor of St. George Church in Upland, California, effective November 1, 2013. - 10/19/2013

New Sermons - 10/13/2013

Additional audio sermons by His Eminence, Archbishop Joseph have been posted.

Annual Diocesan Fall Gathering - 10/13/2013

Palmdale, California

His Eminence, Archbishop JOSEPH Leads Holy Pilgrimage to Greece and Serbia - 10/07/2013

The final article has been posted.

Deacon Stephen Bell is transferred to St. Luke Church in Garden Grove, California, effective September 19, 2013. - 09/19/2013

The Priest John Christianson is appointed as the Pastor of St. Timothy Church in Fairfield, California, effective August 10, 2013. - 09/19/2013

Northern California Antiochian Women's Retreat Information Posted - 09/18/2013

The information for the Diocesan Antiochian Women's Retreat in Northern California has been posted.

His Eminence, Archbishop JOSEPH Ordains Deacon Nicholas Hanna to the Holy Priesthood at St. Nicholas Cathedral - 09/15/2013

Los Angeles, California

The ordination of Deacon Nicholas Hanna to the Holy Priesthood.

The Priest Matthew Howell is assigned as the Pastor of St. Herman Church in Wasilla, Alaska, effective September 7, 2013. - 09/10/2013

Deacon John Phelps is assigned to St. Herman Church in Wasilla, Alaska, effective September 7, 2013. - 09/10/2013

2013 Fall Gathering Information Posted - 09/08/2013

The registration and schedule information for the 2013 Fall Gathering has been posted.

His Eminence, Archbishop JOSEPH's Episcopal Visit to Alaska - 09/08/2013

Eagle River and Wasilla, Alaska

The ordination of Deacon Matthew Howell to the Holy Priesthood.
The ordination of Deacon John Rogers to the Holy Priesthood.
The ordination of Subdeacon John Phelps to the Holy Diaconate.

Faithful from the Diocese Attend Antiochian House of Studies - 09/05/2013

Ligonier, Pennsylvania

The Priest Mansour Azar is assigned as the Assistant Pastor of St. George Church in Phoenix, Arizona, effective September 9, 2013 - 09/02/2013

2013 PLC Audio Files Posted - 09/02/2013

The audio files of the Keynote Addresses, Homilies, and Orations from the 2013 Parish Life Conference have been posted.

2013 Clergy Seminar Audio Posted - 09/02/2013

The audio files of the 2013 Clergy Seminar have been posted.


In Orthros of Sunday, Sept. 8, and all Service Texts that use the Katavasias of the Holy Cross, Odes 5 and 8 have been corrected.

His Eminence, Archbishop JOSEPH Participates in the Serbian Diocese of Western America's Diocesan Days Gathering - 09/01/2013

Alhambra, California

His Eminence, Archbishop JOSEPH's Episcopal Visit to St. Andrew Church - 08/25/2013

Riverside, California

His Eminence, Archbishop JOSEPH Celebrates Father Gregory Horton's 25th Anniversary in the Holy Priesthood - 08/18/2013

Bonners Ferry, Idaho

The Priest Michael Habib is assigned as the Pastor of St. Ignatius of Antioch Church in Twin Falls, Idaho, effective October 27, 2013. - 08/13/2013

His Eminence, Archbishop JOSEPH's Episcopal Visit to St. Nicholas Church - 08/11/2013

San Francisco, California

Deacon Nicholas Hanna to the Holy Priesthood on Sunday, September 15, 2013, at St. Nicholas Cathedral, Los Angeles, California - 07/31/2013

Deacon John Rogers to the Holy Priesthood on Sunday, September 8, 2013, at St. John Cathedral in Eagle River, Alaska - 07/30/2013

The Archpriest Anthony Bahou is assigned as the Pastor of St. George Church in San Diego, California, effective August 1, 2013. - 07/29/2013

Subdeacon John Phelps to the Holy Diaconate on Saturday, September 7, 2013, at St. John Cathedral in Eagle River, Alaska - 07/29/2013

Deacon Matthew Howell to the Holy Priesthood on Saturday, September 7, 2013, at St. John Cathedral in Eagle River, Alaska - 07/27/2013

New Local Event - 07/25/2013

A new local event has been posted.

His Eminence, Archbishop JOSEPH Ordains Deacon Michael Habib to the Holy Priesthood at St. Nicholas Cathedral - 07/14/2013

Los Angeles, California

The ordination of Deacon Michael Habib to the Holy Priesthood.

Annual Diocesan Parish Life Conference - 07/07/2013

Garden Grove, California

The ordination of Subdeacon Joseph Landino to the Holy Diaconate.

His Eminence, Archbishop JOSEPH Celebrates the Patronal Feast and Burns the Mortgage of St. Paul Church - 06/29/2013

Lynwood, Washington

Deacon Michael Habib to the Holy Priesthood on Sunday, July 14, 2013, at St. Nicholas Cathedral, Los Angeles, California - 06/05/2013


The exaposteilaria in Orthros for Blind Man Sunday have been corrected.

His Eminence, Archbishop JOSEPH's Episcopal Visit to St. Athanasius Church - 06/02/2013

Goleta, California

His Eminence, Archbishop JOSEPH's Episcopal Visit to Holy Resurrection Church - 05/26/2013

Tucson, Arizona

His Eminence, Archbishop JOSEPH's Episcopal Visit to St. Joseph the Damascene Church - 05/19/2013

New Westminster, British Columbia, Canada

His Eminence, Archbishop JOSEPH's Episcopal Visit to Holy Nativity Church - 05/18/2013

Langley, British Columbia, Canada

The elevation of Father Michael Gillis to the dignity of Archpriest.

Subdeacon Richard Ajalat Graduates from St. Vladimir's Seminary - 05/18/2013

Crestwood, New York

His Eminence, Archbishop JOSEPH's Episcopal Visit to St. James Church - 05/12/2013

Placentia, California

Paschal Celebrations Around the Diocese - 05/10/2013

All parishes were asked to submit photos of their Paschal Services. Our appreciation goes to the parishes who participated in this.

Additional Pictures were added on May 17.

His Eminence, Archbishop JOSEPH Chairs Meeting of the Assembly of Bishops Pastoral Committee - 05/09/2013

Alhambra, California

His Eminence, Archbishop JOSEPH Celebrates Bright Wednesday with His Grace, Bishop SEVASTIANOS and the Southern California Clergy at St. Nicholas Cathedral - 05/08/2013

Los Angeles, California


Orthros and Divine Liturgy Variables for Bright Monday / St. George have now been posted.

His Eminence, Archbishop JOSEPH's Episcopal Visits During Holy Week - 05/05/2013

His Eminence, Archbishop JOSEPH Celebrates Great Feast of Palm Sunday at St. Nicholas Cathedral - 04/28/2013

Los Angeles, California


In Presanctified Liturgy on April 24, the initial verses of "O Lord, I Have Cried" are chanted in Tone Five.

His Eminence, Archbishop JOSEPH's Episcopal Visit to Church of the Annunication - 04/21/2013

Calgary, Alberta, Canada

His Eminence, Archbishop JOSEPH's Episcopal Visit to St. George Church - 04/14/2013

San Diego, California


The last verse and theotokion of "O Lord, I Have Cried" for the fifth Wednesday's Presanctified Liturgy (April 17) have been corrected.

Patriarchal Message Added - 04/07/2013

The first message of His Beatitude, Patriarch JOHN X has been added.

His Eminence, Archbishop JOSEPH Blesses the New Cross at Prophet Elijah Mission - 04/07/2013

Ellensburg, Washington

His Eminence, Archbishop JOSEPH's Episcopal Visit to Holy Cross Church - 04/07/2013

Yakima, Washington

His Eminence, Archbishop JOSEPH Visits St. John the Forerunner Greek Monastery - 04/05/2013

Goldendale, Washington

His Eminence, Archbishop JOSEPH's Episcopal Visit to Prophet Elijah Mission - 04/03/2013

Ellensburg, Washington

His Eminence, Archbishop JOSEPH's Episcopal Visit to Three Holy Hierarchs Mission - 04/02/2013

Wenatchee, Washington

His Eminence, Archbishop JOSEPH's Episcopal Visit to St. Timothy Church - 03/31/2013

Lompoc, California

New Local Event - 03/29/2013

A new local event in Southern California has been posted.

His Eminence, Archbishop JOSEPH Celebrates the Feast of the Annunication - 03/24/2013

Los Altos Hills, California


The Old Testament readings for the Annunciation (Great Vespers and Vesperal Divine Liturgy) have been corrected.

Canonical Bishops in the West Coast Celebrate the Sunday of Orthodoxy - 03/23/2013

San Francisco, California

His Eminence, Archbishop JOSEPH Leads Pilgrimage to Relics of St. John of San Francisco - 03/23/2013

San Francisco, California

2013 Great Lent Message - 03/18/2013

His Eminence, Archbishop JOSEPH's Episcopal Visit to St. Ignatius of Antioch Church - 03/17/2013

Mesa, Arizona

The elevation of Father James Coles to the dignity of Archpriest.
The ordination of Subdeacon Christopher Purdef to the Holy Diaconate.


The Intercessions at Orthros for Mar. 17, 24 & 31 have now been corrected.

His Eminence, Archbishop JOSEPH's Episcopal Visit to St. Peter the Apostle Church - 03/10/2013

Pomona, California

The elevation of Father Patrick O'Grady to the dignity of Archpriest.

His Eminence, Archbishop JOSEPH's Episcopal Visit to Ss. Peter and Paul Church - 03/03/2013

Salt Lake City, Utah

The ordination of Subdeacon John Bean to the Holy Diaconate.

His Eminence, Archbishop JOSEPH's Episcopal Visit to Holy Apostles Mission - 03/02/2013

Orem, Utah

His Eminence, Archbishop JOSEPH Visits Project Mexico and St. Innocent Orphanage - 02/28/2013

Tijuana, Mexico

His Eminence, Archbishop JOSEPH Visits St. Katherine College - 02/27/2013

Encinitas, California

New Event Information - 02/26/2013

The final flyer, schedule and scholarship form for the 2013 Diocesan Antiochian Women's Retreat in Southern California have been posted.

His Eminence, Archbishop JOSEPH Serves with His Eminence, Metropolitan KALLISTOS at St. Andrew Church - 02/24/2013

Riverside, California

March 22-24, 2013: A Journey for Healing to St. John Maximovitch of San Francisco - 02/21/2013

Service Texts Correction - 02/20/2013

The third kathisma for Orthros on Feb. 24 has been corrected.

February 23-24, 2013: Sts. Cyril & Athanasius Institute for Orthodox Studies - 02/11/2013

His Eminence, Archbishop JOSEPH's Episcopal Visit to St. George Church - 02/10/2013

Upland, California

2013 Diocesan Clergy Seminar - 02/07/2013

Alhambra, California

Reader Christopher Purdef to the Holy Diaconate on Sunday, March 17, 2013 at St. Ignatius of Antioch Church in Mesa, Arizona - 02/03/2013

His Eminence, Archbishop JOSEPH's Episcopal Visit to St. Barnabas Church - 02/03/2013

Costa Mesa, California

The ordination of Subdeacon John Ma'ae to the Holy Diaconate.

His Eminence, Archbishop JOSEPH's Episcopal Visit to Holy Virgin Mary Church - 01/27/2013

West Sacramento, California

The elevation of Father Paul Baba to the dignity of Archpriest.

His Eminence, Archbishop JOSEPH Opens the Doors of the New Church Building of St. Anthony Church - 01/20/2013

San Diego, California

The Priest Stephen Howell is assigned as the Priest in Charge of St. Athanasius Church in Sacramento, California, effective immediately. - 01/14/2013

His Eminence, Archbishop JOSEPH Celebrates Father Timothy Baclig's 30th Anniversary in the Holy Priesthood - 01/13/2013

Van Nuys, California

His Eminence, Archbishop JOSEPH Celebrates the Great Feast of Theophany at St. Nicholas Cathedral - 01/06/2013

Los Angeles, California

His Eminence, Archbishop JOSEPH's Episcopal Visit to the State of Alaska - 12/27/2012

Eagle River, Wasilla and Homer, Alaska

The ordination of Subdeacon Michael Habib to the Holy Diaconate.


The Typika Stichoi in the Royal Hours of the Nativity have now been corrected.

His Beatitude's Biography - 12/19/2012

His Beatitude, Patriarch JOHN X's biography has been posted.

Nativity Service Texts - 12/13/2012

Service Texts for the Nativity of Christ have now been posted.

His Eminence, Archbishop JOSEPH Serves in Funeral of His Beatitude, Patriarch IGNATIUS IV - 12/09/2012

Beirut, Lebanon

Hierarch Death - 12/05/2012


His Beatitude, the Most Blessed IGNATIUS IV

Patriarch of Antioch and all the East

It is with extreme sadness that we inform you that our beloved Father in Christ, His Beatitude, Patriarch IGNATIUS IV of Antioch and all the East, fell asleep in the Lord on Wednesday, December 5, 2012. His Eminence, Archbishop JOSEPH has asked the parishes to remember him in your prayers for the departed for the next 40 days and to hold a special Trisagion for his eternal life. May God receive him in His Heavenly Kingdom and may his memory be eternal.

Instructions for Christmas and Epiphany Services - 12/04/2012

This season's instructions from Sayidna JOSEPH for Christmas (Nativity) and Epiphany (Theophany) services have now been posted.

2013 Fasting Calendar - 12/02/2012

The 2013 Fasting Calendar has been posted.

His Eminence, Archbishop JOSEPH Celebrates the Patronal Feast of St. Nicholas Cathedral - 12/02/2012

Los Angeles, California

His Eminence, Archbishop JOSEPH Celebrates the Patronal Feast of St. Andrew Church - 11/29/2012

Riverside, California

Fourth Annual Pan-Orthodox Clergy Retreat in the West - 11/29/2012

Alhambra, California

New Sermons - 11/25/2012

Additional audio sermons by His Eminence, Archbishop Joseph have been posted.

His Eminence, Archbishop JOSEPH's Episcopal Visit to St. Nicholas Church - 11/25/2012

San Francisco, California

New Sunday Liturgical Chart - 11/18/2012

The 2013 Sunday Liturgical Chart has been posted.

Fasting Calendar Correction - 11/18/2012

The fasting calendar for November was correct to allow Fish on the Feast of the Presentation of the Theotokos (November 21) and wine and oil on the feast of St. Andrew (November 30).

Hierarch Election - 11/14/2012


His Eminence, the Most Reverend ANTONY
Metropolitan-Elect of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA

His Eminence, Archbishop JOSEPH, and the clergy and the faithful of the Holy Diocese of Los Angeles and the West extend their prayers and best wishes to His Eminence, Metropolitan ANTONY on the occasion of his election as the Metropolitan of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA by the Holy Synod of Constantinople on Monday, November 5, 2012. May God grant him many years of service to His Holy Church.

His Eminence, Archbishop JOSEPH Leads Pilgrimage to St. Paisius Serbian Monastery - 11/11/2012

Safford, Arizona

His Eminence, Archbishop JOSEPH Celebrates the Hierarchical Divine Liturgy at St. Nicholas Cathedral - 11/04/2012

Los Angeles, California

His Eminence, Archbishop JOSEPH Celebrates the Patronal Feast of St. Raphael of Brooklyn Church - 11/03/2012

Palm Springs, California

His Eminence, Archbishop JOSEPH Celebrates 50th Anniversary of the Church of the Redeemer - 10/28/2012

Los Altos Hills, California

His Eminence, Archbishop JOSEPH's Episcopal Visit to St. Timothy Church - 10/26/2012

Fairfield, California


The Akolouthia for St. Demetrios (Oct. 26) has now been uploaded.

His Eminence, Archbishop JOSEPH Celebrates the Patronal Feast of St. James Church - 10/23/2012

Modesto, California


The Gospel lection on Sunday, October 28 has been corrected.

His Eminence, Archbishop JOSEPH's Episcopal Visit to Holy Cross Church - 10/21/2012

Palmdale, California

New Local Event - 10/20/2012

A new local event in Southern California has been posted.

Subdeacon Michael Habib to the Holy Diaconate on Tuesday, December 25, 2012 at St. John Cathedral, Eagle River, Alaska - 10/17/2012


In Oct. 20 Great Vespers, the first theotokion of the tone has been fixed.

Annual Diocesan Fall Gathering - 10/14/2012

San Juan Capistrano, California

His Eminence, Archbishop JOSEPH Celebrates the Patronal Feast of St. Innocent Church - 10/07/2012

Everson, Washington

NEW Fall Gathering Information - 10/06/2012

Information about an available tour of the San Juan Capistrano Mission has been posted.

November 10-12, 2012: Pilgrimage to St. Paisius Monastery - 10/04/2012


His Eminence, Archbishop JOSEPH's Episcopal Visit to St. Michael Church - 09/30/2012

Whittier, California

The elevation of Father Stephen Herney to the dignity of Archpriest.

His Eminence, Archbishop JOSEPH Hosts First iAskSayidna Gathering with the Youth at St. Nicholas Cathedral - 09/29/2012

Los Angeles, California

His Eminence, Archbishop JOSEPH's Episcopal Visit to St. Andrew Church - 09/23/2012

Riverside, California

New Event Information - 09/21/2012

Information for the 2012 Pan-Orthodox Advent Clergy Retreat has been posted.

Fall Gathering Information - 09/21/2012

The schedule and registration forms for the Diocesan Fall Gathering have been posted.

His Eminence, Archbishop JOSEPH Celebrates Father Michel Najim's 35th Anniversary in the Holy Priesthood - 09/16/2012

Los Angeles, California


The Resurrectional Exaposteilarion in Orthros on Sept. 23 has now been corrected.

Third Meeting of the Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of North and Central America - 09/12/2012

Chicago, Illinois

His Eminence, Archbishop JOSEPH's Visit to St. George Church - 09/09/2012

Cicero, Illinois

New Local Event - 09/06/2012

A new local event in Southern California has been posted.

New Event Information - 09/05/2012

Information for the Southern California Parish Council Symposium has been posted.

Subdeacon John Bean to the Holy Diaconate on Sunday, March 3, 2013 at Ss. Peter and Paul Church in Salt Lake City, Utah - 09/03/2012

New Event Information - 09/03/2012

Information for the Diocesan Antiochian Women's Retreat in Northern California has been posted.

Subdeacon John Ma'ae to the Holy Diaconate on Sunday, February 3, 2013 at St. Barnabas Church in Costa Mesa, California - 09/02/2012

New Local Event - 08/31/2012

A new local event in Northern California has been posted.

His Eminence, Archbishop JOSEPH's Episcopal Visit to St. James Church - 08/26/2012

Placentia, California

His Eminence, Archbishop JOSEPH's Celebrates the One Year Trisagion for Father Michael Lewis - 08/19/2012

Garden Grove, California

Metropolitan's Anniversary - 08/12/2012


the most devout, the most reverend, chosen by God, Metropolitan and Exarch of New York and all North America, our Father and Chief Shepherd, may God grant him many years!

His Eminence, Archbishop JOSEPH and the clergy and the faithful of the Holy Diocese of Los Angeles and the West, extend their prayers and love to His Eminence, Metropolitan PHILIP on the occasion of the Anniversary of his Consecration to the Sacred Episcopate (August 14). May God grant him many years as our Chief Shepherd.

His Eminence, Archbishop JOSEPH's Episcopal Visit to St. Ignatius of Antioch Church - 08/12/2012

Twin Falls, Idaho

His Eminence, Archbishop JOSEPH Celebrates the Feast of the Transfiguration at Holy Transfiguration Church - 08/05/2012

Boise, Idaho

The Deacon Basil Ritchie is received into the Diocese and assigned as an attached Deacon to St. George Church in Phoenix, Arizona. - 07/16/2012

The Priest Stephen Howell is assigned as an Attached Priest to St. Athanasius Church in Sacramento, California, effective August 1, 2012. - 07/16/2012

The Priest Nicholas Borzghol is assigned as the Pastor of St. John the Evangelist Church in Orinda, California, effective August 1, 2012. - 07/16/2012

The Archpriest George Baalbaki is received into the Diocese and assigned as the Pastor of St. Nicholas Church in San Francisco, California, effective August 1, 2012. - 07/16/2012


The Kontakion in Divine Liturgy on July 22 has been corrected.

Fall Gathering Information - 07/14/2012

The flyer with the hotel information for the Fall Gathering has been posted.

New Audio Files - 07/13/2012

Audio files of the Keynote Address, Homilies and Orations from the Parish Life Conference have been posted.

SERVICE TEXTS - 07/12/2012

The Service Texts for July 14-15 have been modified to include only hymns for the Resurrection and the Holy Fathers.

The Priest John Christianson is appointed as the Interim Pastor of St. Timothy Church in Fairfield, California, effective immediately. - 07/10/2012

Annual Diocesan Parish Life Conference - 07/08/2012

Santa Clara, California

Deacon Maxime Najim is transferred to the Orthodox Church of the Redeemer in Los Altos Hills, California, effective July 8, 2012. - 07/03/2012

His Eminence, Archbishop JOSEPH Presides over the Pacific Northwest Deanery Meeting - 07/03/2012

Santa Clara, California

His Eminence, Archbishop JOSEPH's Episcopal Visit to St. Nicholas Church - 07/01/2012

San Francisco, California

The ordination of Subdeacon Niphon (Nishan) Sweis to the Holy Diaconate.

The former Archpriest Silas Ruark is deposed from the Holy Priesthood and returned to the rank of Layman effective immediately. - 06/29/2012

New Local Event - 06/28/2012

A new local event in Canada has been posted.

His Eminence, Archbishop JOSEPH's Episcopal Visit to All Saints Mission - 06/24/2012

Rohnert Park, California

His Eminence, Archbishop JOSEPH's Episcopal Visit to St. Timothy Church - 06/23/2012

Fairfield, California

Clergy Seminar Audio Recordings - 06/20/2012

The audio recordings of the 2012 Diocesan Clergy Seminar have been posted.

His Eminence, Archbishop JOSEPH Celebrates the 30th Anniversary of Holy Virgin Mary Church - 06/17/2012

West Sacramento, California

New Sermons - 06/07/2012

Additional audio sermons by His Eminence, Archbishop Joseph have been posted.

His Eminence, Archbishop JOSEPH Celebrates the Great Feast of Pentecost at St. Barnabas Church - 06/03/2012

Costa Mesa, California

His Eminence, Archbishop JOSEPH Presides over the Order of St. Ignatius of Antioch Orange County Area Fellowship Dinner - 06/02/2012

Corona Del Mar, California

His Eminence, Archbishop JOSEPH's Episcopal Visit to Holy Resurrection Church - 05/27/2012

Tucson, Arizona

Newsletters Posted - 05/25/2012

The Antiochian Women's Summer Diakonia and Spring Diocesan Newsletters have been posted. 

His Eminence, Archbishop JOSEPH Celebrates the 25th Anniversary of St. Vincent of Lerins Church - 05/20/2012

Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada

His Eminence, Archbishop JOSEPH's Episcopal Visit to St. Philip Church - 05/13/2012

Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

His Eminence, Archbishop JOSEPH's Episcopal Visit to Protection of the Holy Theotokos Mission - 05/12/2012

Fort Saskatchewan, Alberta, Canada

His Eminence, Archbishop JOSEPH Celebrates the 25th Anniversary and Patronal Feast of St. Athanasius Church - 05/06/2012

Sacramento, California

His Eminence, Archbishop JOSEPH Celebrates His Patronal Feast at St. Nicholas Cathedral - 04/29/2012

Los Angeles, California

His Eminence, Archbishop JOSEPH's Episcopal Visit to Ss. Peter and Paul Church - 04/22/2012

Salt Lake City, Utah

The ordination of Subdeacon Christopher Payne to the holy diaconate.

Paschal Celebrations Around the Diocese - 04/21/2012

All parishes were asked to submit photos of their Paschal Services. Our appreciation goes to the parishes who participated in this.

His Eminence, Archbishop JOSEPH's First Episcopal Visit to Holy Apostles Mission - 04/21/2012

Orem, Utah


For April 21-22, the Dismissal in Great Vespers and the Intercession in Orthros have been corrected to include the full commemorations of the day. Also, the first line of the Apolytikion now correctly reads "O Life" instead of "O Light."

His Eminence, Archbishop JOSEPH Celebrates Bright Wednesday with the Southern California Clergy at St. Nicholas Cathedral - 04/18/2012

Los Angeles, California

His Eminence, Archbishop JOSEPH's Episcopal Visits During Holy Week - 04/15/2012

Subdeacon Nishan Sweis to the Holy Diaconate on Sunday, July 1, 2012 at St. Nicholas Church in San Francisco, California - 04/13/2012

NOW AVAILABLE! - 04/10/2012

The complete Service Text for the Vesperal Divine Liturgy of Holy Saturday with the Sacraments of Baptism and Chrismation.

His Eminence, Archbishop JOSEPH Celebrates Palm Sunday at St. Nicholas Cathedral - 04/08/2012

Los Angeles, California

New Sermons - 04/01/2012

His Eminence's audio sermons from Orinda, Campbell, Los Altos Hills and Riverside have been posted.

His Eminence, Archbishop JOSEPH's Episcopal Visit to St. Andrew Church - 04/01/2012

Riverside, California

The elevation of Deacon Elias Khoury to the dignity of Protodeacon.

His Eminence, Archbishop JOSEPH Addresses the Annual Spring Antiochian Women's Retreat - 03/31/2012

Los Angeles, California

His Eminence, Archbishop JOSEPH's Episcopal Visit to St. John the Theologian Mission - 03/31/2012

San Juan Capistrano, California

The elevation of Father Joseph Corrigan to the dignity of Archpriest.

Service Text Correction - 03/29/2012

The Troparion following the Great Doxology in Orthros on Sunday, April 1 has been corrected.

His Eminence, Archbishop JOSEPH Celebrates the Feast of the Annunciation at the Church of the Redeemer - 03/25/2012

Los Altos Hills, California

Service Text Correction - 03/22/2012

The stichos in the ninth ode of the Orthros canon on Sunday, March 25 has been corrected.

His Eminence, Archbishop JOSEPH Presides over the Presanctified Divine Liturgy at Ss. Peter and Paul Church - 03/21/2012

Ben Lomond, California

The restoration of Thomas Lindsay to the holy priesthood.

Subdeacon Christopher Payne to the Holy Diaconate on Sunday, April 22, 2012 at Ss. Peter and Paul Church in Salt Lake City, Utah - 03/18/2012

New Local Events - 03/18/2012

Two new local events in Southern California have been posted.

His Eminence, Archbishop JOSEPH's Episcopal Visit to St. Stephen Church - 03/18/2012

Campbell, California

Newsletter Posted - 03/14/2012

The Spring 2012 Diakonia Newsletter for the Antiochian Women has been posted.

His Eminence, Archbishop JOSEPH's Episcopal Visit to St. Nicholas Church - 03/11/2012

San Francisco, California

Canonical Bishops in the West Coast Celebrate the Sunday of Orthodoxy - 03/04/2012

Alhambra & Los Angeles, California

His Eminence, Archbishop JOSEPH's Episcopal Visit to St. Timothy Church - 02/26/2012

Fairfield, California

His Eminence, Archbishop JOSEPH's Episcopal Visit to St. John the Evangelist Church - 02/26/2012

Orinda, California

2012 Great Lent Message - 02/24/2012

New Speech - 02/24/2012

His Eminence's address on the occasion of Father Hanna Sakkab’s retirement has been posted.

New Sermons - 02/24/2012

His Eminence's audio sermons in Los Angeles, Torrance, Lompoc, Modesto, Van Nuys and San Diego have been posted.

Priest Stephen Howell is assigned as the Interim Pastor of St. John the Evangelist Church in Orinda effective February 27, 2012 - 02/22/2012

Priest George Washburn is released from the pastorate of St. John the Evangelist Church in Orinda, and attached to Ss. Peter and Paul Church in Ben Lomond effective February 27, 2012 - 02/22/2012

Archpriest Hanna Sakkab is retired from the pastorate of St. George Church in San Diego and given the title “Pastor Emeritus” effective February 18, 2012. He will remain the active pastor until the new pastor is assigned - 02/22/2012

Archpriest John Finley is released from the pastorate of St. Gabriel Mission in Angels Camp, and attached to St. Athanasius Church in Goleta effective January 16, 2012. - 02/22/2012

Hieromonk Mark Kerr is released from the pastorate of St. Ignatius Mission in Twin Falls and from the Archdiocese effective January 1, 2012 - 02/22/2012

His Eminence, Archbishop JOSEPH Celebrates the Retirement of Father Hanna Sakkab and the 40th Anniversary of St. George Church - 02/19/2012

San Diego, California

Remarks on the Occasion of Father Hanna Sakkab’s Retirement - 02/18/2012

His Eminence, Archbishop JOSEPH Presides over the Order of St. Ignatius of Antioch Los Angeles Area Fellowship Dinner - 02/12/2012

Studio City, California

His Eminence, Archbishop JOSEPH's Episcopal Visit to St. Michael Church - 02/12/2012

Van Nuys, California

Newsletter Posted - 02/08/2012

The Fall 2011 and Winter 2012 Diakonia Newsletter for the Antiochian Women has been posted.

His Eminence, Archbishop JOSEPH's Episcopal Visit to St. James Mission - 02/05/2012

Modesto, California


We have included the commemorations of the Mothers of the Three Hierarchs in the Dismissals, Orthros Intercession and Synaxarion.

His Eminence, Archbishop JOSEPH's Episcopal Visit to St. Gabriel Mission - 02/03/2012

Angels Camp, California

His Eminence, Archbishop JOSEPH's Episcopal Visit to St. Timothy Church - 01/29/2012

Lompoc, California

His Eminence, Archbishop JOSEPH's Episcopal Visit to St. Matthew Church - 01/22/2012

Torrance, California

His Eminence, Archbishop JOSEPH's Episcopal Visit to St. Athanasius Church - 01/21/2012

Goleta, California

His Eminence, Archbishop JOSEPH Addresses the West Coast Sacred Music Institute - 01/21/2012

Santa Barbara, California

His Eminence, Archbishop JOSEPH Presides over the Pacific Northwest Deanery Meeting - 01/20/2012

Alhambra, California

Annual Diocesan Clergy Seminar - 01/20/2012

Alhambra, California

Opening Remarks at the 2012 Diocesan Clergy Seminar - 01/16/2012

New Event Information - 01/16/2012

Information for the Los Angeles Area Order of St. Ignatius Fellowship Dinner has been posted.

New Event Information - 01/16/2012

Information for the Diocesan Antiochian Women's Retreat in Southern California has been posted.

His Eminence, Archbishop JOSEPH Celebrates the Patronal Feast of St. Peter the Apostle Church - 01/15/2012

Pomona, California


The title for the Gospel lection in the Divine Liturgy Variables for Jan. 15, 2012 has been corrected.

His Eminence, Archbishop JOSEPH is Honored with a Special Reception at St. Nicholas Cathedral - 01/08/2012

Los Angeles, California

Service Text Correction - 01/04/2012

An updated version of the Typika Service at the end of the Royal Hours for Theophany has been posted. There were no changes made to the Royal Hours themselves.

His Eminence, Archbishop JOSEPH Celebrates the Feast of the Nativity at St. Nicholas Cathedral - 12/25/2011

Los Angeles, California

His Eminence, Archbishop JOSEPH Returns Home to Los Angeles - 12/22/2011

Los Angeles, California

2012 Fasting Calendar - 12/20/2011

The 2012 Fasting Calendar has been posted.

PLC Website Added - 12/14/2011

The website for the 2012 Diocesan Parish Life Conference has been added.

Three New Auxiliary Bishops Consecrated, Bishop Joseph Elevated to Archbishop - 12/11/2011

Northern Lebanon

New Sermons - 12/07/2011

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH's audio sermons from Thousand Palms, Phoenix, Riverside and Los Angeles have been posted.

New Speech - 12/07/2011

The text of His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH’s Homily for the Consecration of St. Andrew Church in Riverside, California has been posted.

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH Celebrates the Patronal Feast of St. Nicholas Cathedral - 12/04/2011

Los Angeles, California

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH Consecrates the New Temple of St. Andrew Church - 12/04/2011

Riverside, California

Homily for the Consecration of St. Andrew Church, Riverside, California - 12/03/2011

2012 Liturgical Chart - 11/23/2011

The 2012 Sunday Liturgical Chart has been posted.

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH's Episcopal Visit to St. George Church - 11/13/2011

Phoenix, Arizona

Annual Diocesan Antiochian Women's Retreat in Northern California - 11/12/2011

Los Gatos, California

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH Leads Pilgrimage to St. Paisius Serbian Monastery - 11/12/2011

Safford, Arizona

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH Celebrates the Patronal Feast of St. Raphael Mission - 11/05/2011

Thousand Palms, California
The elevation of Father David Kruse to the dignity of Archpriest.

New Sermons - 11/02/2011

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH's audio sermons from Garden Grove, Orinda and Portland have been posted.

New Local Event - 10/31/2011

Information about the consecration of the new Church Temple in Riverside has been posted.

New Event Information - 10/31/2011

The agenda for the 2012 West Coast Sacred Music Institute has been posted.

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH's Episcopal Visit to St. George Church - 10/30/2011

Portland, Oregon

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH's Episcopal Visit to St. John the Evangelist Church - 10/23/2011

Orinda, California

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH Participates in the IOCC 5K Walk-A-Thon - 10/22/2011

Arcadia, California

New Newletter - 10/18/2011

The Antiochian Women's 2011 Fall Newsletter has been posted.

New Announcement - 10/18/2011

Information for the 2012 West Coast Sacred Music Institute has been posted.

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH Meets with Maronite Patriarch, His Beatitude, Bechara Rai - 10/16/2011

Los Angeles, California

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH Celebrates the Patronal Feast of St. Luke Church - 10/16/2011

Garden Grove, California

Service Text Correction - 10/10/2011

The second doxasticon for Great Vespers on Saturday, October 22 has been corrected.

Annual Diocesan Fall Gathering - 10/09/2011

Mesa, Arizona

Message About Children - 10/08/2011

New Audio Address - 10/08/2011

His Grace's audio address to the Diocesan Fall Gathering has been posted.

New Message - 10/08/2011

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH's Message about Children has been posted.

Liturgical Chart Correction - 10/06/2011

The 2011 Sunday Liturgical Chart has been amended, reflecting a revised Epistle reading for Sunday, December 4.

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH Presides over the Southern California Deanery Meeting - 10/06/2011

Garden Grove, California

Service Text Correction - 10/01/2011

The tone and eothinon for the Divine Liturgy Variables on Sunday, October 9 have been corrected.

New Sermons - 09/26/2011

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH's audio sermons in Arlington and Post Falls have been posted.

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH Chairs Meeting of the Assembly of Bishops Pastoral Committee - 09/24/2011

Los Angeles, California

The Archpriest Michael Tassos is assigned as the Pastor of St. Luke Church in Garden Grove, California, effective immediately. - 09/19/2011

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH's Episcopal Visit to St. John the Baptist Church - 09/18/2011

Post Falls, Idaho

The ordination of Subdeacon Mark (Eric) Townsend to the Holy Diaconate.

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH Celebrates the Feast of the Cross at Holy Cross Church - 09/14/2011

Yakima, Washington

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH Visits St. John the Forerunner Monastery - 09/13/2011

Goldendale, Washington

Note: During the week preceding His Grace's visit, a raging wild fire in the area went right through the monastery grounds. Much of the land was burned and the sisters were evacuated for several days. By the Grace of God, the sisters are safe and the buildings were not damaged. The abbess expressed her gratitude to His Grace and the clergy and faithful of the diocese for their prayers during that time.

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH Visits and Names Prophet Elijah Mission - 09/12/2011

Ellensburg, Washington

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH's Episcopal Visit to St. Paul Church - 09/11/2011

Lynnwood, Washington

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH's Episcopal Visit to St. Andrew Church - 09/11/2011

Arlington, Washington

The Archpriest Jon Braun is transferred and attached to St. Athanasius Church in Goleta, California - 09/10/2011

New Sermons - 09/05/2011

Additional audio sermons by His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH have been posted.

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH Participates in the Serbian Diocese of Western America's Diocesan Days Gathering - 09/04/2011

Alhambra, California

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH's Episcopal Visit to St. James Church - 08/28/2011

Placentia, California

Service Text Correction - 08/25/2011

The Divine Liturgy Variables for Sunday, August 28 have been corrected to include the Kontakion of the Nativity of the Theotokos.

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH Celebrates the 40-Day Trisagion Service for Father Thomas O'Dea - 08/21/2011

Van Nuys, California

Clergy Seminar Audio Recordings - 08/19/2011

Audio recordings from the 2011 Diocesan Clergy Seminar have been posted.

Deacon Steven Bambakidis is transferred to St. George Church in Portland, Oregon, effective August 15, 2011 - 08/10/2011

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH Celebrates the Feast of the Transfiguration in Alaska - 08/07/2011

Eagle River and Wasilla, Alaska

The ordination of Deacon Thomas Frizelle to the Holy Priesthood.
The ordination of Subdeacon Matthew Howell to the Holy Diaconate.

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH Visits Camp St. Nicholas - 08/03/2011

Frazier Park, California

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH Presides over the Father George Baalbaki's 25th Anniverary - 07/24/2011

Berkley, Michigan

New Sermon - 07/19/2011

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH's audio sermon at St. Nicholas Cathedral has been posted.

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH Leads the Flag Raising Ceremony at St. Nicholas Cathedral - 07/17/2011

Los Angeles, California

Service Texts - 07/16/2011

The Divine Liturgy Variables for July 17 have been slightly revised (The Dismissal) and the Weekend Texts have been posted through July 31.

The Priest Ephraim Alkhas is assigned as the Pastor of St. Herman Church in Wasilla, Alaska, effective August 1, 2011 - 07/11/2011


The Priest Theodore Sakellar is accepted into the diocese and attached to St. Stephen Church in Campbell, California, effective July 11, 2011 - 07/11/2011

Diocesan Fall Gathering - 07/11/2011

Information about the 2011 Diocesan Fall Gathering has been posted.

New Sermons - 07/08/2011

His Eminence, Metropolitan EPHREM's audio sermons at St. Nicholas Cathedral and at the Diocesan Parish Life Conference have been posted.

New Address - 07/08/2011

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH's Opening Remarks to the 2011 Diocesan Clergy Seminar has been posted.

His Eminence, Metropolitan EPHREM and His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH Visit St. Andrew Church - 07/04/2011

Riverside, California

Annual Diocesan Parish Life Conference - 07/03/2011

Irvine, California

Annual Diocesan Clergy Seminar - 06/29/2011

Irvine, California

2011 Diocesan Clergy Seminar Opening Remarks - 06/27/2011

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH Celebrates with His Eminence, Metropolitan EPHREM of Tripoli at St. Nicholas Cathedral - 06/26/2011

Los Angeles, California

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH Celebrates with His Grace, Bishop ALEXANDER at St. Athanasius Church - 06/20/2011

Goleta, California

Subdeacon Mark (Eric) Townsend to the Holy Diaconate on Sunday, September 18, 2011 at St. John the Baptist Church, Post Falls, Idaho - 06/13/2011

New Sermon - 06/12/2011

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH's audio sermon in Fort Saskatchewan has been added.

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH Celebrates the Great Feast of Pentecost and the 30th Anniversary of St. Philip Church - 06/12/2011

Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH's Episcopal Visit to Protection of the Holy Theotokos Mission - 06/11/2011

Fort Saskatchewan, Alberta, Canada

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH Attends the Spring Meeting of the Archdiocesan Board of Trustees - 06/05/2011

Ligonier, Pennsylvania

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH Addresses the Antiochian Village Summer Camp Staff - 06/04/2011

Ligonier, Pennsylvania

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH Attends the Spring Meeting of the Archdiocesan Holy Synod - 06/03/2011

Ligonier, Pennsylvania

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH Visits St. George Church - 05/29/2011

Cicero, Illinois

The ordination of Deacon Andrew Kishler to the Holy Priesthood.

Seminarians Deacon Daniel Meyer and Subdeacon Matthew Howell Graduate St. Tikhon's Seminary - 05/28/2011

South Canaan, Pennsylvania

Second Meeting of the Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of North and Central America - 05/27/2011

Chicago, Illinois 

Service Texts - 05/25/2011

The Service Texts for weekends have now been updated through July 3.

New Address - 05/22/2011

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH’s Address to the 53rd Sweetheart Ball has been added.

New Sermon - 05/22/2011

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH's audio sermon in Palmdale has been added.

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH's Episcopal Visit to Holy Cross Church - 05/22/2011

Palmdale, California

Address to the 53rd Sweetheart Ball - 05/21/2011

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH's Episcopal Visit to St. Joseph the Damascene Church - 05/15/2011

New Westminster, British Columbia, Canada

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH's Episcopal Visit to Holy Nativity Mission - 05/14/2011

Langley, British Columbia, Canada

New Sermons - 05/09/2011

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH's audio sermons in Fairfield and Bonners Ferry have been added.

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH Consecrates the Church Temple and Celebrates the Patronal Feast of Holy Myrrhbearing Women Mission - 05/08/2011

Bonners Ferry, Idaho

Paschal Celebrations Around the Diocese - 05/04/2011

Additional photos have been added.

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH Honors Fr. Iskander El-Far on his 50th Anniversary in the Holy Priesthood at All Saints Mission - 05/01/2011

Rohnert Park, California

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH's Episcopal Visit to St. Timothy Church - 04/30/2011

Fairfield, California

Paschal Celebrations Around the Diocese - 04/30/2011

All parishes were asked to submit photos of their Paschal Services. Our appreciation goes to the parishes who participated in this.

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH Celebrates Bright Wednesday with the Southern California Clergy at St. Nicholas Cathedral - 04/27/2011

Los Angeles, California

Deacon Thomas Frizelle to the Holy Priesthood on Sunday, August 7, 2011, at St. John the Evangelist Cathedral in Eagle River, Alaska - 04/24/2011

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH Celebrates Holy Week and Pascha in Alaska - 04/24/2011

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH Celebrates Palm Sunday at St. Nicholas Cathedral - 04/17/2011

Los Angeles, California

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH Presides over the Presanctified Liturgy at St. George Church - 04/13/2011

Upland, California

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH's Episcopal Visit to St. Nicholas Church - 04/10/2011

San Francisco, California

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH Addresses the Antiochian Women's Retreat at Camp St. Nicholas - 04/08/2011

Frazier Park, California

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH Presides over the Presanctified Liturgy at St. Mark Church - 04/06/2011

Irvine, California

Service Text Correction - 04/05/2011

For the Fifth Thursday of Great Lent, the Presanctified Divine Liturgy text has been fixed to include the Twelfth Kathisma of the Psalter.

New Sermons - 04/03/2011

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH's audio sermons in Modesto and Angels Camp have been added.

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH's Episcopal Visit to St. James Mission - 04/03/2011

Modesto, California

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH's Episcopal Visit to St. Gabriel Mission - 04/02/2011

Angels Camp, California

NOW AVAILABLE - 03/30/2011

Little Compline for the Fifth Wednesday of Great Lent, complete with the Life of St. Mary of Egypt and the Great Canon of Repentance; and the Presanctified Divine Liturgy for the Fifth Thursday of Great Lent.

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH Presides over the Presanctified Liturgy at St. Matthew Church - 03/30/2011

Torrance, California

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH's Episcopal Visit to the Church of the Annunciation - 03/29/2011

Calgary, Alberta, Canada

New Article - 03/27/2011

An article by His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH, entitled, "The Cross in Our Life" has been added.

New Sermon - 03/27/2011

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH's audio sermon in Calgary has been added.

2011 Clergy Seminar Information - 03/24/2011

Information about the 2011 Clergy Seminar has been posted.

Clergy Seminar Audio Recordings - 03/24/2011

Audio recordings from the past three Diocesan Clergy Seminars have been posted.

New Sermon - 03/24/2011

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH's audio sermon in Spokane Valley has been added.

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH Presides over the Presanctified Liturgy at Christ the Savior Mission - 03/23/2011

Spokane Valley, Washington

New Sermons - 03/21/2011

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH's audio sermons in San Juan Capistrano and Salt Lake City have been added.

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH's Episcopal Visit to Ss. Peter and Paul Church - 03/20/2011

Salt Lake City, Utah

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH Presides over the Presanctified Liturgy at St. John the Theologian Mission - 03/16/2011

San Juan Capistrano, California

Middle East Pilgrimage - 03/14/2011

The remaining articles for the Pilgrimage to the Middle East have been added.

New Local Event - 03/14/2011

Information on the Mother's Day Party hosted by St. George Church in San Diego has been added.

Subdeacon Matthew Howell to the Holy Diaconate on Saturday, August 6, 2011, at St. John the Evangelist Cathedral in Eagle River, Alaska - 03/13/2011


Canonical Bishops in the West Coast Celebrate the Sunday of Orthodoxy at Holy Virgin Mary Cathedral - 03/13/2011

Los Angeles, California

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH Blesses the St. Paul Educational Center - 03/11/2011

Tucson, Arizona

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH's Episcopal Visit to St. Timothy Church - 03/06/2011

Lompoc, California

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH Leads Liturgical Retreat and Deanery Meeting for the Pacific Northwest and Prairie Deaneries - 03/02/2011

Lynnwood, Washington

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH's First Episcopal Visit to Three Holy Hierarchs Mission - 02/27/2011

Wenatchee, Washington

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH's Episcopal Visit to St. Thomas Mission - 02/27/2011

Snohomish, Washington

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH's Episcopal Visit to St. Nicholas Church - 02/22/2011

Spokane, Washington

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH's Episcopal Visit to St. Innocent Church - 02/20/2011

Everson, Washington

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH's Episcopal Visit to St. Barnabas Church - 02/13/2011

Costa Mesa, California

Regional Subdeacons Hold Retreat at St. Nicholas Cathedral - 02/12/2011

Los Angeles, California

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH Leads Liturgical Retreat for the Southern California and Desert Deaneries - 02/10/2011

Riverside, California

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH Opens the Doors of St. Andrew Church's New Church Building - 02/09/2011

Riverside, California

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH's Episcopal Visit to St. George Church - 02/06/2011

Phoenix, Arizona

The elevation of Father Elias Ziton to the dignity of Archpriest.

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH Opens the Doors of Holy Resurrection Church's New Church Building - 02/02/2011

Tucson, Arizona

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH's Episcopal Visit to St. Athanasius Church - 01/30/2011

Goleta, California

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH Presides over the Northern California Deanery Meeting - 01/24/2011

Orinda, California

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH Presides over the Order of St. Ignatius of Antioch Northern California Fellowship Dinner - 01/23/2011

Oakland, California

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH's Episcopal Visit to St. George Church - 01/23/2011

Portland, Oregon

The restoration of Edward Hillhouse to the Holy Priesthood.

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH Celebrates the Patronal Feast of St. Anthony Church - 01/16/2011

La Jolla, California

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH's Episcopal Visit to St. Michael Church - 01/09/2011

Van Nuys, California

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH Celebrates the Feast of Theophany and Blesses the New Temple at St. Peter Church - 01/05/2011

Pomona, California

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH Celebrates the Feast of the Nativity of our Lord at St. Nicholas Cathedral - 12/25/2010

Los Angeles, California

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH's Episcopal Visit to St. Ignatius of Antioch Mission - 12/19/2010

Twin Falls, Idaho

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH's Episcopal Visit to Holy Transfiguration Mission - 12/18/2010

Boise, Idaho

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH's Episcopal Visit to Ss. Peter and Paul Church - 12/12/2010

Ben Lomond, California

The ordination of Subdeacon Anthony Rivera to the Holy Diaconate.
The restoration of Basil Steiger to the Holy Priesthood.

Second Annual Pan-Orthodox Clergy Retreat in the West - 12/09/2010

Dunlap, California

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH Celebrates the Patronal Feast and 60th Anniversary of St. Nicholas Cathedral - 12/05/2010

Los Angels, California

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH's First Episcopal Visit to St. James Church's New Building - 11/21/2010

Placentia, California

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH Leads Holy Pilgrimage to the Middle East - 11/17/2010

Syria, Lebanon and Turkey

WE WERE HOME. Those words can best describe the entire trip for His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH, and his delegation of seventeen into the Middle East, where the Apostles walked and the Disciples were first called Christians (Acts 11:26). It was home in many aspects: for Sayidna, the land of his birth; for some in the group, the land of their ancestors; but for everyone, the land of our Orthodox Christian spiritual heritage.  It was and is Antioch, which breathes its own traditions into the Faith that our Lord Jesus Christ Himself established. Antioch has given us the Chief Apostles Peter and Paul, the great teachers Ignatius and John Chrysostom, the great hymnographers Romanos and John of Damascus, and thousands of witnesses and martyrs throughout the ages, canonized or not, who gave their very beings to establish, defend and keep the real Church alive and thriving in this part of the world. We were privileged to experience this for more than two weeks in November, as we journeyed from Los Angeles to Syria, Lebanon and southern Turkey to visit the apostolic city of Antioch. This article will give a just a small sample of what we saw and did.

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH Visits St. George Church for the Archdiocesan Fall Meetings - 10/24/2010

Jacksonville, Florida

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH Celebrates the Patronal Feast of St. Luke Church - 10/17/2010

Garden Grove, California

The ordination of Deacon Jon Fate to the Holy Priesthood.

October 11. 2010 - His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH's 15th Anniversary as the Bishop in Los Angeles - 10/11/2010


Annual Diocesan Fall Gathering - 10/10/2010

West Sacramento, California

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH Participates in the 100th Anniversary Celebration of St. Sava Serbian Church - 10/03/2010

San Gabriel, California

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH's Episcopal Visit to St. George Church - 09/26/2010

Upland, California

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH's Episcopal Visit to St. Andrew Church - 09/19/2010

Arlington, Washington

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH's Episcopal Visit to St. Paul Church - 09/19/2010

Brier, Washington

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH's First Episcopal Visit to St. Katherine Mission - 09/16/2010

Moscow, Idaho

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH Presides Over Vespers at St. John the Baptist Church - 09/15/2010

Post Falls, Idaho

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH Celebrates the Feast of the Elevation of the Holy Cross at Holy Cross Church - 09/14/2010

Yakima, Washington

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH Visits St. John of Kronstadt School - 09/13/2010

Yakima, Washington

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH's Episcopal Visit to the Mission in Ellensburg - 09/12/2010

Ellensburg, Washington

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH Celebrates the Leavetaking of the Nativity of the Theotokos at Holy Cross Church - 09/12/2010

Yakima, Washington

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH's Episcopal Visit to Camp St. Nicholas - 07/29/2010

Frazier Park, California

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH's Episcopal Visit to the Church of the Redeemer - 07/11/2010

Los Altos Hills, California

55th Annual Diocesan Parish Life Conference - 07/04/2010

Tucson, Arizona

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH Leads Clergy and Laity on Pilgrimage to St. Paisius Serbian Monastery - 06/30/2010

Safford, Arizona

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH Presides over the Pacific Northwest and Prairie Deanery Meeting - 06/29/2010

Tucson, Arizona

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH Presides over the Feast of Ss. Peter and Paul at St. Demetrios Greek Church - 06/29/2010

Tucson, Arizona

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH Celebrates at St. Nicholas Cathedral - 06/27/2010

Los Angeles, California

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH's Episcopal Visit to St. Andrew Church - 06/20/2010

Riverside, California

The ordination of Subdeacon Daniel Meyer to the Holy Diaconate.

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH's Episcopal Visit to St. Michael Church - 06/13/2010

Las Vegas, Nevada

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH's Episcopal Visit to St. Michael Church - 06/06/2010

Whittier, California

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH Participates in the 106th Annual Pilgrimage to St. Tikhon's Monastery - 05/31/2010

South Canaan, Pennsylvania

Diocesan Seminarian Father John Christianson Graduates St. Tikhon's Seminary - 05/29/2010

South Canaan, Pennsylvania

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH Receives Honorary Doctorate from St. Tikhon’s Seminary - 05/29/2010

South Canaan, Pennsylvania

The Episcopal Assembly of North and Central America - 05/27/2010

New York, New York

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH Celebrates the Great Feast of Pentecost at Holy Virgin Mary Church - 05/23/2010

Yonkers, New York

Diocesan Seminarian Father Ephraim Alkhas Graduates St. Vladimir's Seminary - 05/22/2010

Crestwood, New York

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH Participates in the Spring Meeting of the Archdiocesan Synod - 05/21/2010

Englewood, New Jersey

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH Chairs Two Committee Meetings at the Archdiocesan Headquarters - 05/20/2010

Englewood, New Jersey

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH Visits Ss. Peter and Paul Church - 05/16/2010

Potomac, Maryland

Diocesan Seminarian Subdeacon John Mahfouz Graduates Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology - 05/15/2010

Brookline, Massachusetts

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH's Episcopal Visit to St. John the Evangelist Church - 05/09/2010

Orinda, California

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH's Episcopal Visit to Holy Cross Church - 05/02/2010

Palmdale, California

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH Celebrates the Patronal Feast and 25th Anniversary of St. Mark Church - 04/25/2010

Irvine, California

The elevation of Deacon George Moubayed to the dignity of Protodeacon.

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH Presides over the Order of St. Ignatius of Antioch Orange County Area Fellowship Dinner - 04/24/2010

Newport Beach, California

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH Addresses the Antiochian Women's Retreat at Camp St. Nicholas - 04/23/2010

Frazier Park, California

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH's Episcopal Visit to St. Raphael of Brooklyn Mission - 04/18/2010

Palm Springs, California

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH's Episcopal Visit to St. George Church - 04/11/2010

San Diego, California

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH Celebrates Bright Wednesday with the Southern California Clergy at St. Nicholas Cathedral - 04/07/2010

Los Angeles, California

Pascha Celebrations around the Diocese of Los Angeles and the West - 04/04/2010

All Parishes were asked to submit photos of their Holy Week and Paschal Services. Our appreciation goes to the Parishes who participated in this.

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH's Episcopal Visits During Holy Week - 04/04/2010

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH Blesses a Dome on the New Church Building at St. Andrew Church - 04/01/2010

Riverside, California

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH Celebrates Palm Sunday at St. Nicholas Cathedral - 03/28/2010

Los Angeles, California

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH Celebrates Lazarus Saturday at St. Nicholas Cathedral - 03/27/2010

Los Angeles, California

The ordination of Subdeacon John Germain to the Holy Diaconate.
The ordination of Subdeacon Nicholas Hanna to the Holy Diaconate.

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH Visits Elder Ephraim and St. Anthony Greek Monastery - 03/23/2010

Florence, Arizona

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH's Episcopal Visit to St. George Church - 03/21/2010

Phoenix, Arizona

The ordination of Subdeacon David Daumit to the Holy Diaconate.

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH's Episcopal Visit to Holy Resurrection Church - 03/18/2010

Tucson, Arizona

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH's Episcopal Visit to St. John the Theologian Mission - 03/14/2010

San Juan Capistrano, California

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH Presides over the Akathist Service at Christ the Savior Mission - 03/12/2010

Spokane Valley, Washington

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH Presides over the Presanctified Liturgy at St. John the Baptist Church - 03/10/2010

Post Falls, Idaho

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH's Episcopal Visit to St. Ignatius of Antioch Mission - 03/07/2010

Mesa, Arizona

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH Presides over the Akathist Service at St. James Mission - 03/05/2010

Anaheim, California

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH Leads Liturgical Retreat for the Northern California Deanery - 03/02/2010

Los Altos Hills, California

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH's Episcopal Visit to St. Stephen Church - 02/28/2010

Campbell, California

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH Presides over the Akathist Service at St. George Church - 02/26/2010

Upland, California

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH Presides over the Presanctified Liturgy at St. Mark Church - 02/24/2010

Irvine, California

Canonical Bishops in the West Coast Celebrate the Sunday of Orthodoxy at St. Steven Cathedral - 02/21/2010

Alhambra, California

Seventh Gathering of the Canonical Orthodox Bishops in the West Coast - 02/20/2010

Alhambra, California

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH's Episcopal Visit to St. James Mission - 02/15/2010

Modesto, California

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH's Episcopal Visit to St. Athanasius Church - 02/14/2010

Sacramento, California

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH's Episcopal Visit to Holy Virgin Mary Church - 02/13/2010

West Sacramento, California

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH Presides over the Pacific Northwest and Prairie Deanery Meeting - 02/12/2010

San Fernando, California

12th Annual Diocesan Clergy Seminar - 02/12/2010

San Fernando, California

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH's Episcopal Visit to St. Timothy Church - 02/07/2010

Lompoc, California

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH Presides over the Order of St. Ignatius of Antioch Los Angeles Area Fellowship Dinner - 01/31/2010

Studio City, California

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH's Episcopal Visit to St. George Church - 01/31/2010

Upland, California

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH Consecrates Ss. Peter and Paul Church - 01/24/2010

Salt Lake City, Utah

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH Celebrates the Patronal Feast of St. Anthony Church - 01/17/2010

San Diego, California

The Priest Joseph Corrigan is assigned as the Pastor of St. John the Theologian Mission in San Juan Capistrano, California, effective February 1, 2010 - 01/11/2010

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH's Episcopal Visit to St. Athanasius Church - 01/10/2010

Goleta, California

The elevation of Father John Carrillo to the dignity of Archpriest.

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH Celebrates Old Calendar Nativity with His Grace, Bishop MAXIM at St. Steven Serbian Cathedral - 01/07/2010

Alhambra, California

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH's Episcopal Visit to St. James Mission - 01/03/2010

Anaheim, California

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH's Episcopal Visit to St. Herman Church - 12/27/2009

Wasilla, Alaska

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH Visits North Star Bakery - 12/26/2009

Wasilla, Alaska

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH's Episcopal Visit to St. John Cathedral - 12/25/2009

Eagle River, Alaska

The ordination of Subdeacon Thomas Frizelle to the Holy Diaconate.

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH's Episcopal Visit to All Saints of North America Mission - 12/20/2009

Homer, Alaska

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH's Episcopal Visit to St. Vincent of Lerins Church - 12/13/2009

Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH Celebrates the Patronal Feast of St. Nicholas Cathedral - 12/06/2009

Los Angeles, California

First Ever Pan-Orthodox Clergy Retreat in the West - 12/03/2009

Dunlap, California

Canonical Hierarchs in the West Coast Celebrate the Trisagion Service for His Holiness, Patriarch PAVLE of Serbia - 12/02/2009

Dunlap, California

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH and His Grace, Bishop BENJAMIN Bless the Foundation of St. Andrew Church - 11/30/2009

Riverside, California

His Grace, Bishop BENJAMIN Celebrates the Patronal Feast of St. Andrew Church - 11/30/2009

Riverside, California

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH's Episcopal Visit to St. George Church - 11/29/2009

Upland, California

Annual Diocesan Antiochian Women's Retreat in Northern California - 11/08/2009

Menlo Park, California

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH Participates in the First Ever IOCC 5K Walk-A-Thon - 10/31/2009

Pasadena, California

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH's Episcopal Visit to St. Joseph the Damascene Church - 10/25/2009

New Westminster, British Columbia, Canada

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH's Episcopal Visit to Holy Nativity Mission - 10/24/2009

Langley, British Columbia, Canada

Kursk Root Icon of the All-Holy Theotokos Visits Ss. Peter and Paul Church - 10/19/2009

Salt Lake City, Utah

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH Presides over the Patronal Feast Day and 50th Anniversary of St. Luke Church - 10/18/2009

Garden Grove, California

Kursk Root Icon of the All-Holy Theotokos Visits St. Ignatius Mission - 10/17/2009

Twin Falls, Idaho

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH Participates in the Fall Meeting of the Archdiocesan Board of Trustees - 10/17/2009

Houston, Texas

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH Participates in the Fall Meeting of the Archdiocesan Synod - 10/16/2009

Houston, Texas

Annual Diocesan Fall Gathering - 10/11/2009

Torrance, California

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH's Episcopal Visit to St. Philip Church - 10/04/2009

Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH Blesses the Community in Fort Saskatchewan, Alberta with the Name "Protection of the Holy Theotokos" - 10/03/2009

Fort Saskatchewan, Alberta, Canada

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH Visits St. Thekla Monastery at the Antiochian Village - 09/27/2009

Ligonier, Pennsylvania

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH Presides over the 30th Annual St. Thekla Pilgrimage at the Antiochian Village - 09/27/2009

Ligonier, Pennsylvania

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH Presides over the Northern California Deanery Meeting - 09/21/2009

Los Altos Hills, California

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH's Episcopal Visit to St. Nicholas Church - 09/20/2009

San Francisco, California

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH's Episcopal Visit to the Church of the Annunciation - 09/13/2009

Calgary, Alberta, Canada

Sixth Gathering of the Canonical Orthodox Bishops in the West Coast - 09/09/2009

Studio City, California

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH's Episcopal Visit to St. Peter the Apostle Church - 08/23/2009

San Dimas, California

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH Elevates Father Michael Tassos to the Dignity of Archpriest - 08/16/2009

Los Angeles, California

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH Presides over the Feast of the Dormition of the Holy Theotokos at St. Michael Church - 08/15/2009

Van Nuys, California

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH Teaches on the Holy Dormition at St. Nicholas Cathedral - 08/14/2009

Los Angeles, California

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH Celebrates the Patronal Feast of the Church of the Redeemer - 08/09/2009

Los Altos Hills, California

His Beatitude, Metropolitan JONAH and His Grace, Bishop BENJAMIN Visit St. John Cathedral - 08/05/2009

Eagle River, Alaska

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH Preaches at the Hierarchical Divine Liturgy of the Archdiocesan Convention - 07/26/2009

Palm Desert, California

Joel Schaefer Wins Archdiocesan Oratorical Festival - 07/25/2009

Palm Desert, California

Diocesan Bible Bowl Team Participates in Archdiocesan Festival - 07/22/2009

Palm Desert, California

His Eminence, Metropolitan PHILIP, His Eminence, Metropolitan PAUL and His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH Celebrate at St. Nicholas Cathedral - 07/19/2009

Los Angeles, California

His Eminence, Metropolitan PHILIP Meets with Diocesan Clergy - 07/17/2009

Los Angeles, California

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH's Episcopal Visit to Holy Cross Church - 07/05/2009

Palmdale, California

The ordination of Deacon Nathan Thompson to the Holy Priesthood.

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH's Episcopal Visit to St. Michael Church - 06/28/2009

Van Nuys, California

The ordination of Deacon Ephraim Alkhas to the Holy Priesthood.

Archdiocesan Hierarchs Meet with His Beatitude, Patriarch IGNATIUS IV - 06/03/2009

Damascus, Syria

2009 Diocesan Parish Life Conference - 05/24/2009

Santa Clara, California

Two Seminarians from the Diocese Graduate from St. Tikhon's Seminary - 05/23/2009

South Canaan, Pennsylvania

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH Presides over the Pacific Northwest and Prairie Deanery Meeting - 05/19/2009

Santa Clara, California

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH's Episcopal Visit to St. George Church - 05/17/2009

Portland, Oregon

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH Meets with the Members of the Moscow, Idaho Mission Station - 05/10/2009

Post Falls, Idaho

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH's Episcopal Visit to St. John the Baptist Church - 05/10/2009

Post Falls, Idaho

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH's Episcopal Visit to Christ the Savior Church - 05/09/2009

Spokane Valley, Washington

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH's Episcopal Visit to St. Nicholas Church - 05/07/2009

Spokane, Washington

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH's First Episcopal Visit to Holy Myrrhbearing Women Mission - 05/03/2009

Bonners Ferry, Idaho

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH Visits the Schrom Boy's Home - 05/01/2009

Bonners Ferry, Idaho

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH Meets with the Spokane and Northern Idaho Clergy - 05/01/2009

Spokane, Washington

Holy Week and Pascha Celebrations around the Diocese of Los Angeles and the West - 04/30/2009

All Parishes were asked to submit photos of their Holy Week and Paschal Services. Our appreciation goes to the Parishes who participated in this.

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH Presides over the 60th Anniversary of St. George Church - 04/26/2009

Phoenix, Arizona

The elevation of Father Christopher Salamy to the dignity of Archpriest.

Special Meeting of the Archdiocesan Synod is Held - 04/24/2009

Englewood, New Jersey

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH Celebrates Bright Wednesday with the Southern California Clergy at St. Nicholas Cathedral - 04/22/2009

Los Angeles, California

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH's Episcopal Visits During Holy Week - 04/19/2009

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH Celebrates Palm Sunday at St. Nicholas Cathedral - 04/12/2009

Los Angeles, California

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH Chrismates Four People on Lazarus Saturday at St. Nicholas Cathedral - 04/11/2009

Los Angeles, California

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH's Episcopal Visit to St. Michael Church - 04/05/2009

Las Vegas, Nevada

2009 Southern California Antiochian Women's Retreat Address, Frazier Park, CA - 04/03/2009

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH Addresses the Annual Antiochian Women's Retreat in Southern California - 04/03/2009

Frazier Park, California

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH's Episcopal Visit to Holy Cross Church - 03/29/2009

Palmdale, California

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH Presides over the Vesperal Divine Liturgy for the Annunciation at St. Andrew Church - 03/25/2009

Riverside, California

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH visits St. John the Forerunner Monastery - 03/23/2009

Goldendale, Washington

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH's Episcopal Visit to the Mission Station in Ellensburgh - 03/23/2009

Ellensburgh, Washington

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH Visits St. John of Kronstadt Orthodox School - 03/23/2009

Yakima, Washington

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH Celebrates the Adoration of the Holy Cross at Holy Cross Church - 03/22/2009

Yakima, Washington

The elevation of Deacon Nathaniel Hagler to the dignity of Protodeacon.

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH's Episcopal Visit to St. Barnabas Church - 03/15/2009

Costa Mesa, California

Sunday of Orthodoxy Celebration at St. Nicholas Cathedral - 03/08/2009

Los Angeles, California

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH Presides over the Presanctified Divine Liturgy at St. Nicholas Cathedral - 03/04/2009

Los Angeles, California

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH Episcopal Visit to St. Raphael of Brooklyn Mission - 03/01/2009

Palm Springs, California

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH's Episcopal Visit to St. Innocent Church - 02/22/2009

Everson, Washington

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH and His Grace, Bishop TIKHON Concelebrate at St. Nicholas Cathedral - 02/15/2009

Los Angeles, California

The ordination of Deacon John Christianson to the Holy Priesthood.

His Grace, Bishop TIKHON of Philadelphia Visits the Los Angeles Chancery - 02/14/2009

Los Angeles, California

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH and His Grace, Bishop TIKHON Visit the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library - 02/13/2009

Simi Valley, California

11th Annual Diocesan Clergy Seminar - 02/13/2009

San Fernando, California

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH Presides over the Pacific Northwest and Prairie Deanery Meeting - 02/12/2009

San Fernando, California

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH's Episcopal Visit to St. George Church - 02/08/2009

San Diego, California

His Grace, Bishop TIKHON of Philadelphia and Eastern Pennsylvania to Visit the Diocese of Los Angeles and the West - 02/03/2009

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH and the entire Diocese of Los Angeles and the West welcome His Grace, Bishop TIKHON from the Orthodox Church in America (OCA) to the Diocese, where he will address the clergy as keynote speaker for the annual Diocesan Clergy Seminar in San Fernando, California from February 9-13.

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH's Episcopal Visit to St. Timothy Church - 02/01/2009

Lompoc, California

His Holiness, Patriarch KIRILL Enthroned as the 16th Patriarch of Moscow and all Russia - 02/01/2009

AXIOS! AXIOS! AXIOS! His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH, and the clergy and the faithful of the Holy Diocese of Los Angeles and the West extend their prayers and best wishes to His Holiness, Patriarch KIRILL, Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia, on the occasion of his enthronement as the 16th Patriarch of Moscow and all Russia on Sunday, February 1, 2009 at Christ the Savior Patriarchal Cathedral in Moscow. May God grant him many years of service to His Holy Church. Eis polla eti, Despota!

01585 Re-launches with a New Look - 02/01/2009

Welcome to the revamped! This has been our Diocese’s main tool in reporting and chronicling her holy life through the countless photos, articles, and audio and video recordings.

His Eminence, Metropolitan KIRILL of Smolensk and Kaliningrad elected Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia - 01/27/2009

AXIOS! AXIOS! AXIOS! His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH, and the clergy and the faithful of the Holy Diocese of Los Angeles and the West extend their prayers and best wishes to His Holiness, Patriarch KIRILL (former Metropolitan of Smolensk and Kaliningrad) on the occasion of his election as the 16th Patriarch of Moscow and all Russia by the Local Council of the Russian Orthodox Church on Tuesday, January 27, 2009. His enthronement will take place at Christ the Savior Patriarchal Cathedral in Moscow on Sunday, February 1, 2009. May God grant him many years of service to His Holy Church.

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH Meets with the Coptic and Syriac Bishops of Los Angeles - 01/26/2009

Los Angeles, California

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH's Episcopal Visit to St. Athanasius Church - 01/25/2009

Goleta, California

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH Addresses the 2009 West Coast Sacred Music Institute - 01/24/2009

Santa Barbara, California

Fifth Gathering of the Canonical Orthodox Bishops in the West Coast - 01/22/2009

San Francisco, California

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH Presides over Great Vespers for the Patronal Feast of St. Timothy Church - 01/21/2009

Fairfield, California

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH Presides over the Northern California Deanery Meeting - 01/21/2009

San Francisco, California

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH Celebrates the 40 Day Trisagion Service for the Archpriest Richard Ballew - 01/21/2009

San Francisco, California

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH's Episcopal Visit to St. Anthony Church - 01/18/2009

San Diego, California

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH Presides over the Southern California Deanery Meeting - 01/14/2009

Irvine, California

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH Celebrates the 40 Day Trisagion Service for His Holiness, Patriarch ALEXY II - 01/14/2009

Irvine, California

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH's Episcopal Visit to St. Mark Church - 01/11/2009

Irvine, California

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH Meets with His Eminence, Archbishop Hovnan, Primate of the Western Diocese of the Armenian Church - 01/09/2009

Burbank, California

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH concelebrates Old Calendar Nativity with His Grace, Bishop MAXIM at St. Steven Serbian Cathedral - 01/07/2009

Alhambra, California

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH's Episcopal Visit to St. Peter the Apostle Church - 01/04/2009

San Dimas, California

The ordination of Subdeacon Nathan Thompson to the Holy Diaconate.

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH's Episcopal Visit to the State of Alaska for the Feast of the Holy Nativity of our Lord - 12/28/2008

The elevation of Deacon Patrick Lamb to the dignity of Protodeacon.

Address at the Funeral of the Very Reverend Archpriest Richard Ballew, Elk Grove, CA - 12/16/2008

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH's Episcopal Visit to Ss. Peter and Paul Church - 12/14/2008

Salt Lake City, Utah

The ordination of Deacon Justin Havens to the Holy Priesthood.

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH Celebrates the Patronal Feast of St. Nicholas Cathedral - 12/07/2008

Los Angeles, California

The ordination of Deacon Paul Olson to the Holy Priesthood.
The ordination of Subdeacon Maxime Najim to the Holy Diaconate.

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH's Episcopal Visit to St. George Church - 11/30/2008

Upland, California

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH, His Grace, Bishop MAXIM and His Grace Bishop IRINEJ of Australia and New Zealand Preside over a Dinner to Benefit the Work of IOCC - 11/23/2008

Alhambra, California

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH's Episcopal Visit to St. Matthew Church - 11/23/2008

Torrance, California

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH's Episcopal Visit to St. Michael Church - 11/16/2008

Van Nuys, California

Annual Diocesan Antiochian Women's Retreat in Northern California - 11/16/2008

Danville, California

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH and Clergy of Southern California Attend Clergy Institute with His Eminence, Archbishop DEMETRIOS at Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Greek Church - 11/14/2008

Long Beach, California

Seminarians Participate in the Annual Seminarian Dinner at the Archdiocese Headquarters - 11/13/2008

Englewood, New Jersey

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH Attends Conferral of a Doctorate in Humane Letters, honoris causa, on His Eminence, Archbishop DEMETRIOS of America at Loyola Marymount University - 11/13/2008

Los Angeles, California

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH's Episcopal Visit to St. James Mission - 11/09/2008

Anaheim, California

His Beatitude, Patriarch IGNATIUS IV Presides over the Archdiocesan Holy Synod and Board of Trustees Meetings, and Celebrates the Patriarchal Divine Liturgy - 11/02/2008

Boston, Massachusetts

Canonical Bishops in the West Coast Gather to Celebrate the 2,000th Anniversary of the Birth of St. Paul the Apostle at St. Steven Serbian Cathedral - 10/28/2008

Alhambra, California

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH Consecrates the New Church Temple of the Orthodox Church of the Redeemer - 10/26/2008

Los Altos Hills, California

The elevation of Father Samer Youssef to the dignity of Archpriest.

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH's Episcopal Visit to St. Luke Church - 10/19/2008

Garden Grove, California

Annual Diocesan Fall Gathering - 10/12/2008

Riverside, California

Address to the 2008 Diocesan Fall Gathering, Riverside, CA - 10/11/2008

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH Presides over the Dedication of the New Parish Hall in Memory of Archimandrite Michael Trigg at St. Michael Church - 09/28/2008

Whittier, California

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH Blesses the Church School Children for the Beginning of the School Year at St. Nicholas Cathedral - 09/21/2008

Los Angeles, California

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH Welcomes His Grace, Bishop MAXIM and the Belgrade Theological Choir to St. Nicholas Cathedral - 09/07/2008

Los Angeles, California

Diocesan Seminarians participate in the Seminarian Track of the Antiochian House of Studies - 08/23/2008

Ligonier, Pennsylvania

His Grace, Bishop MAXIM of the Serbian Diocese of Western America Visits St. John Cathedral - 08/15/2008

Eagle River, Alaska

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH Presides over Pan-Orthodox Youth Rally at St. Nicholas Cathedral - 08/09/2008

Los Angeles, California

Fourth Gathering of the Canonical Orthodox Bishops in the West Coast - 07/30/2008

Alhambra, California

Diocese of Los Angeles and the West Shines at Antiochian Archdiocese Mid-Summer Meetings - 07/27/2008

Ligonier, Pennsylvania

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH Ordains Seminary Graduate Deacon Nikolai Meyers to the Holy Priesthood at St. Andrew Church - 07/20/2008

Riverside, California

The ordination of Deacon Nikolai Meyers to the Holy Priesthood.

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH's Episcopal Visit to Holy Resurrection Church - 07/13/2008

Tucson, Arizona

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH Celebrates the Groundbreaking Service for the New Church Temple at Holy Resurrection Church - 07/12/2008

Tucson, Arizona

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH Visits St. Paisius Serbian Monastery - 07/11/2008

Safford, Arizona

2008 Diocesan Parish Life Conference - 07/06/2008

Los Angeles, California

The ordination of Deacon George Taweel to the Holy Priesthood.
The ordination of Subdeacon Paul Monge to the Holy Diaconate.

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH Presides over the Pacific Northwest Deanery Meeting - 07/01/2008

Los Angeles, California

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH Celebrates the Feast of Ss. Peter and Paul at St. John the Theologian Mission - 06/29/2008

San Juan Capistrano, California

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH Attends Kosovo Charity Banquet with His Grace, Bishop MAXIM, His Grace, Bishop LONGIN and His Grace, Bishop Theodosije at St. Sava Serbian Church - 06/21/2008

San Gabriel, California

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH Leads Holy Pilgrimage to Russia - 06/18/2008

Moscow and St. Petersburg, Russia

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH Visits Holy Transfiguration Monastery and Serves a Trisagion Service for Kh. Joanne Abdalah - 06/01/2008

Ellwood City, Pennsylvania

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH Participates in the Spring Meeting of the Archdiocesan Board of Trustees - 05/31/2008

Ligonier, Pennsylvania

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH Participates in the Spring Meeting of the Archdiocesan Holy Synod - 05/30/2008

Ligonier, Pennsylvania

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH's Episcopal Visit to St. Nicholas Church - 05/25/2008

San Francisco, California

Diocesan Seminarian Graduates St. Tikhon's Seminary with Distinction in Pastoral Theology - 05/24/2008

South Canaan, Pennsylvania

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH Concelebrates with His Eminence, Archbishop Theodosius - 05/18/2008

Los Angeles, California

Diocesan Seminarian Graduates St. Vladimir's Seminary as Valedictorian - 05/17/2008

Crestwood, New York

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH's Episcopal Visit to St. Ignatius of Antioch Mission - 05/11/2008

Twin Falls, Idaho

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH's Episcopal Visit to Holy Transfiguration Mission - 05/10/2008

Boise, Idaho

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH's Episcopal Visit to St. Thomas Mission - 05/04/2008

Snohomish, Washington

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH's Episcopal Visit to St. Andrew Church - 05/02/2008

Arlington, Washington

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH and His Grace, Bishop BENJAMIN Concelebrate Bright Wednesday at St. Nicholas Cathedral - 04/30/2008

Los Angeles, California

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH's Episcopal Visits During Holy Week - 04/27/2008

Northern California Deanery

The Elevation of Father Thomas Zell to the dignity of Archpriest.
The Elevation of Father Joseph Tanguay to the dignity of Archpriest.

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH Celebrates Palm Sunday at St. Nicholas Cathedral - 04/20/2008

Los Angeles, California

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH Celebrates Lazarus Saturday at St. Michael Church - 04/19/2008

Van Nuys, California

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH Presides over the Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts at St. Mark Church - 04/16/2008

Irvine, California

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH's Episcopal Visit to St. Ignatius of Antioch Mission - 04/13/2008

Mesa, Arizona

The Annual Antiochian Women's Retreat in Southern California - 04/13/2008

Frazier Park, California

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH's Episcopal Visit to St. Barnabas Church - 04/06/2008

Costa Mesa, California

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH Presides over the Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts at St. Andrew Church - 04/02/2008

Riverside, California

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH Celebrates the Adoration of the Holy Cross at Holy Cross Church - 03/30/2008

Palmdale, California

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH's Episcopal Visit the Churches in Spokane and Post Falls - 03/24/2008

Spokane, Washington & Post Falls, Idaho

The elevation of Father Bernard Kinnick to the dignity of Archpriest.

The Canonical Hierarchs in the West Coast Concelebrate the Sunday of Orthodoxy - 03/16/2008

Los Angeles, California

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH Leads the Lenten Retreat at St. Vladimir's Seminary - 03/11/2008

Crestwood, New York

Address to St. Vladimir's Seminary, Crestwood, NY - 03/10/2008

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH's Episcopal Visit to St. James Mission - 03/02/2008

Anaheim, California

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH's Episcopal Visit to St. Innocent Church - 02/25/2008

Everson, Washington

The ordination of Deacon Gregory Newman to the Holy Priesthood.

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH Presents the Relics of St. Athanasius Alexandria to St. Athanasius Church - 02/17/2008

Goleta, California

Address to St. Athanasius Church, Goleta, CA - 02/16/2008

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH's Episcopal Visit to St. Timothy Church - 02/10/2008

Lompoc, California

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH Presides over the Pacific Northwest and Prairie Deanery Meeting - 02/08/2008

San Fernando, California

10th Annual Diocesan Clergy Seminar - 02/08/2008

San Fernando, California

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH's Episcopal Visit to St. George Church - 02/03/2008

Upland, California

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH's Episcopal Visits to St. Joseph the Damascene Church and Holy Nativity Mission - 01/27/2008

New Westminster and Langley, BC

The ordination of Subdeacon Elias Shomali to the Holy Diaconate.

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH Receives His Grace, Bishop THOMAS at the Los Angeles Chancery - 01/23/2008

Los Angeles, California

Pan-Orthodox Winter Youth Retreat at All Saints Camp - 01/21/2008

Gig Harbor, Washington

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH Concelebrates with His Grace, Bishop MAXIM and His Grace, Bishop THOMAS at St. Nicholas Cathedral - 01/20/2008

Los Angeles, California

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH's Episcopal Visit to Holy Virgin Mary Church - 01/13/2008

West Sacramento, California

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH Presides over the Annual Holiday Luncheon of the Antiochian Women of St. Nicholas Cathedral - 01/12/2008

Glendale, California

Diocesan Conference Planning and Coordination Committee (CPCC) Meeting - 01/09/2008

Burbank, California

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH Meets with "The Loafers" - 01/09/2008

Los Angeles, California

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH Celebrates the Feast of Theophany at St. Peter the Apostle Church - 01/06/2008

San Dimas, California

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH's Episcopal Visit to St. Michael Church - 12/30/2007

Van Nuys, California

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH's Episcopal Visit to the State of Alaska - 12/26/2007

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH's Episcopal Visit to St. George Church - 12/16/2007

San Diego, California

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH's Episcopal Visit to Ss. Peter and Paul Church - 12/09/2007

Ben Lomond, California

The elevation of Father Andrew Beck to the dignity of Archpriest.

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH Presides over the Southern California Deanery Meeting - 12/04/2007

Garden Grove, California

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH and His Grace, Bishop BENJAMIN Concelebrate the Patronal Feast of St. Nicholas Cathedral - 12/02/2007

Los Angeles, California

The ordination of Deacon George Ajalat to the Holy Priesthood.

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH and His Eminence, Metropolitan NIKITAS Preside over Vespers and Dinner to Benefit the Work of IOCC - 11/18/2007

Los Angeles, California

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH's Episcopal Visit to St. Stephen Church - 11/18/2007

Campbell, California

Canonical Orthodox Bishops in the West Coast Gather to Celebrate the Commemoration of the 1600th Anniversary of the Repose of St. John Chrysostom - 11/13/2007

Los Angeles, California

Fellowship of St. John the Divine Retreat in the Prairie Deanery - 11/12/2007

Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

Annual Diocesan Antiochian Women's Retreat in Northern California - 11/11/2007

Danville, California

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH Celebrates the 20th Anniversary of Holy Cross Church - 11/11/2007

Yakima, Washington

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH Celebrates the Patronal Feast of St. Raphael Church - 11/04/2007

Palm Springs, California

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH's Episcopal Visit to St. Michael Church - 10/29/2007

Las Vegas, Nevada

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH Presides over the Patronal Feast Day Celebration at St. James Church - 10/23/2007

Modesto, California

Annual Diocesan Fall Gathering - 10/21/2007

Sacramento, California

The Ordination of Deacon Stephen Howell to the Holy Priesthood.
The Ordination of Deacon Polycarp Whitcomb to the Holy Priesthood.

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH's Episcopal Visit to St. Luke Church - 10/14/2007

Garden Grove, California

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH Presides over the 75th Birthday Celebration of Father Jon Braun - 10/07/2007

San Diego, California

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH Participates in the Installation of His Grace, Bishop BENJAMIN - 10/02/2007

San Francisco, California

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH Meets with His Eminence, Metropolitan GERASIMOS, and His Eminence, Metropolitan NIKITAS - 10/01/2007

San Francisco, California

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH's Episcopal Visit to St. Nicholas Church - 09/30/2007

San Francisco, California

The Ordination of Subdeacon John (Ronald) Tershay to the Holy Diaconate

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH Visits St. Tikhon's Seminary and Monastery - 09/26/2007

South Canaan, Pennsylvania

The Ordination of Subdeacon Nikolai (Kevin) Meyers to the Holy Diaconate

Address to the St. Tikhon's Seminary Fall Lecture Series, South Canaan, PA - 09/25/2007

2007 Diocesan Young Adult Conference - 09/23/2007

Costa Mesa, California

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH Presides over the Celebration of Great Economos Michel Najim's 30 years in the Holy Priesthood - 09/23/2007

Los Angeles, California

Antiochian Women's Executive Board Meeting - 09/22/2007

Corona, California

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH Attends the Dinner to Welcome His Eminence, Metropolitan NIKITAS - 09/16/2007

Oakland, California

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH's Episcopal Visit to St. John the Evangelist Church - 09/16/2007

Orinda, California

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH's Episcopal Visit to the Church of the Annunciation - 09/09/2007

Calgary, Alberta, Canada

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH's Episcopal Visit to St. Timothy Church - 08/26/2007

Fairfield, California

The elevation of Father Silas Ruark to the dignity of Archpriest.

Diocesan Seminarians participate in the Seminarian Track of the Antiochian House of Studies - 08/25/2007

Ligonier, Pennsylvania

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH's Episcopal Visit to St. Peter the Apostle Church - 08/19/2007

San Dimas, California

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH's Episcopal Visit to the Orthodox Church of the Redeemer - 08/12/2007

Los Altos Hills, California

Diocesan Conference Planning and Coordination Committee (CPCC) Meeting - 08/06/2007

Burbank, California

Second Gathering of the Canonical Orthodox Bishops in the West Coast - 07/19/2007

San Francisco, California

St. Mary of Egypt Orthodox Camp - 07/14/2007

Liberty Lake, Washington

2007 Diocesan Parish Life Conference - 07/01/2007

Portland, Oregon

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH Presides over the Pacific Northwest Deanery Meeting - 06/26/2007

Portland, Oregon

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH Blesses the New Chapel Iconostasis at St. Nicholas Cathedral - 06/24/2007

Los Angeles, California

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH's Episcopal Visit to Holy Cross Church - 06/17/2007

Palmdale, California

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH's Episcopal Visit to St. John the Evangelist Cathedral - 06/12/2007

Eagle River, Alaska

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH Consecrates the Church Building of All Saints of America Mission - 06/10/2007

Homer, Alaska

The elevation of Father Paul Jaroslaw to the dignity of Archpriest.

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH Tours the New Iconography at St. George Church - 06/05/2007

Portland, Oregon

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH receives His Grace, Bishop ATANASIJE, the Retired Bishop of Hercegovina, and His Grace, Bishop MAXIM of the Serbian Diocese of Western America at the Los Angeles Chancery - 06/05/2007

Los Angeles, California

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH Participates in Archdiocesan Meetings and 50th Anniversary of St. Anthony Church - 06/03/2007

Englewood, Tenafly, and Bergenfield, New Jersey

Washington State Clergy Association Celebrate the Divine Liturgy at St. Nicholas ROCOR Cathedral - 05/28/2007

Seattle, Washington

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH celebrates the Great Feast of Pentecost at St. Andrew Church - 05/27/2007

Riverside, California

20th Anniversary of St. Paul Church, Brier, WA - 05/20/2007

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH's Episcopal Visit to St. Paul Church - 05/20/2007

Brier, Washington

The elevation of Deacon Philip Jenson to the dignity of Protodeacon.

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH's Episcopal Visit to St. Vincent of Lerins Church - 05/13/2007

Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH's Episcopal Visit to St. Matthew Church - 05/06/2007

Torrance, California

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH's Episcopal Visit to St. Michael Church - 04/29/2007

Whittier, California

2007 St. Nicholas Cathedral Debutant Ball Address, Los Angeles, CA - 04/28/2007

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH Visits St. Paisius Serbian Monastery - 04/23/2007

Safford, Arizona

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH's Episcopal Visit to Holy Resurrection Church - 04/22/2007

Tucson, Arizona

The Annual Antiochian Women's Retreat in Southern California - 04/22/2007

Frazier Park, California

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH Presides over the Northern California Deanery Meeting - 04/16/2007

Sacramento, California

Fellowship of St. John the Divine Retreat in Arizona - 04/15/2007

Oracle, Arizona

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH's Episcopal Visit to St. Athanasius Church - 04/15/2007

Sacramento, California

The 2007 Feast of Great and Holy Pascha around the Diocese of Los Angeles and the West - 04/13/2007

All Parishes were asked to submit photos of their Paschal Services. Our appreciation goes to the Parishes who participated in this.

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH, His Grace, Bishop MAXIM, and His Grace, Bishop BENJAMIN Concelebrate Bright Wednesday at St. Nicholas Cathedral - 04/11/2007

Los Angeles, California

Historic Gathering of the Canonical Orthodox Bishops in the West Coast - 04/10/2007

Los Angeles, California

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH's Episcopal Visits During Holy Week - 04/08/2007

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH Celebrates the Feast of Palm Sunday at St. James Church - 04/01/2007

Anaheim, California

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH Celebrates the Feast of the Annunciation at St. George Church - 03/25/2007

Upland, California

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH Presides over Great Vespers for the Feast of the Annunciation at St. Nicholas Cathedral - 03/24/2007

Los Angeles, California

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH Presides over the Pan-Orthodox Lenten Vespers at St. Stephen Serbian Cathedral - 03/18/2007

Alhambra, California

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH's Episcopal Visit to St. Peter the Apostle Church - 03/18/2007

San Dimas, California

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH's Episcopal Visit to Holy Cross Church - 03/12/2007

Yakima, Washington

The elevation of Father Timothy McCoy to the dignity of Archpriest.

Fellowship of St. John the Divine Retreat in Northern California - 03/04/2007

Boulder Creek, California

Address to the St. Tikhon's Seminary Community, South Canaan, PA - 03/01/2007

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH Visits St. Tikhon Seminary and Monastery - 03/01/2007

South Canaan, Pennsylvania

2007 Sunday of Orthodoxy Address, Worcester, MA - 02/25/2007

Church of the Redeemer Hosts Sunday of Orthodoxy in Northern California - 02/25/2007

Los Altos Hills, California

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH Celebrates the Sunday of Orthodoxy at St. George Cathedral - 02/25/2007

Worcester, Massachusetts

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH Visits Holy Trinity Eastern Orthodox Nursing and Rehabilitation Center - 02/24/2007

Worcester, Massachusetts

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH Consecrates the New Holy Table and Iconostasis at St. George Church - 02/18/2007

Phoenix, Arizona

20th Anniversary of St. Barnabas Church, Costa Mesa, CA - 02/11/2007

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH's Episcopal Visit to St. Barnabas Church - 02/11/2007

Costa Mesa, California

The elevation of Father Michael Reagan to the dignity of Archpriest.

9th Annual Diocesan Clergy Seminar - 02/09/2007

San Fernando, California

2007 Diocesan Clergy Seminar Opening Remarks, San Fernando, CA - 02/05/2007

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH receives the Dean of St. Tikhon's Seminary - 02/05/2007

Los Angeles, California

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH's Episcopal Visit to Ss. Peter and Paul Church - 02/04/2007

Salt Lake City, Utah

The elevation of Father John Sommer to the dignity of Archpriest.
The ordination of Subdeacon Justin Havens to the Holy Diaconate.

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH receives His Grace, Bishop MAXIM at the Los Angeles Chancery - 01/30/2007

Los Angeles, California

10th Anniversary of St. Andrew Church, Arlington, WA - 01/28/2007

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH Celebrates the 10th Anniversary of St. Andrew Church - 01/28/2007

Arlington, Washington

The elevation of Father David Hovik to the dignity of Archpriest.

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH Celebrates the Patronal Feast Day of St. Timothy Church - 01/22/2007

Lompoc, California

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH's Episcopal Visit to St. Athanasius Church - 01/21/2007

Goleta, California

First Ever Winter Camp at Camp St. Nicholas - 01/21/2007

Frazier Park, California

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH Meets with the Non-Chalcedonian Orthodox Bishops of the West Coast - 01/15/2007

Los Angeles, California

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH's Episcopal Visit to St. Anthony Church - 01/14/2007

San Diego, California

Diocesan Conference Planning and Coordination Committee (CPCC) Meeting - 01/11/2007

Encino, California

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH concelebrates with His Grace, Bishop MAXIM at St. Steven Serbian Cathedral - 01/07/2007

Alhambra, California

Second Annual Winter Camp at Camp St. Nicholas - 01/06/2007

Frazier Park, California

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH blesses the Water on the Feast of Theophany at St. Nicholas Cathedral - 01/06/2007

Los Angeles, California

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH receives His Eminence, Metropolitan GERASIMOS of San Francisco at the Los Angeles Chancery - 01/05/2007

Los Angeles, California

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH receives the Syriac Bishop of Los Angeles at the Los Angeles Chancery - 01/02/2007

Los Angeles, California

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH's Episcopal Visit to the State of Alaska - 12/25/2006

The Ordination of Subdeacon John Rogers to the Holy Diaconate.

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH Presides over the Divine Liturgy for the Feast of St. Herman at Holy Dormition Chapel - 12/13/2006

Los Angeles, California

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH celebrates the Patronal Feast of St. Nicholas Cathedral - 12/03/2006

Los Angeles, California

The Ordination of Subdeacon Paul Olson to the Holy Diaconate.

St. Luke's Junior Team wins Southern California Pan-Orthodox Teen Bible Bowl - 12/02/2006

Anaheim, California

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH Presides over the Patronal Feast of St. Andrew Church - 11/29/2006

Riverside, California

Diocesan Cathedral Hosts Byzantine Music Seminar for Southern California Deanery - 11/18/2006

Los Angeles, California

2006 Nativity Message - 11/15/2006

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH's Presides over the Patronal Feast of St. Matthew Church - 11/15/2006

Torrance, California

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH Presides over the Divine Liturgy to begin the Advent Fast at the Chapel of the Holy Dormition - 11/15/2006

Los Angeles, California

Pastoral Message on Confession - 11/14/2006

The Annual Diocesan Antiochian Women's Retreat in Northern California - 11/12/2006

Menlo Park, California

Fellowship of St. John the Divine Retreat in the Prairie Deanery - 11/12/2006

Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

Southern California Deanery Summer Camp Committee Holds the First Ever Camp at Home Day - 11/11/2006

Garden Grove, California

Diocesan Seminarians Participate in the Annual Seminarian Dinner at the Archdiocese Headquarters - 11/07/2006

Englewood, New Jersey

The Annual Diocesan Delegates Meetings - 10/22/2006

Whittier, California

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH Makes His First Two Public Appearances Following His Back Surgery - 10/21/2006

Whittier & Los Angeles California

The Annual Fall Dinner of the Southern California Chapter of the Order of St. Ignatius of Antioch - 10/15/2006

Studio City, California

Seminarians Participate in the 2006 Fall Orthodox Inter-Seminary Movement (OISM) Gathering - 09/23/2006

South Canaan, Pennsylvania

Washington State Clergy Association Retreat - 09/20/2006

Goldendale, Washington

Antiochian Women's Executive Board Meeting - 09/16/2006

Burbank, California

2006 Diocesan Young Adult Conference - 09/04/2006

Oakland, California

Seminarians Visit the Flight 93 National Memorial - 09/03/2006

Shanksville, Pennsylvania

Diocesan Faithful participate in the Antiochian House of Studies - 09/01/2006

Ligonier, Pennsylvania

Washington State Clergy Make First Mission Trip to Wenatchee - 08/19/2006

Wenatchee, Washington

His Grace, Bishop THOMAS' Visit to Alaska - 08/17/2006

Homer & Eagle River, Alaska

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH Presides over the Feast of the Transfiguration of our Lord at St. Nicholas Cathedral - 08/06/2006

Los Angeles, California

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH Visits His Grace, Bishop MAXIM, the Newly-Enthroned Serbian Bishop of Western America - 08/05/2006

Alhambra, California

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH's Episcopal Visit to St. Nicholas Summer Camp - 08/03/2006

Frazier Park, California

The One-Year Anniversary of the Diocesan Website - 08/01/2006

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH's Episcopal Visit to St. Thomas Mission - 07/30/2006

Snohomish, Washington

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH Presides over the Pacific Northwest Deanery Meeting - 07/28/2006

Lynwood, Washington

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH Leads a Paraklesis Service to the Theotokos for peace in the Middle East - 07/26/2006

Los Angeles, California

Diocesan Delegates Participate in the Archdiocesan Mid-Summer Meetings and Festivals - 07/23/2006

Ligonier, Pennsylvania

St. Mary of Egypt Orthodox Camp - 07/21/2006

Liberty Lake, Washington

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH's Episcopal Visit to St. Andrew Church - 07/16/2006

Riverside, California

Diocesan Conference Planning and Coordination Committee (CPCC) Meeting - 07/11/2006

Burbank, California

25th Anniversary Celebration of St. Philip Church - 06/18/2006

Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

25th Anniversary of St. Philip Church, Edmonton, AB - 06/17/2006

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH makes his first Episcopal Visit to the Mission in Fort Saskatchewan - 06/16/2006

Fort Saskatchewan, Alberta, Canada

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH Celebrates the Great Feast of Pentecost at Holy Cross Church - 06/11/2006

Palmdale, California

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH attends the IOCC Dinner at St. Nicholas Greek Church - 06/11/2006

Northridge, California

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH visits St. John of Damascus Orthodox School - 06/07/2006

Goleta, California

20th Anniversary of St. Mark Church, Irvine, CA - 06/04/2006

20th Anniversary Celebration of St. Mark Church - 06/04/2006

Irvine, California

2006 Diocesan Parish Life Conference - 05/28/2006

San Diego, California

2006 State of the Diocese Address, San Diego, CA - 05/26/2006

Fellowship of St. John the Divine Retreat in the Desert Deanery - 05/21/2006

Phoenix, Arizona

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH receives the Archbishop and Archbishop Emeritus of the Melkite Church in America at the Los Angeles Chancery - 05/15/2006

Los Angeles, California

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH receives His Eminence, Metropolitan GERASIMOS of San Francisco at the Los Angeles Chancery - 05/08/2006

Los Angeles, California

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH's Episcopal Visit to St. Matthew Church - 05/07/2006

Torrance, California

The Ordination of Subdeacon Barsoum Barsoum to the Holy Diaconate.

The 2006 Feast of Great and Holy Pascha around the Diocese - 05/01/2006

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH concelebrates the Divine Liturgy with His Grace, Bishop ALEXANDER of Ottawa at St. Nicholas Cathedral - 04/30/2006

Los Angeles, California

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH welcomes His Grace, Bishop ALEXANDER of Ottawa to Los Angeles - 04/27/2006

Los Angeles, California

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH Celebrates Bright Wednesday with the Southern California Deanery Clergy at St. Nicholas Cathedral - 04/26/2006

Los Angeles, California

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH's Episcopal Visits from Palm Sunday thru Pascha - 04/23/2006

The Rite of Feet Washing at St. Nicholas Cathedral - 04/20/2006

Los Angeles, California

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH's Episcopal Visit to Ss. Peter and Paul Church - 04/09/2006

Salt Lake City, Utah

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH Addresses the Diocesan Antiochian Women's Retreat in Southern California - 04/07/2006

Frazier Park, California

Young Adults of the Diocese of Los Angeles and the West participate in OCF's "Real Break" Trip to Greece - 03/31/2006

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH Celebrates the Feast of the Adoration of the Holy Cross at St. Joseph the Damascene Church - 03/26/2006

New Westminster, British Columbia, Canada

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH Blesses the Antimins for Holy Nativity Mission - 03/25/2006

Langley, British Columbia, Canada

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH Celebrates the Feast of the Annunciation of the Theotokos - 03/25/2006

New Westminster and Langley, British Columbia, Canada

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH Presides over the Northern California Deanery Meeting - 03/20/2006

Orinda, California

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH Addresses the Northern California Parish Council Seminar - 03/19/2006

Los Altos Hills, California

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH's Episcopal Visit to St. Nicholas Church - 03/19/2006

San Francisco, California

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH Addresses the Northern California Christian Education Institute - 03/18/2006

San Francisco, California

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH Presides over the Sunday of Orthodoxy Service at St. Nicholas Cathedral - 03/12/2006

Los Angeles, California

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH's Episcopal Visit to St. George Church - 03/12/2006

Upland, California

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH hosts the Teen SOYO of St. Mark Church at the Los Angeles Chancery - 03/11/2006

Los Angeles, California

Fellowship of St. John the Divine Retreat in the Pacific Northwest Deanery - 03/05/2006

Liberty Lake, Washington

2006 Great Lent Message - 03/04/2006

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH's Episcopal Visit to St. Ignatius of Antioch Mission - 02/26/2006

Mesa, Arizona

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH's Episcopal Visit to St. James Mission - 02/19/2006

Anaheim, California

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH's Episcopal Visit to St. Michael Church - 02/12/2006

Las Vegas, Nevada

8th Annual Diocesan Clergy Seminar - 02/10/2006

San Fernando, California

Diocesan Delegates participate in the Archdiocesan Mid-Winter Meetings - 02/05/2006

Ligonier, Pennsylvania

Archdeacon George Shishim's 60th Birthday Celebration - 02/05/2006

Los Angeles, California

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH's Episcopal Visit to St. John the Theologian Mission - 01/29/2006

San Juan Capistrano, California

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH's Episcopal Visit to St. Athanasius Church - 01/22/2006

Goleta, California

The Ordination of Deacon Raphael Johnston to the Holy Priesthood.
The Elevation of Father Jon-Stephen Hedges to the dignity of Archpriest.
The Elevation of Father James King to the dignity of Archpriest.

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH's Episcopal Visit to St. Athanasius Church - 01/21/2006

Goleta, California

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH gives the Keynote Address to the 2006 West Coast Sacred Music Institute - 01/21/2006

Santa Barbara, California

10th Anniversary Celebration of St. Anthony Church - 01/15/2006

San Diego, California

10th Anniversary of St. Anthony Church, San Diego, CA - 01/14/2006

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH's Episcopal Visit to Holy Transfiguration Mission - 01/11/2006

Boise, Idaho

The Ordination of Deacon Mark Fenn to the Holy Priesthood.

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH's Episcopal Visit to St. Barnabas Church - 01/08/2006

Costa Mesa, California

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH Presides over Holiday Luncheon of the St. Nicholas Cathedral Antiochian Women - 01/07/2006

Glendale, California

Parish Council Elections Message - 01/04/2006

The 2005 Feast of the Nativity of our Lord around the Diocese of Los Angeles and the West - 12/31/2005

All Parishes were asked to submit photos of their Nativity Services. Our appreciation goes to the Parishes who participated in this.

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH's Episcopal Visit to the State of Alaska for the Feast of the Holy Nativity - 12/27/2005

Choir Appreciation Message - 12/19/2005

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH's Episcopal Visit to Ss. Peter and Paul Church - 12/11/2005

Ben Lomond, California

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH hosts the Antiochian Women of St. Nicholas Cathedral at the Los Angeles Chancery - 12/06/2005

Los Angeles, California

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH celebrates the Patronal Feast of St. Nicholas Cathedral - 12/04/2005

Los Angeles, California

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH presides over the Patronal Feast of St. Andrew Church - 11/29/2005

Riverside, California

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH's Episcopal Visit to St. George Church - 11/27/2005

San Diego, California

The Elevation of Father George Morelli to the Dignity of Archpriest.

2005 Nativity Message - 11/23/2005

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH, presides over the Divine Liturgy for Thanksgiving at St. Nicholas Cathedral - 11/23/2005

Los Angeles, California

10th Anniversary Celebration of St. John the Baptist Church - 11/20/2005

Post Falls, Idaho

Consecration of Christ the Savior Mission - 11/19/2005

Spokane Valley, Washington

The Ordination of Subdeacon Elijah Adkins to the Holy Diaconate.

Consecration of St. Nicholas Church - 11/18/2005

Spokane, Washington

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH presides over the Patronal Feast of St. Matthew Church - 11/15/2005

Torrance, California

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH presides over the Annual Northern California Antiochian Women's Retreat - 11/13/2005

Danville, California

2005 Northern California Ladies Retreat Address, Danville, CA - 11/12/2005

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH meets with the Northern California members of the Fellowship of St. John the Divine - 11/12/2005

Orinda, California

Groundbreaking of St. Raphael Mission, Palm Springs, CA - 11/05/2005

The Groundbreaking and Patronal Feast Celebration of St. Raphael Mission - 11/05/2005

Palm Springs, California

Dinner of the Southern California Chapter of the Order of St. Ignatius of Antioch, Studio City, CA - 10/30/2005

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH attends the Annual Fall Dinner of the Southern California Chapter of the Order of St. Ignatius of Antioch - 10/30/2005

Studio City, California

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH meets with the Southern California members of the Fellowship of St. John the Divine - 10/29/2005

Garden Grove, California

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH meets with the Diocesan Parish Life Conference Focus Group - 10/27/2005

Los Angeles, California

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH Celebrates the Patronal Feast of St. James Mission - 10/23/2005

Modesto, California

The Ordination of Subdeacon Dionysius Seib to the Holy Diaconate.

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH Presides over the Annual Diocesan Delegates Meetings - 10/16/2005

San Dimas, California

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH meets with the Diocesan Website Committee - 10/15/2005

San Dimas, California

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH meets with the Diocesan Officers of the Antiochian Women - 10/15/2005

San Dimas, California

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH Participates in the Consecration of Ss. Peter and Paul Church - 10/09/2005

Potomac, Maryland

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH Participates in the Fall Meeting of the Archdiocese Board of Trustees - 10/08/2005

Rockville, Maryland

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH Presides over the Trisagion Service at St. Nicholas Cathedral - 10/02/2005

Los Angeles, California

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH Presides over the Northern California Deanery Meeting - 09/26/2005

Orinda, California

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH's Episcopal Visit to St. Michael Church - 09/25/2005

Van Nuys, California

Diocesan Website Committee Meeting - 09/24/2005

Azusa, California

Antiochian Women's Executive Board Meeting - 09/24/2005

Burbank, California

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH's Episcopal Visit to St. Innocent Church - 09/18/2005

Everson, Washington

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH visits St. John of Kronstadt Orthodox School - 09/16/2005

Yakima, Washington

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH visits St. John the Forerunner Monastery - 09/15/2005

Goldendale, Washington

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH's Episcopal Visit to the Mission Station in Cle Elum - 09/14/2005

Cle Elum, Washington

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH Celebrates the Patronal Feast of Holy Cross Church - 09/14/2005

Yakima, Washington

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH presides over the Divine Liturgy and Prays for those who lost their lives on September 11, 2001, and the victims of Hurricane Katrina at St. Peter Church - 09/11/2005

San Dimas, California

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH presides over the Feast of the Nativity of the Holy Theotokos at St. Nicholas Cathedral - 09/07/2005

Los Angeles, California

The Retirement of the Very Reverend Nicholas and Kh. Malvi Neyman - 08/21/2005

Palmdale & Los Angeles, California

Retirement of the Very Reverend Nicholas & Khouriyee Malvi Neyman, Palmdale, CA - 08/20/2005

Feast of the Dormition of the Holy Theotokos at the Los Angeles Chancery Chapel of the Holy Dormition - 08/15/2005

Los Angeles, California

Blessing of the New Church Building of the Orthodox Church of the Redeemer - 08/07/2005

Los Altos Hills, California

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH's Episcopal Visit to St. Nicholas Summer Camp - 08/03/2005

Frazier Park, California

50th Diocesan Parish Life Conference - 07/03/2005

San Francisco, California

2005 Diocesan Parish Life Conference Clergy Meeting Address, San Francisco, CA - 06/29/2005

Luncheon Honoring Father Joseph Tanguay's Retirement Address, Goleta, CA - 06/26/2005

Banquet Honoring Father Michael Laffoon's 20th Anniversary Address, Irvine, CA - 06/12/2005

Dinner Supporting the Southern California Deanery Summer Camp Program Address, Garden Grove, CA - 06/11/2005

Banquet Honoring Father Patrick Jackson's Elevation to the Dignity of Archpriest Address, Campbell, CA - 05/22/2005

2005 Southern California Antiochian Women's Retreat Address, Frazier Park, CA - 04/15/2005

2005 Southern California Parish Council Seminar Address, Garden Grove, CA - 04/09/2005

Enthronement of His Eminence, Metropolitan GERASIMOS Address, Oakland, CA - 04/02/2005

The Consecration of the Chapel of the Holy Dormition - 03/08/2005

Los Angeles, California

2005 St. Nicholas Cathedral Debutant Ball Address, Los Angeles, CA - 02/26/2005

35th Anniversary of Holy Resurrection Church Address, Tucson, AZ - 02/19/2005

2005 Diocesan Clergy Seminar Opening Remarks, San Fernando, CA - 02/07/2005

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH's Episcopal Visit to St. Barnabas Church - 01/02/2005

Costa Mesa, California

Declaration of 2005 as the "Year of the Youth" - 12/21/2004

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH Presides over the 20th Anniversary of St. Matthew Church - 11/21/2004

Torrance, California

20th Anniversary of St. Matthew Church Address, Torrance, CA - 11/20/2004

2004 Advent Message - 11/15/2004

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH's Episcopal Visit to St. John the Evangelist Church - 11/14/2004

Orinda, California

The Ordination of Subdeacon Nicholas (Najeeb) Adranly to the Holy Diaconate.

2004 Northern California Ladies Retreat Address, Danville, CA - 11/13/2004

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH Presides over the Annual Northern California Antiochian Women's Retreat - 11/13/2004

Danville, California

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH Celebrates the Patronal Feast of St. Raphael Church - 11/06/2004

Palm Springs, California

Banquet Honoring Father Hanna Sakkab's 50th Anniversary Address, San Diego, CA - 11/05/2004

Archpriest Hanna Sakkab's 50th Anniversary in the Holy Priesthood - 11/05/2004

San Diego, California

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH Presides over the Annual Diocesan Delegates Meeting - 10/24/2004

Fairfield, California

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH Celebrates the Patronal Feast of St. Luke Church - 10/17/2004

Garden Grove, California

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH's First Episcopal Visit to St. Nicholas Cathedral following his Enthronement - 10/10/2004

Los Angeles, California

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH Consecrates the New Church Building of St. Stephen Church - 10/03/2004

Campbell, California

The Ordination of Subdeacon Stephen Johnstone to the Holy Diaconate.

Dinner Honoring the Doctors of St. Nicholas Cathedral Address, Los Angeles, CA - 09/26/2004

His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH Enthroned as The First Bishop of the Diocese Los Angeles and the West - 09/14/2004

Los Angeles, California

Enthronement Banquet Address, Biltmore Hotel, Los Angeles, CA - 09/12/2004

Enthronement Address, St. Nicholas Cathedral, Los Angeles, CA - 09/12/2004


Subdeacon Anthony Rivera to the Holy Diaconate on Sunday, December 12, 2010 at Ss. Peter and Paul Church, Ben Lomond, California

The Priest Isidor Mayol is released to the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia effective August 10, 2011

Deacon Jon Fate to the Holy Priesthood on Sunday, October 17, 2010, at St. Luke Church, Garden Grove, California

The Archpriest Paul Jaroslaw is assigned as the Pastor of the Antiochian Mission in Ellensburg, Washington, effective June 1, 2011

Subdeacon Daniel Meyer to the Holy Diaconate on Sunday, June 20, 2010 at St. Andrew Church, Riverside, California

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